Homeopathic Remedies Homeopathy ForumForum archive - E

Homeopathy Forum Archive: excessive

Below are posts from our forum containing the phrase excessive. Some are current, others are old, but may still be useful.

330 topics displayed.

Remedies discussed in multiple threads for excessive:
Aconitum Napellus2
Aesculus Glabra2
Agnus Castus7
Aloe vera2
Argentum Metallicum3
Argentum Nitricum2
Arnica Montana6
Arsenicum Album6
Aurum Metallicum5
Avena Sativa2
Baryta Carbonica3
Bufo Rana7
Caladium Seguinum6
Calcarea Carbonica15
Calcarea Fluorata3
Calcarea Hypophosphorosa2
Calcarea Phosphorica5
Cannabis Sativa2
Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis5
Digitalis Purpurea2
Ferrum Metallicum3
Ferrum Phosphoricum4
Gaster galli2
Gelsemium Sempervirens3
Gummi Ammoniacum4
Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum4
Histaminum muriaticum2
Hydrastis Canadensis2
Hydrofluoricum Acidum3
Hyoscyamus Niger2
Jaborandi (Pilocarpus)4
Kali Bichromicum2
Kali Muriaticum7
Kali Phosphoricum9
Lilium Tigrinum2
Lycopodium Clavatum10
Magnesia Phosphorica2
Mercurius Solubilis4
Mercurius Vivus7
Naja Tripudia2
Natrum Muriaticum23
Natrum Phosphoricum7
Natrum Sulphuricum2
Nitricum Acidum2
Nux Vomica18
Phosphoricum Acidum9
Platinum Metallicum2
Plumbum Metallicum2
Pulsatilla Nigricans7
Rhus Tox2
Ruta Graveolens2
Salix Nigra3
Sambucus Nigra2
Thuja Occidentalis13
Uranium Nitricum2
Ustilago Maydis3
Veratrum Album2
Zincum Metallicum2

Spermatorrhea, Prosmatorrhea and excessive Night fall problem 2

Respected Doctors: I am male. My age is 21 am from Pakistan. I have problem of spermatorrhea from last 4 years and facing these symptoms of spermatorrhea...
Started by Haris_Sohail. Last post: 2017-09-10

Bufo Rana - Son Excessive Masterbation 34

My son is 17 and continues to excessivly masterbate which I think is not good for him. A freind son had the same problem and he told me to get bufo Rana to help stop this. Is thi...
Remedies: Bufo Rana, Cantharis, Phosphorus, Ustilago Maydis, Staphysagria, Caladium Seguinum, Coca, Belladonna, Agnus Castus, Cocculus Indicus, Natrum Muriaticum, Secale Cornutum, Tarentula Hispanica, Hydrofluoricum Acidum, Lyssin (Hydrophobinum), Moschus, Uranium Nitricum, Absinthium, Alumen, Argentum Nitricum, Beryllium Carbonicum, Cannabis Sativa, Curcuma longa, Drosera Rotundifolia, Graphites, Histaminum, Kali Phosphoricum, Kola, Selenium, Silicea, Sticta Pulmonaria, Succinum Acidum, Syphilinum (Luesinum), Kali Bichromicum, Nux Vomica, Veratrum Album, Raphanus, Kali Muriaticum, Asterias Rubens, Kali (hyper -) Manganicum, Lilium Tigrinum, Muscarin, Psorinum, Quassia Amara, Urtica Urens
Started by Gugan. Last post: 2019-09-19

Excessive precum 5

problem: precum age: 25 I'VE Excessive precum problem since last two months. even if i get a small erection the precum leaks. which makes me too much uncomfortable in public....
Started by 1996. Last post: 2022-11-26

Excessive masturbation and Hairloss.. 2

I am 30 years old male addicted to excessive masturbation...now facing huge Hairloss and hair becoming white...skin also becoming dark especially facial skin as if looking like 40 ...
Started by dipak4. Last post: 2021-08-13

Excessive precum 3

Hello.!Not long ago,i was diagonosed with the problem of excessive precum by a doctor.I am a  young male of the age 20.I am trying to treat it now.I was referred to use Nux vomica ...
Started by Etharfiew. Last post: 2018-02-26

