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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 29 of 36

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Thank you, Trapped gas in chest moved lower after taking nat-s

Today wasnt too bad, tired with little appetite but was up at 4am outside recovering what was left to our greenhouse after huge wind/rain storm.

Lower back aches
Swelling along outer edge of nail on big toe is bag - makes toe feel as if stubbed
Random finger joints on both hands have mild ache
Upper arm had mild pain
Teeth are very sensitive to cold and theres an odd deep ache at the roots of upper right teeth
throat mildly sore on right side
both ears mildly clogged
Lots of flatulence
Eyes are a bit gritty but nothing too bad
Capillaries on face and neck still same
ASmith2 3 months ago
Try Belladonna 30c.
For flatulence, capillaries & random finger joints pain, try Calc-carb 30c. Take it at any appropriate time of your likening. It is skipped every time because other remedies take precedence over it covering different set of symptoms.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-12-07 04:52:02]
JustSayin2 3 months ago
I havent taken the belladonna or the calc carb yet because I took an arnica yesterday after striking my knee.

Today is much the same with a few slight differences.

Biggest complaint are my teeth - Upper molars (especially left) are extremely sensitive to cold and hot or any temperature change, nerve pain and as if teeth with fracture.

Lower back aches mildly
Swelling along outer edge of nail on big toe has improved.
Random finger joints on both hands have have improved
Upper arm has mild pain when lifting
Throat is okay
Both ears mildly clogged
Still lots of flatulence
Eyes are okay
Capillaries on face and neck still same
ASmith2 3 months ago
Went for a brisk walk this afternoon and feeling lightheaded (like when you stand up too fast) while walking. Feeling a bit short of breath as well. This has been happening on and off for a few weeks.
ASmith2 3 months ago
JustSayin2 3 months ago
Oh I wanted to add that theres a sensation of pressure about an inch deep between my eyebrows, (my husband who rarely has anything wrong says he has a similar sensation - his description is he feels as if hes drugged) I feel like I want to tap or rub the area and also, Ive been having random twitching in my right eye, arm and glute.
ASmith2 3 months ago
If there is no change in your symptoms, try Calc 30c. For your husband, try Bry 30c.
JustSayin2 3 months ago
After taking calc 30 I had a bout of diarrhea and have some random stomach cramps, went for a brisk 15 minute walk and feeling more normal not sensation in head, breathing better. Teeth are not as bad, was able to eat hot with only slight pain.
ASmith2 3 months ago
Calc also helped with the twitching?
Any change in the capillaries on the face and neck?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-12-11 06:57:21]
JustSayin2 2 months ago
Twitching has stopped, capillaries appear the same.

Felt pretty good yesterday, most symptoms were mild but am finding issues again this morning.

On waking:

Left ear (side I was sleeping on) is stuck together, pulling on lobe opens it a bit. Both ears feel clogged.
Coughing up phlegm
Stuffy nose
Mild sinus headache
Pain in back of left leg below calf muscle sown to heel.
Right big toe aches shin on knuckle is purple and dry
Itchy armpits again (started yesterday)
Teeth paining especially with temperature change (returned yesterday afternoon.
ASmith2 2 months ago
If there is no change in symptoms, try Carb-v 30c.
JustSayin2 2 months ago
Foul flatulence is back (very often), been having some stomach cramps today as well in right side. Food coming back up in chest. Worst symptom is upper left molars. Paining all the time (these are the ones that had deep fillings a few months ago. Pain on cold air entering mouth, pain on any temperature change, headache from teeth to temple.

I also noticed today that after breaking wind it leaves a metallic smell on my clothes.

The symptoms from this morning have eased off but not completely gone.

