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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 15 of 36

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Green watery diarrhea again, stomach cramps and gurgling the past 2 days. Feeling nervous, weak & flushed.
ASmith2 11 months ago
Try Puls. 30C, 2 cup method, ½ tsp dose.
JustSayin2 11 months ago
Stomach improved after Puls. Im coughing up phlegm again and waking between 3 & 4 every night with bad congestion, coughing for about 30 minutes. Cough is rough but productive, clear phlegm. All other ENT symptoms are there but mild (headache between eyes, stuffy nose,ears sticky) ENT removed sticky wax blockage from left ear last week, said its likely a snow mold allergy. Wanted to give steroids and antihistamine.
ASmith2 10 months ago
Try Kali-c 30c, 2 cup method, ½ tsp dose.
JustSayin2 10 months ago
I just wanted to pop in and tell you that my digestion has improved greatly - not perfect but Ive been able to introduce many new foods with not much issue.

I still have throat sensations and coughing issues...Worse now in damp cool weather. Coughing on waking and sometimes at 3am. Throat near right tonsil often has the feeling of something stuck - dry like cotton and the glands behind my right jaw joint are hard like little dry beans.

After having my top left molars repaired I got a sore spot in the area where the dentist placed a wad of gauze, I didnt think much of it as I tend to react to many things. Over the last month it has spread to white webs throughout my gums and inner cheeks and it appears to be oral Lichen planus. It wasnt painful at first but now it feels like a mild burn making eating anything hotter than room temperature or mildly acidic - like tomato sauce to feel very uncomfortable.

Is there anything you can suggest could remedy this without affecting my digestion?

Thanks again.
ASmith2 9 months ago
Glad to hear some progress has been made all this time. What was the last remedy you took?
JustSayin2 9 months ago
Pulse 30 - I dont have Kali-c

One other detail I might add is that theres a deep vertical ridge in my right thumbnail - the nail is very slow growing (about 1/8 of the speed of my other nails) and grows out with a split. I always had small ridges in that nail but it got worse at about the time my mouth did.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-06-02 22:43:33]
ASmith2 9 months ago
Remedies that seem mostly indicated based on the above symptoms are Sil, Kali-bi and Kali-c, to a lesser extent Ant-c as well for your nails.
Try Silicea 6x cell salts ( 2 tabs * 2 times a day ) for now to see if it helps if you are wary of trying it in 30c.
JustSayin2 9 months ago
Only took 1 dose of Silcea cell salts then stopped because all sorts of things are changing. Stomach has been good for a month but suddenly had another bout of diarrhea and cramps followed by constipation and gas. Eyes started bothering me, left eye worse, feels like splinters and acid, sinuses are blocked especially at night & early morning, right ear is clogged and glands under right jaw swollen...Only thing has changed is a big shift in weather from cold rain every day to the first day where its been sunny and theres a lot of pollen.
ASmith2 9 months ago
Did the above symptoms start on the first day after taking the first dose or did they develop over the course of 6 days?

Did diarrhoea followed by constipation happened just one time or has been alternating ever since?

Is there a particular part of the left eye where splinter & acid sensations are present?
JustSayin2 9 months ago
I took the Silicea before bed and the next morning my stomach was bad, but I did have a soup the night before that may have caused it. Cramps and diarrhea lasted a few days so I went strict with my simple diet again then got constipated. I am now alternating between normal and constipated.

The inner corner is the worst in my eye but the lash line both top and bottom sting, sometimes there are tiny clear bubbles (less than 0.5mm) on the lash lines, I often see whitish yellow debris in the outer and inner corners of both eyes, it could be pollen as it dont form a crust like pus. In the mornings my eyes have dried salty tears in the inner corners.