Excessive hair fall 3

Sir , I have issue of excessive hair fall, experience it first time when I was studying in other city, almost 10-12 years ago, after that I do hair PRP multiple sessions, I use hom...
Started by Aakas khan. Last post: 2025-03-11

Remedy for cat? Excessive suckling 10

I need support for my cats. One has been found as an orphan when she was maybe 3 weeks old. We bottle fed her and she is around 4 months now, but she has a habit of excessively su...
Remedies: Borax, Thuja Occidentalis, Belladonna, Phosphoricum Acidum, Ignatia Amara
Started by wannabehealthy. Last post: 2024-12-07

Excessive Sweating from Plam and Feet 8

Hi , Iam suffering with Excessive Sweating from Palm and Feet form childhood and iam very neverse for an interviews or meetings or to talk in public and i have BP + Diabetic + Cho...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Nux Vomica, Sulphur, Silicea, Natrum Muriaticum
Started by Bala3. Last post: 2024-08-25

Excessive heat during sleep 7

Im a 68 yr old man in good health who heats up during sleep. I fall asleep easily, but have to move away from hot spots during the night. Any suggestions for a remedy? Thanks....
Remedies: Sulphur, Natrum Phosphoricum, Lachesis
Started by Radio Nic. Last post: 2024-05-23

Excessive armpit sweat 1

Is there anything for armpit sweat? No matter the temperature I always sweat under the armpits and no where else. It does smell if I dont wear deodorant. Ive had this since puberty...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Silicea, Natrum Muriaticum
Started by Namreh14. Last post: 2024-05-21

Excessive sweating on all over scalp/face and trunk. 90

I am suffering from excessive sweating(on head and trunk mostly) and this problem is since my childhood and I am 46 years old now and my oversweating not out of any medical conditi...
Remedies: Phosphorus, Kali Phosphoricum, Nux Vomica, Silicea, Sulphur, Calcarea Carbonica, Mercurius Solubilis, Mercurius Vivus, Natrum Muriaticum, Calcarea Phosphorica, Calcarea Fluorata, Magnesia Phosphorica, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Dr Reckeweg R32, Jaborandi (Pilocarpus)
Started by anand0913new. Last post: 2024-03-26

Suffering from bad effects of excessive masturbation causes nervous weakness, nervous exhaustion and loss of appetite. 9

Dear Sir, I am 45+ years old bachelor. I masturbate from the age of 15. Due to excessive masturbation, I feel nervous weakness, nervous exhaustion, fatigue, palpitations, sleeples...
Remedies: Salix Nigra, Alfalfa, Lycopodium Clavatum
Started by sub. Last post: 2024-01-24

Excessive urination 12

i am 37 year old female suffering from excessive urination day and night and scanty periods for last 6 months....
Remedies: Pulsatilla
Started by Ainguirdow. Last post: 2023-11-19

Problem of excessive nightfall and body weekness 3

Doctors: i am ahmad, 24 year of age ,weigh 55, height5,7' unmarried and i m suffering from nightfall by last 4 years.i m suffering night discharge 4 to 5 times in a week and so...
Started by jewan. Last post: 2022-07-01

Excessive nightfall/nocturnal emissions 2

Hii Doctor I am Pankaj,Age-21 yrs.,Weight-52kg,Height-5.8 ft.I am stuffering badly from excessive nightfall problem since 4 years.I used to have nightfall problem 12-15 times in a ...
Started by Jeachioj. Last post: 2022-06-26

Excessive sweating 1

It's been two weeks after taking silicea 200 for hyperhidrosis . I have been excessively sweating from underarm with bad odour but after taking silicea my odour is lessening a...
Started by Ayan1. Last post: 2022-03-22

8month old- Excessive burping and Eczema(severe) started around 4th month 38

Hi, Seeking expert advise as am not able to see my baby suffering. My baby is 8months old and on mixed feeding from age 4months. He was a happy baby who just feeds and then sleeps ...
Remedies: Ferrum Phosphoricum, Kali Muriaticum, Nux Vomica, Apis Mellifica, Cortisone, Calcarea Phosphorica, Silicea, Natrum Muriaticum, Taraxacum, Hydrocotyle Asiatica, Thuja Occidentalis, Chamomilla, Ruta Graveolens, Iris Versicolor, Lappa Major (Arctium), Aloe Socotrina, Sulphur, Graphites
Started by Rbanoor0616. Last post: 2021-09-07

