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For JustSayin2 - Continuation of stomach and sinus issues Page 20 of 36
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Oh I also woke with a burning in my gums behind my upper left eye tooth, perhaps I scraped it when eating.
ASmith2 6 months ago
If there is no change in symptoms, try Thuja 30c.
JustSayin2 6 months ago
Eye seemed to get a bit worse mid day after being exposed to heavy equipment diesel fumes for a few hours but improved again. Burning gums subsided. Pain came on in my left hip and behind my left knee, all other symptoms are mild. Do I take Thuja?
ASmith2 6 months ago
Eye is still okay, mildly irritated - pain behind upper left canine is back, theres a small swelling there as if theres a burn but no visible pus. Pain in hip and behind knee was intense but disappeared. Some stones in my right tonsil are mildly irritating, right ear a bit congested and I have heartburn.
ASmith2 5 months ago
If there is no change in symptoms, try Arsenicum Alb 30c.
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Symptoms are always changing/cycling. On waking mild cough, sinuses blocked, since cleared after standing up for a bit, right ear is still clogged, eye okay but feels sticky, gas improved, pain behind canine gone, tonsil improved and stone dislodged last night. Mild headache, Body aches all over (did extra physical labor yesterday).
ASmith2 5 months ago
JustSayin2 5 months ago
When I took the arnica last time I was in a rush because I crushed my finger - I took it dry and didnt seem to have any aggravations - should I do dry or wet dose? Feeling of something stuck in right side of throat and right ear clogged , swollen gland under right jaw is back. Eye feels okay but looks bloodshot.
ASmith2 5 months ago
If your symptoms are still the same then try Belladonna 30c, if the body aches are still bothering you then follow with a dose of Arnica 30c, dry after a gap of 30 minutes or more.
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Within 10 mins of taking Belladonna my eye feels worse in the outer corner like something is in it, and Im feeling a bit lightheaded.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Wasnt much change after taking Belladonna.
Coughing on waking clearing phlegm from right bronchial tubes/throat, sinuses blocked, right ear blocked with clicking & itching, right gland swollen, felling of something stuck at base of tongue/tonsil on right side, mild headache, eye okay again but feels a bit sticky and looks a bit bloodshot, general body aches.
Coughing on waking clearing phlegm from right bronchial tubes/throat, sinuses blocked, right ear blocked with clicking & itching, right gland swollen, felling of something stuck at base of tongue/tonsil on right side, mild headache, eye okay again but feels a bit sticky and looks a bit bloodshot, general body aches.
ASmith2 5 months ago
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Coughing subsided on getting up and moving around ear still clickes a bit but improved, still have the feeling of something stuck in throat, headache gone, eye is the same - still take Kali-bi?
ASmith2 5 months ago
No need for Kali-bi for now, if you have body aches then take Arnica, otherwise not needed.
Continue to observe for now.
Continue to observe for now.
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Not much change today, throat feeling is not as intense. Pain behind eye tooth came back, feels as if burned and if I rub it with my tongue I feel pressure in the tooth but nothing visible, no visible pus but feels swollen.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Most of my teeth on the upper left side are paining, sensitivity to hot & cold and as if cavities are in all teeth.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Try Nat-m 30c for dental symptoms.
What about body aches, blocked right ear?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-09-12 19:39:09]
What about body aches, blocked right ear?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-09-12 19:39:09]
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Ear is blocking up worse now, was exposed to neighbors heavily scented laundry, right side of throat is sore tongue is very sore on right side extending into throat and ear, small ulcer forming. Body aches improved but still there.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Now wheezing a bit sinuses blocked coughing up some phlegm. Right ear feels hot and glad is swollen along with all the above symptoms.
ASmith2 5 months ago
There is a visible swelling on the roof of my mouth behind the eye tooth, looks like a burn but I dont recall burning it. no fluids visible just puffy gums.
ASmith2 5 months ago
Try Calc-carb 30c.
JustSayin2 5 months ago
I was out of town for the day - once again most symptoms subsided when away from pollution, I was harvesting blackberries so my body was aching - I took an arnica and it helped but strangely my eye started bothering me again within 15 minutes of taking Arnica, while the last time I took it my eye improved. Upon arriving home my eye is worse, but not as bad as before, feels as if something is dry under upper lid but slightly bloodshot on lower outer white. Ears are clogged again, especially the right one with the right gland under jaw swollen and tenderness in jaw - maybe from constantly trying to crack my ear by yawning and opening my mouth, feeling of something stuck in throat returned but not as bad as before, teeth pain relatively mild and swelling behind eye tooth improved. Oh and I developed a pain in the wall of my chest early this morning that makes my upper ribs ache when taking a deep breath - Arnica didnt help. Should I still take calc-carb?
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-09-13 22:51:17]
[Edited by ASmith2 on 2024-09-13 22:51:17]
ASmith2 5 months ago
Take Lyc 30c even if the symptoms change a little.
Arnica is indicated for bloodshot eyes, so if you only take it for bodyaches it will create bloodshot eyes as your have the similar recurring problem there, this I suspected last time too after you took it for your finger injury.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-09-14 06:34:39]
Arnica is indicated for bloodshot eyes, so if you only take it for bodyaches it will create bloodshot eyes as your have the similar recurring problem there, this I suspected last time too after you took it for your finger injury.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-09-14 06:34:39]
JustSayin2 5 months ago
Thank you, withing a few minutes of taking lyc, eye seems to be improving but pain in roof of mouth behind eye tooth came back. Ribs aching were already improved on waking before taking lyc.
ASmith2 5 months ago
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