Teeth are ultra-sensitive and so is my gums and inner cheeks.
ASmith2 9 months ago
If there is no change in your other symptoms then try a single dose of Hepa-Sulph 30c, 2 cup method, ½ tsp dose.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-06-11 07:33:25]
JustSayin2 9 months ago
Teeth and stomach have improved again, except my eye tooth is now having some pus at the gum line. Eye is still bothering me - appears Im forming a Pinguecula on the inner corner (my mother has one) feels as if theres an eyelash in the eye but nothing there, slightly blurry, stings and my eyeball appears slightly larger than the other - seems to get worse during menstruation.
ASmith2 8 months ago
Did the above shared symptoms develop after taking Hepa-Sulph?
Any updates on your other symptoms with ear, throat, sinus and swollen gland under right jaw?
If there is no improvement in your shared symptoms above, try a single dose of Puls 30c, 2 cup method, ½ tsp dose.
JustSayin2 8 months ago
Eye tooth pus and acne developed after hepar sulf - everything else improved (but not fully better) except for my eye.
ASmith2 8 months ago
Teeth started acting up again, all my jaw teeth, gums and jaw joint on the left side have been paining all day, feeling pressure/aching up to my temple and around my eye socket.
ASmith2 8 months ago
..after taking Puls?
Still having Eye tooth pus?
JustSayin2 8 months ago
I didnt take puls because there was some improvements with Hepar Sulf. Seems Im having those cycling symptoms again that I think must be related to seasonal allergies.

Still a small amount of pus in eye tooth and the gums are slightly inflamed, seems as if something is stuck under the gumline - this tooth has a deep gum pocket because it has root resorption from orthodontic movement many years ago.
ASmith2 8 months ago
If yesterdays rising pain has lessened and the only symptoms are a small amount of pus in the eye tooth and slightly inflamed gums with no subsequent improvement then try a single dose of Merc 30c, 2 cup method, ½ tsp dose.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-06-14 12:29:28]
JustSayin2 8 months ago
Havent taken anything yet because my symptoms are constantly changing. Eyes are okay today- except a mild discomfort on the lid as if a sty may be forming - but when I get this most times nothing forms. Having trouble today with coughing, especially after eating and the feeling of constantly having to clear my throat - almost choking on phlegm. Gums are still coated in sore white webs and thumb nail is still splitting. Teeth are okay pain wise but still a very small amount of debris/pus coming from upper left eye tooth. Itchy right ear, tonsil stones and sore throat on the right side. Right big toe is swollen along the outer nail bed. My right arm around the shoulder, armpit and on the upper muscle - as if theres something catching - has been paining for a while but has been getting increasingly worse. Acne has worsened to chin & cheek, also losing hair at temples. Feeling sore, irritable and tired.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-06-15 23:03:26]
ASmith2 8 months ago
Try a single dose of Belladonna 30c, 2 cup method, ½ tsp dose.
JustSayin2 8 months ago
Arm pain improved after taking belladonna, teeth pain improved, acne has improved, irritability and tiredness improved.

Still have small amount of pus in eye tooth, gland under right jaw still sore, right ear sticky and sometimes itchy. white webs still in mouth but more tolerable to pain.

Worst symptom now is coughing - especially after eating - uncontrollably coughing for about 5 minutes, feel like I will lose my breath. Also waking at night between 2am and 4:30am coughing for about 30 minutes, a cool glass of water and a raw apple seems to help me cough up phlegm. Clear thick phloem sometimes with perfectly round balls of gel. All seems to come from right sided bronchial tubes and throat.
ASmith2 8 months ago
Try single dose of Kali-c 30c, 2 cup method, ½ tsp dose.
This remedy always comes up based on your recent symptoms, especially the type of morning cough that is very specific to Kali-c, other symptoms also agree.
JustSayin2 8 months ago
This is a remedy I dont have and has been out of stock - Ill try to order it online.
ASmith2 8 months ago
The remedy is on the way but Im having eye issues quite badly again, feels like shards of glass in my eyes, feels dry but watery, bloodshot in inner corners of both eyes and on outer corner and underside of left eye. I also got bit by flies on the right cheek and forehead and theyre quite swollen - I always swell badly from black fly & mosquito bites.
ASmith2 8 months ago
Try single dose of Ledum 30c, 2 cup method, ½ tsp dose.
JustSayin2 8 months ago

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