Excessive masturbation and Hairloss.. 14

I am 30 years old male .. addicted to masturbation...now I am suffering from Hairloss , hair is becoming white my facial skin also becoming dark ...I am becoming like 45 years old ...
Remedies: Ustilago Maydis, Chelidonium Majus, Arsenicum Album
Started by dipak4. Last post: 2021-08-26

3-year toddler with excessive clear mucus 8

Hello, My daughter has just turned 3, she is still breastfeeding (and while she breastfeeds a lot, it doesn't disrupt her eating, and she eats very healthy foods). Her father...
Remedies: Sulphur, Tuberculinum
Started by Onea. Last post: 2021-06-30

Excessive smell / odour from body sweat 2

i am 33 year old female. i tend to sweat a lot. but teh problem is the body odour / smell due to the sweat...
Remedies: Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Psorinum, Silicea, Rheum
Started by rmkapoor. Last post: 2020-09-19

Excessive night fall and watery semen 10

I am 24 years old with 6 feet height and 59 kg weight. I am suffering from night fall problem from last 3 years and semen is watery health condition is not good. I get night fall e...
Remedies: Conium Maculatum, Selenium, Nux Vomica, Cantharis, Caladium Seguinum
Started by Ahmad11. Last post: 2020-09-12

Daughter suffering from excessive sneezing. 5

Hello, My 6 year old daughter is suffering from excessive sneezing from the last few months. Following are the symptoms: 1) Sneezing 5 to 10 times after getting up in the morning a...
Remedies: Nux Vomica, Sulphur, Silicea, Natrum Muriaticum, Phosphorus, Sabadilla
Started by rahulsinghcse. Last post: 2020-08-17

Excessive Flatulence & Urinating Feeling Issue 3

I am 48 years old and would like to seek request/advice remedy for my two issues 1- Lot of gas in stomach lately and have excessive flatulence.BTW I am very fond of lentil and ha...
Started by RashidMunzur. Last post: 2020-01-15

Excessive eye blinking for 9 years old 1

Dr, please help me with this ongoing issue with my 9 Years old.Forvthe past 1 week she has started again with excessive eye blinking. She got it once when she was 5 years old and ...
Started by Smishra. Last post: 2019-12-17

Excessive Masturbation 8

Dear Sir, I am 39 years old male I am married since 12 years and have 3 children but i have a very bad habit of masturbation almost daily or with 1 day gap and i am tired of it i t...
Started by Raz1. Last post: 2019-11-18

Excessive Hairfall Issue 5

For last 10 years I am suffering from hairfall problem. The problem usually starts in winter (sometimes in monsoon like this year) and cure itself by the start of summer. In past ...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by mayankgates. Last post: 2019-08-10

Excessive masturbation treatment 6

Hello Doctor Due to excessive masturbation. Dead erection Weakness Lower backpain Watery discharge after loo Hair loss Dark circle in eyes Really I need help Thanks[Edited by Ma...
Remedies: Avena Sativa
Started by Mannu1. Last post: 2019-07-19

Excessive masturbation 1

Hello to everyone. Drs plz help me i am 34 yrs of age suffering from incomplete erection and early discharge sometimes i loose my erection while entering into her..and discharge in...
Started by mukaram. Last post: 2019-06-30

Dr. Kadwa pl help Excessive Precum and softness in erection 2

I am 37 male suffering from excessive precum issue since I was 18. I am married male. My erection is very good but as soon as precum oozes my erection softness. Please prescribe me...
Started by vps512. Last post: 2018-12-18

Excessive Mast, P*** adict, low libido very weak health 8

uyuyuyuyuy[Edited by Roing on 2019-06-11 15:02:47]...
Started by Roing. Last post: 2018-12-03

Excessive hairloss 1

previously 4 yrs back i was on phophorus and it stopped my hairfall. then my doc continued the medicine fir 2 yrs and then changed. but now when he has again prescribed phosphorus ...
Remedies: Phosphorus
Started by saranaaz. Last post: 2018-12-03

Sugar causing excessive sexual desire 30

fdg[Edited by nikhil003 on 2019-05-29 14:55:35]...
Remedies: Natrum Phosphoricum, Staphysagria
Started by nikhil003. Last post: 2018-08-21