Proceed with Carbo veg?
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-12-12 01:37:03]
ASmith2 2 months ago
On waking:

Coughed up quite a bit of phlegm
Both ears clogged left one stuck together
No appetite, fowl smelling gas and stomach cramps
All other symptoms mild
ASmith2 2 months ago
You can try Puls 30c, expect late responses for a week.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-12-12 13:36:10]
JustSayin2 2 months ago
No problem and thank you so much for all the effort youre putting in to trying to resolve my multiple issues. Its greatly appreciated. I get frustrated often times, not even so much for myself but for feeling as if Im a bother. Please know that youre time is very much appreciated.
ASmith2 2 months ago
Had cramps and diarrhea yesterday, nauseated, no appetite. Lots of foul gas.

Took Puls before bed

On waking:
Cant really tell yet what digestion is like but I am hungry.
Left ear completely blocked and stuck together, right ear feels congested too.
Coughing up small balls of phlegm, passed after getting up and moving around
Upper teeth and gums pain, there was throbbing around my top left eye tooth last night - throbbing seems to have subsided.
Must be grinding teeth as the skin inside my cheeks is damaged and sore.
Itchy armpits
Right toe is not as bad but still bothersome
Pain in back of left leg below calf muscle down to heel not as bad
Eyes are not as bad but still gritty
ASmith2 2 months ago
If your symptoms do not improve, try Belladonna 30c. Also try Kali-m 6x 2 tabs for 2 times / day.
Thank you for your kind and generous comments.
JustSayin2 2 months ago
Digestion is worst symptom right now, I kept it very simple today - breakfast was boiled chicken salad with iceberg lettuce and blueberries on an organic waffle, lunch was chicken tenders and sprouted oat granola and tonight was roasted chicken, carrots & spinach with 1 bite of cauliflower and still my stomach is gurgling loud noises, crampy and very gassy. Food was coming back up in my throat while eating. No diarrhea today.

All other symptoms are mild.
ASmith2 2 months ago
If there is no change in symptoms, try Phos 30c.
JustSayin2 2 months ago
Havent had a chance to take phos yet.
Symptoms are changed but still having digestive issues. Hungry and have an appetite but nauseated after eating and feeling as if food is stuck in lower left side. Stool is normal today. Still have foul gas, Food and water backs up in throat when eating as if on a bubble of air.

Other symptoms:
Both big toe joints pain at the ball of foot, right big toe also has purple knuckle and mild swelling on outer edge of nail.
Joints are generally achy all over.
cold fingers, toes and nose.
Feeling irritated and mildly depressed.

Proceed with Phos?
ASmith2 2 months ago
Yes, try Phos 30c.
JustSayin2 2 months ago
Right upper arm pain woke me up early.

Took Phos

Stomach still nauseated, gurgling in lower left side, feeling hungry but have no interest in any particular food, feeling nauseated by the thought of bland foods. Have gas both belching and flatulence but not foul.

Other symptoms:
Right upper arm pain below shoulder by muscle like something pulling.
Both big toe joints pain at the ball of foot but milder than yesterday, right big toe also has purple knuckle and mild swelling on outer edge of nail.
Joints are generally achy all over.
Cold fingers, toes and nose.
Still feeling irritated by the lightest thing.
ASmith2 2 months ago
Also nausea from the smell or sight of food?
JustSayin2 2 months ago
I have an appetite for things my stomach cant tolerate like bread, spices, cheese, sweets, fruits but the things Im regularly eating the smell and thought is causing nausea like chicken, boiled carrots, applesauce, spincah.
ASmith2 2 months ago
If there is no change in symptoms, try Colchicum 30c.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-12-16 16:28:14]
JustSayin2 2 months ago
I cooked and ate some pastured beef and my stomach has seemed to have settled - odd thing is that for many years I had trouble digesting beef it would constipate me and make me feel logy. Now beef seems to settle my stomach.

However, shortly after my left eye became irritated again, thick gel on outer corner extending to upper eyeball. feels as if theres grit in my eye.

Not as irritated feeling now
all other symptoms are mild.
ASmith2 2 months ago

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