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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 25 of 36

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Ate some oatmeal with applesauce and stomach issues are back, gas, nauseated, pain in center of stomach, gas caught high in chest, belching.
ASmith2 4 months ago
Try Carb-v 30c, single drop of prepared remedy soln.
JustSayin2 4 months ago
Passed some gas after carbo veg but still have a feeling of a lump stuck in the middle of my chest. No appetite but hungry, nervous to eat because I dont know whats causing the issues. feeling a bit weak and have a general headache across brows, top of head and jaw joints. Menstruating as well.
ASmith2 4 months ago
Try China 30c, single drop of prepared remedy soln.
JustSayin2 4 months ago
Things have improved a bit, Im eating very bland (boiled chicken, blueberries, cooked carrots and organic blue corn flour wraps - just corn & water) but Im getting stitching gas in my chest around my heart every time I bend over or stoop down, I have to raise my left arm straight above my head to ease the pain.
ASmith2 4 months ago
Symptoms improved after taking China 30c or on its own?
Try 2 tabs of Nat-s 6x cell salts.
JustSayin2 4 months ago
They improved on their own, I was unable to find my China, Ive found it now if still needed.
ASmith2 4 months ago
Much improvement after Nat-s - seemed worse at first as a huge lump of gas worked its way up shortly after taking the remedy, after some stretching and a long walk it seems to have passed.
ASmith2 4 months ago
Glad to hear that.
JustSayin2 4 months ago
Im still having the feeling of a sprain at the base of my throat/neck, where my neck meets my right collarbone, more noticeable on looking up or movement of my tongue. Im coughing every morning with post nasal drip, sinuses are troublesome as usual and ears partially blocked and teeth are ultra-sensitive likely from grinding.
ASmith2 3 months ago
Try Nat-m 30c, single drop of prepared remedy soln.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
After taking Nat-M the sprain feeling improved, Im still coughing in the morning, both ears are blocked and are sticking together if I lay on them, clogged right bronchial tubes, both nostrils clogged and teeth are still ultra-sensitive. Body aches, specifically a nerve pain in left knee, right upper arm pains as if something is catching, sinus headache and right big toe is purple and mildly swollen, still a bit gassy. Weather has been cold rain and wind for weeks.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-11-15 10:58:17]
ASmith2 3 months ago
Try Kali-bi 30c , single drop of prepared remedy soln.
Try to provide daily updates if possible.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-11-15 15:47:29]
JustSayin2 3 months ago
I find my symptoms are always cycling, sometimes it takes a few days to see any improvement in a remedy. Ill update daily if it helps.
ASmith2 3 months ago
Any change in post-nasal drip with morning cough & teeth grinding at night after Nat-m ?
Dry/wet cough?
Any nasal discharge with clogged nostrils?
Do you still get an aggravation after taking a dose before feeling better a few days later?
JustSayin2 3 months ago
No improvement in post-nasal drip, coughing or teeth pain after nat-m. Cough starts off feeling unproductive, barking and with much effort I get up thick mucous.
Nostrils are red and swollen inside covered in a thick white mucous but dont run forward.
Im not noticing any specific aggravations.

I havent taken the Kali-bi yet - about to take it soon (waiting for a time to pass after eating & brushing teeth.

I now have the left eye symptoms of a thick clear gel in eye and a sticky irritations as well as the feeling of something stuck on right side of throat with pain at the base of my tongue on right side... Still take Kali-bi?
ASmith2 3 months ago
Yes, take Kali-bi 30c.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Since taking Cali-bi most symptoms have improved a bit but are still there, eyes are felling better my right upper arm pain is much worse, unable to lift anything, use a rake or shovel, pain seems to be in upper arm ligament that extends around arm and up to shoulder.
ASmith2 3 months ago
If the left knee nerve pain is still there with this right upper arm pain, try a single dose of Rhus-t 30c.

Did the pain start after taking the Nat-m, or was it due to exertion or the weather?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-11-16 19:28:35]
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Pain was there but mild, seemed to get worse after Nat-m but also the weather and activities do aggravate it so I cant say if it had to do with the Nat-m.

As of this evening arm pain is still an issue, knee pain subsided, all other symptoms are milder, eye did cause a bit of irritation again throughout the day, ears are itchy but not as clogged, teeth pain has increased with a mild infection around the eye tooth again and I have an increase in flatulence.
ASmith2 3 months ago
Rhus-t still looks indicated. Try it if not already taken.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Was out of town today and unable to take rhus-tox. Arm still pains, tailbone is now paining from sitting for the drive, as yesterday all other symptoms are there but milder, teeth pain also milder, still have increase flatulence, the feeling of something stuck in back of throat near right tonsil is back, headache is back and Im having issues with constantly clearing my throat because of the feeling of choking on saliva. Should I proceed with rhus-tox now that Im home?
ASmith2 3 months ago
Try it.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
After taking Rus-tox (on waking) all symptoms have some improvement, arm is still uncomfortable, eye is still irritated but has improved a bit, Headache is milder, feeling of something stuck in throat is milder, became constipated with very low cramps around the pubic region.
ASmith2 3 months ago
Headache in any specific location?
Cramps due to trapped gas or due to straining?
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Headache has eased off , not sure whats causing the cramps, but Im trying not to strain, right now the only two bad symptoms are my right arm (it gets worse when Im using it - even typing on the computer) and my left eye - feels very sticky and irritated and like theres air bubbles in my eye in the outer corner mainly thick clear gel on the white.
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-11-18 23:13:28]
ASmith2 3 months ago

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