Excessive masturbation since 12 year old now i am 21 17

i had very bad history about my past masturbating since 10 year old, was so healthy at my childhood from puberty i started retarded my self i realized it when i was at 18 facing se...
Remedies: Aurum Metallicum, Bioplasma
Started by igna. Last post: 2018-08-09

Excessive Coughing 1

My daughter has had excessive coughing for a couple of weeks. She has swollen tonsils and a blocked nose. I have tried some remedies. I tried Phos 30 at first. It thought the P...
Started by malica98. Last post: 2018-06-17

Excessive sweating due to heat 8

Hi, My father who's age is 65 years, has problem of sweating severely during summer season if he is not in a air conditioned place even while indoors. If he is outside in sun...
Remedies: Natrum Muriaticum, Sulphur
Started by Hari3. Last post: 2018-05-30

Excessive sweating in palms and feets (hyperhidrosis) 5

I have been suffering from execessive sweating from palm and feet since childhood and now i m 26 year old.i dont able to shake hands niether hold anything which is really very emba...
Started by Monika3. Last post: 2018-05-29

Excessive sweat 1

i sweat to much that my cloth getting wet..is theres any remedy for excessive sweat..??I'm male 23...
Remedies: Natrum Muriaticum, Sulphur, Psorinum
Started by aryan_chatz1. Last post: 2018-04-30

Bipolar mania with excessive masterbrate 1

I have bipolar mania,with excessive sextual desire,presently I have take aurum met,also I have very high master brate, I just want to know may I take salix nigra mother *3 times a ...
Started by Rahul m. Last post: 2018-04-30

Excessive masturbation 1

Doctor I'm fahim I'm 22 years old, I have this big bad habit from past 7 years I'm trying to control it but i can't I'm face some big sexual problems a...
Started by Fahim hosssain 911. Last post: 2018-04-20

Nymphomania or excessive masturbation 5

i'm doing excessive maturbation in per 4-5 days..is it nymphomaniac..and if its then whats the cure[Edited by aryan_chatz1 on 2018-04-15 19:05:52]...
Started by aryan_chatz1. Last post: 2018-04-17

Excessive Sweating 6

Male 1,82cm 64kg 23yo Hello, everyone. I'm here because I have hyperhidrosis and I would like an homeopathic remedy for it, for I heard it can be effective. My hyperhidrosis...
Started by BFD88. Last post: 2018-04-12

Excessive urination at night 25

I am 75 yrs old male, diabetic with mild hypertension. I am suffering from chronic ailments since 2006 . In March 2006 I had severe reaction from an allopathic medicine named offli...
Remedies: Aesculus Glabra, Arsenicum Album
Started by kks. Last post: 2018-03-16

Excessive sweat on groin, psoriasis 1

Hi doctors would someone help me? I have exessive sweat on groin and psoriasis. is it indication of petroleum? e do get notious on boats. now my psoriasis is quiet, it is been too...
Remedies: Tabacum
Started by abcjoana. Last post: 2018-03-12

Excessive masterbation since childhood. 3

Hi respectable doctors. I have been doing masterbation since childhood from age of 10 years. My present age is 35 and I am not married. Almost every other day I am doing masterba...
Started by brave. Last post: 2018-03-01

Suffering from effects of excessive masturbation 29

Dear Doctor, I am a boy of 25 year age and I am suffering from effects of over masturbation. After reading a post (http://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/208315/), I follow the presc...
Remedies: Lycopodium Clavatum, Anatherum Muricatum, Caladium Seguinum, Agnus Castus, Bufo Rana, Hyoscyamus Niger, Nux Vomica, Origanum Majorana, Platinum Metallicum, Staphysagria, Thuja Occidentalis, Phosphoricum Acidum, Ustilago Maydis, Cina, Aurum Metallicum
Started by amit90. Last post: 2018-02-22

Excessive female hair growth 1

Is there a remedy that can stop or slow this. Facial and abdomen. It started approximately 2 years ago and is greatly affecting my quality of life...
Started by shep. Last post: 2018-01-22

Excessive sweating 1

Dr. Kadwa sir, may it be the symptoms of sjogrens syndrome ? Dry eyes, dry lips, weak joints, excessive sweating, hair fall, grey hair, tooth decay Please see the link below for d...
Started by kalyan24. Last post: 2018-01-19

