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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 36 of 36

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Breathless only while walking, tired all morning.
Tenderness in low pelvis gone but all other symptoms remain.
ears became gluey on lying down left one stuck together have to pull earlobe to open canal.

Stomach making a lot of gurgling sounds as well.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2025-01-30 18:38:53]
ASmith2 last month
If there is no change in symptoms, try Graph 30c.
JustSayin2 last month
About 30 minutes after taking Graph 30 Im feeling hungry but weak, legs feel like jelly headache from top of skull down over eyes. Feeling a little woozy/lightheaded as if gently rocking when still. All other symptoms the same except not as nauseated - more that Im hungry but have no appetite for the bland foods.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2025-01-30 19:52:26]
ASmith2 last month
Update your symptoms again when you wake up.
The rocking sensation and the type of headache point to Ign, but the rest of the symptoms do not.
JustSayin2 last month
On waking:
Sinuses blocked - clearing on drinking cold water.
Ears congested.
Stomach making loud squeaking and bubbling noises, not much appetite, mildly nauseated, belching and passing some gas, feeling defeated on stomach issues.
Arm moderately pains.
Low back mildly aches.

The headache and weakness are gone, I did take a sublingual B12 and Iron yesterday evening in case it was anemia symptoms.
ASmith2 last month
Keep observing, nothing significant that might indicate a remedy.
Does the sight or smell of food makes you nauseated?
Just after Graph. you felt less nauseated, is the intensity same now or it has reduced further?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-31 11:01:47]
JustSayin2 last month
The sight and smell of the bland foods makes me more nauseated. I couldnt eat my regular breakfast of boiled chicken, lettuce and an applesauce, Im trying oatmeal and a blueberry smoothie this morning as oatmeal usually gives me heartburn but blueberries tends to take it away.

Nausea decreased after graph but increased again on waking.
ASmith2 last month
If the symptom (The sight and smell of the bland foods makes me more nauseated) persists then try Colchicum 30c.

Any improvement in this symptom - (ears became gluey on lying down left one stuck together have to pull earlobe to open canal) after Graph?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-01-31 11:56:39]
JustSayin2 last month
Ears are still congested but no longer sticking together.
ASmith2 last month
Nausea and stomach issues had improved greatly in the afternoon yesterday prior to the suggestion of Colchicum. ate lunch and supper without issues, just mild gas.

However, coughing came back, a bit different this time, bouts of violent coughing randomly and after eating, this time its productive with clear thick salty phlegm that takes much effort to dislodge.

Other symptoms:
Ears congested
Eyes irritated both as if mildly gritty
Capillaries on face quite visible, very blushed, especially on left cheek (not bothered by this at all, just noticed how red it was)
ASmith2 last month
If no change in symptoms, try Hepar Sulph 30c.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-02-01 13:55:54]
JustSayin2 last month
Didnt find much change in coughing after hepar sulph.

Still having bouts of violent coughing after breathing cold air, smoking and after eating, its productive with clear thick salty phlegm that takes much effort to dislodge.

Other symptoms:
Stomach has mild low gas and cramps
Ears congested
Visible small stone in tonsil
Right arm has moderate pain
low back has mild pain after walking in snow
Toes damp and cold even though I keep drying them.
ASmith2 last month
Did violent coughing after breathing cold air & smoking, came after hepar sulph? Since your last symptoms said coughing after eating.

This symptom is still present - (Capillaries on face quite visible, very blushed, especially on left cheek) ?

Your symptoms do point to Ferr.
JustSayin2 last month
My prior symptoms was random and after eating, It seems more now as if its specific to cold air, smoking and eating.

It was there before the Hepar Sulph, just couldnt pinpoint the randomness of it.

Capillaries are still there, not as red and sometimes before, but visibly blushed, mostly on left cheek.
ASmith2 last month
Looks more to be Ferrum, if no change in symptoms try Ferrum (Ferrum Metallicum) 30c.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2025-02-02 18:54:48]
JustSayin2 last month
Ive had no internet access in two days. The last remedy I took was Hepar Sulph.

Coughing subsided on its own, except my regular cough in the morning and random throat clearing.

Symptoms continued to change every few hours as usual.
Digestion was pretty good and so was appetite, had a few bouts of intense stomach cramps, quite a bit of passing gas as usual.

Right arm has been causing more pain because we have a lot of snow and Ive been using it more. Low back has been aching on and off as well.

I cant figure out what in my diet or atmosphere could be making my symptoms come and go so frequently.

Doctor wants to check for autoimmune issues/crohns/MS since my IgG IgE & RAST test were off, some hormones were off and I tested positive for rheumatism- Im not sure I want more tests as they rarely have any solutions.

I really am not sure what to do.

Thank you for all your help, it really is appreciated, Im not sure I (or anyone) can find a way to cure whatever this is.
ASmith2 last month

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