Erectile dysfunction due to excessive masterbation and marijuana smoking 5

Hi doctor please help me Age 35 Hight 5.6 Weight 55 kg Married Cigarettes smoker I had 12 years habits of masterbation and 3 year habits of marijuana smoking. I god married in 201...
Remedies: Tabacum
Started by Raz. Last post: 2018-01-19

Excessive sleepiness. Attn : Kadwa 10

Good afternoon: I have been feeling good physically and had no tiredness for 8months. In the last week of September I got a head cold, with fever, and sinus issues but no infected...
Remedies: Phosphorus, Phosphoricum Acidum, Alumina
Started by Fatigued. Last post: 2018-01-18

Excessive sweating 65

hi, doctor i m 32 years old. i m facing this problem last 10 years. sweating too much wheather its hot or cold. only head and face sweats heavily. other parts of the body sweats n...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, TSH, Iodium
Started by kalyan24. Last post: 2018-01-16

Suffering from bad effects of excessive masturbation - Dr. Kadwa, please help me. 8

Sir, I have been masturbating from the age of 15 years. I am now 45 years old. I am bachelor and vegetarian. My height is 5 ft 7 inch and weight is 50 kg at present. My weight has...
Remedies: Medorrhinum
Started by sub. Last post: 2018-01-13

Hairfall dur to excessive mastrubation(stage 1) 10

hello doctor, i am 25 and i am experiencing hairfall and U-shape baldness. i mastrubate 3-4 times a week. can we recover them? i also workout 5 days a week. can you sug...
Remedies: Arnica Montana
Started by sourav2. Last post: 2018-01-03

Excessive pre cum 1

Dear doctor I have been suffering from excessive precum for almost 10 to 15 years. Tried different medicines but futile pls prescribe some medicines to cure it fully...
Started by bali. Last post: 2017-12-28

Not getting Erection after excessive masturbation for 3 yrs 1

26 Male was doing masturbation now for 2-3 yrs around 2-3 times each day (don't know it will deplete my health) Height - 178 cms weight 95 kg(obese) Side effects now- 1.Pen...
Started by sameergupta1. Last post: 2017-12-23

Excessive hair loss 2

Hi my name is Geetha Jayanthi I am 23 years old. from past 1 year my hair is falling excessively.I haven't took any care then. Recently on the advice from my homeopathy doctor...
Started by Jaya2. Last post: 2017-11-24

To Dr. Mohla - Excessive night pollution caused by masturbation 8

I am a 19 years old male from India. I am well built and I look healthy. But I'm suffering from spermatorrhea (or whatever it's called) from 2-3 years but nowadays it...
Remedies: Phosphorus, Natrum Muriaticum, Natrum Phosphoricum
Started by raj18. Last post: 2017-11-22

Excessive nightfall problem 8

Sir, I am 26. I am not marriage.I feel fear to get marriage. I have got a excessive nightfall problem since I am 13 .I don't do musterbution.I have to study a lot. Nightfall o...
Started by Harun2. Last post: 2017-11-17

Excessive precum and night fall problem 6

Gender: Male Age: 21 Body Type: average Height: 5.9 Weight: 75 Respected doctor: I have an excessive precum and night fall problem started in 16 Age then I started masturbation ...
Remedies: Aurum Metallicum
Started by hariskhan. Last post: 2017-11-14

Excessive Gas formation in stomach 1

Age 25years problem For the past 1 month I am suffering from excessive gas formation in stomach followed by 35-40 burping a day and 10-12 flatulence with loud sound bloating of sto...
Started by Ordoirt. Last post: 2017-11-11

Suffering from bad effects of excessive masturbation 10

Sir, I have been masturbating from the age of 15 years. I am now 45 years old. I am bachelor and vegetarian. My height is 5 ft 7 inch and weight is 50 kg at present. My weight has...
Remedies: Salix Nigra, Hydrastis Canadensis, Aloe vera
Started by sub. Last post: 2017-11-07

Excessive masturbation 1

Hi Sir, I am a 24 year old international student in uk, i have been masturbating from age of 12. At present there is not a single day i haven't masturbated . i cant really s...
Started by escaped. Last post: 2017-10-31

Suffering from excessive emission and nightfall... plzz help 1

Sir I am a 17 year of boy from uttar Pradesh. Nearly 48 kg of weight.. I was addicted in masturbation since childhood when I don't even know what the masturbation is... I just...
Started by Ienkiej. Last post: 2017-10-21

Excessive mastrubation made my penis shrunk,testicles hanging 2

NEED SOME URGENT HELP about shrunken permission Hi,i am 30yr old guy,i am mastrubating from last 15yrs,i don't use my hands to mastrubate,rather I rub my penis to bed and sta...
Remedies: Agnus Castus
Started by heavy_load. Last post: 2017-10-16

Chronic Psoriasis with excessive sweating 7

I am a 29 year-old female. 1. I've had psoriasis for the past 17-18 years with periods of flare up and then few years of complete resolution. - Original Onset → The f...
Remedies: Arum Triphyllum, Arum Italicum, Natrum Carbonicum
Started by lhesabi. Last post: 2017-10-06

Excessive unwanted hair on body 2

Hi,i am a female 26 years old.i have facial hair which are visible on the chin and even on the sides which i usually hide with bleaching while those on the chins i usually wax.I ha...
Remedies: TSH
Started by skin_queries. Last post: 2017-10-06

Excessive body and facial hair 6

I'm a 21 year old girl suffering from PCOD. I took ginette-35 for 6 months and neefil fort for approx 2 months. There has been no improvement in my condition. periods are irre...
Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis
Started by cutequeen. Last post: 2017-10-06

Excessive burping/belching and burning sensation 1

I am suffering from excessive burping and slight burning sensation in chest(slightly left side) and sometimes in stomach. The burping is severe after dinner while walking. The b...
Started by diwmon. Last post: 2017-10-02

Sexual problems due to excessive masturbation 5

sir my name is farhan.iam 24 years old.due to excessive masturbation,iam suffering from errectile dysfunction,urinary leakage(very little)problem,premature ejaculation and curve in...
Remedies: Tabacum
Started by farhan shah. Last post: 2017-09-15

Cystic Acne & Excessive Oil 1

Hello everyone. Sorry to post again. I cannot access my earlier posts. I want to tell again that I am having severe oil(sebum) production. Have to wash my face after every hour. I ...
Started by MTaimurG. Last post: 2017-09-04

Excessive Oil on Face 3

Hello everyone. I am looking for a homeopathic medicine which can help reduce or eliminate the excess oil from my face. My skin gets oily in just an hour & I have to wash my fa...
Started by MTaimurG. Last post: 2017-08-31

Suffering from excessive nightfall for past 10 years ( help urgently) 24

My name - shammi sachdeva Age - 25 years Weight - 56 kg Disease - suffering from excessive nightfall for past 10 years ..nightfall problem started when i masturbated some 10 yea...
Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis, Nux Vomica, Sulphur, Gaster galli
Started by shammisachdeva. Last post: 2017-08-28

Excessive Bleeding - Need homeopathic medicine advice 1

I am having excessive bleeding for the last 1 year and have several blood clots through out the day. I am on BCP which is a mini pill and a progesterone only but I see no respite t...
Started by Lena3. Last post: 2017-08-20

Seborrheic Dermatitis and Excessive Earwax 11

Hi everyone, I am new to these forums and seeing what has been posted. I would like to just get some stuff off my chest and see if I could possibly find answers to what I am looki...
Remedies: Causticum, Thuja Occidentalis
Started by BrokenIntentionz. Last post: 2017-08-14

Girl of age 22 yrs has excessive Hair fall at front side of head Pls suggest medicine 1

Dear Sir, My sister of 22 yrs have excessive hair fall please suggest medicine to stop hair fall...
Remedies: Tabacum
Started by dkverma. Last post: 2017-07-27

Dr. Kadwa: plz plz plz help to solve my problems of zero erection due to excessive urinnation 0

I am writing few lines to your good self that i am 32 years, however, like 60 years old. 1. excessive urination, in addition, from few months, i have to wait for urine, checkup an...
Started by atharkhan185. Last post: 2017-07-23

Excessive Masterbation 5

1.Since 9years I'm Masterbating when I was child, 2.My age is 21 now. 3.Now i'm suffering from the following side effects of over-masturbation *Extreme weakness *...
Remedies: Lilium Tigrinum
Started by Drod. Last post: 2017-07-19

Excessive masturbation!!!!!!!!!# 3

Hi frnds am 21 year old..am suffering from premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction..the worst part is i did masturbation daily atleast 3 time for past 4 years..am totally we...
Started by Kpkri. Last post: 2017-07-17

Excessive Sweating during Summers 10

Hello Doctors, I have problem from very long time. During summers i am excessively sweating and feeling hot as compare to normal people, Also in winter i feel much warmer then nor...
Remedies: Natrum Phosphoricum, Hydrastis Canadensis, Sarsaparilla, Sulphur
Started by nadeemawan. Last post: 2017-07-14

Homeopathic medicine for neurasthenia (& excessive sexual/addiction)? 3

Hello, I am 20 year old male. I suffer from severe neurasthenia. I have been suffering for last 8 years. Symptoms are fatigue, weakness, depression, anxiety, racing thoughts, poor ...
Remedies: Avena Sativa
Started by Eewe. Last post: 2017-06-19

Can Homeopathy help me with Chronic Social Anxiety, Excessive and Perverse Sexuality, Jealousy in Relationships 28

I am a 41 year old single male from India. At present, I am living with my mother. My father was a retired government servant. He died about 6 months ago due to kidney failure. My...
Remedies: Lycopodium Clavatum, Staphysagria, Lachesis, Calcarea Hypophosphorosa, Calcarea Carbonica
Started by sush_in. Last post: 2017-06-13

Excessive nightfall 19

Sir i'm 17 and am suffering from excessive nightfall(4-5 times a week) because of which i feel tired almost all the time,also i'm very thin and unable to put in mass or g...
Remedies: Gaster galli, Tabacum, Theridion, Natrum Muriaticum
Started by Uervi. Last post: 2017-05-20

Low Sexual Stamina due to excessive masturbation 3

hi I am a married man, since 10 years and facing lack of erection and premature ejaculation. I do not last for 5 seconds. I have been masturbating for last 20 years. I am shy, fear...
Remedies: Tabacum
Started by S123456789. Last post: 2017-03-22

Excessive urine and no effect 1

no effect of aloe 200 nor plustella....
Started by atharkhan185. Last post: 2017-03-18

Excessive hair 1

I am 24 year old female that is suffering from thick, fast growing hair on my neck, chin, lip, arms, legs, stomach. I've had a blood test done for pcos and my testosterone lev...
Started by Ailluengu. Last post: 2017-03-08

Excessive hair loss 5

Patient ID: Sex:female Age:20 1. Describe your main suffering?  Ans: thinning of hair excessive hair fall I can't even comb my hair they start falling sometimes there ...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by noor_97. Last post: 2017-03-03

Excessive involuntary ejaculation at night 1

For past 4 weeks, I am having night fall without any excitation or erection or erotic dreams. This is making me weak. It used to be 5 times a week for first 2 weeks and has reduced...
Started by Emizai. Last post: 2017-02-13

Excessive yawning with tightness in stomach 2

For the past ten years my solar plexus area gets tight and i can't get a deep breath in. Then I start yawning excessively which relives it. But there are many times I can not ...
Remedies: Plumbum Metallicum
Started by DiDi. Last post: 2017-02-09

Excessive burping in baby 1

My baby is 4 months old and has excessive burping. I am not able to put the baby down even for 2 minutes. Whenever he lies down, he is very fussy and once I pick him up, he will bu...
Remedies: Histaminum muriaticum
Started by Sundar1. Last post: 2017-01-27

Excessive masturbation 9

I am 29 and i have been masturbating since i was 13. I have all the bad effects of excess masturbation i.e hair thinning/fall, penis flaccid, bladder often over active, restlessnes...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica
Started by uday1. Last post: 2017-01-07

Hyperhidrosis, Excessive Sweating , Perspiration 3

Hello, I am suffering from Hyperhidrosis, Excessive Sweating Hands and feet area. Is there any remedy for that? 1. Name: Sumit 2. Age: 25 3. Sex: M 4. Country: India 5. Climate 6. ...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica
Started by sumit2. Last post: 2016-12-22

9 months old , excessive saliva 1

Hi Dr givinimurthy/dr kadwa I have 9 months old girl who has been drooling since 3 months and has excessive saliva from her mouth which is watery. My local homeopath gave her sin...
Started by Neha7. Last post: 2016-11-21

Problems due to excessive masterbation 8

I started masterbation at age of 18 yrs.I am 23 years now.I used to masterbate almost daily but reduced now to twice a week. 1. My nervous system power has been damaged severly, ...
Remedies: Aloe vera
Started by johnvince. Last post: 2016-11-16

Excessive Masturbation - Sexual weakness ED but still high urge/desire to Masturbation 3

Dear all , Please help me Im 25 yrs old I'm very much worried of this bad habit, badly affecting my health overall. Eyesight weak, bare bones on face. Please Advise me how to...
Started by khaki1. Last post: 2016-10-10

Excessive Sweating from Palm & Feet 80

I have been suffering from execessive sweating from palm and feet since childhood. i dont able to shake hands niether hold anything which is really embarassing...
Remedies: Silicea, Natrum Muriaticum, Nux Vomica, Calcarea Carbonica, Lycopodium Clavatum, Hydrofluoricum Acidum, Sambucus Nigra, Sepia, Tabacum, Mentholum, Gummi Ammoniacum
Started by prashantsharma9040. Last post: 2016-10-05

Very weak errection, excessive pre cum and pre mature ejacualtion 3

I'm a 50 year old man 5"10 and weighting 175 lbs. Had spinal surgery in T-11 6 years ago and was still able to get an errection hard enough for penetration. Over the past year...
Remedies: Phosphorus, Selenium, Phosphoricum Acidum
Started by Djranman65. Last post: 2016-09-15

Excessive Hair fall 1

Hello . Age 28 Female Married B.p normal I m having severe hair for last 3 weeks I have tried many home remedies but whenevr I comb oil or shampo I got a bunch of hairs .. I ...
Started by Zashir. Last post: 2016-09-10

Excessive female pattern hairloss 11

I am 25 years old and I have hair fall problem since past 10 years. Due to excessive hair fall I have a wide middle parting now and also from the crown area. I have been on allopat...
Remedies: Gummi Ammoniacum, Lycopodium Clavatum, Thuja Occidentalis, Kali Phosphoricum, Sepia
Started by prachi21. Last post: 2016-09-04

Excessive watery vaginal discharge, pale brown 8

Reposting as i couldnt get help on my earlier thread hello: I have been experiencing excessive watery vaginal discharge stains pale brown on my clothes, more during nights than ...
Remedies: Sepia, Ferrum Metallicum, Ferrum Phosphoricum
Started by hope1234. Last post: 2016-07-14

Excessive Masturbation Problem, Dr. Kadwa, Dr. Rishimba or Dr. Showrav, whoever available please advice. 2

Sir I am a 21+ Male and badly addicted to masturbation from last 4-5 years. Situation has become very worse. The per day frequency from last 3 years is 4-5 times atleast. Not able...
Started by john.doe. Last post: 2016-07-09

Excessive sweating on scalp and forehand 2

Hi, It's been more than 4 years now since i am suffering from excessive perspiration on my forehead and scalp. I have been to various dermatologists but didn't get any he...
Started by Makalex. Last post: 2016-06-26

Excessive nightfall problem 8

Hello, I am 26 years old,I am severely suffering from after effects of Masturbation. Problems which i am facing currently are as listed below:- 1.Loss Muscle Mass 2.Semen Leakag...
Remedies: Selenium, Lycopodium Clavatum
Started by Mukesh kumar2. Last post: 2016-06-24

Excessive computer usage damage ... 17

Hi, I have repeated this experiment several times and measured the effects on mind: Don't use computer for 3 days vs Regular use of computers. Any emotion goes out of contr...
Remedies: Zincum Metallicum, Baryta Carbonica, Silicea
Started by ramheight6. Last post: 2016-06-12

Excessive precum and Erectile dysfunction 1

Hi Experts I'am a 28 yr old male and have been suffering from excessive precum and ED problem for last 5 years. But realised how chronic this has become when i was making out...
Started by Singularity7. Last post: 2016-06-09

Excessive hair and sweating too much when nervous around people i even can sweat if someone makes me laugh 0

Hello, I would appreciate your help. Here is an in-depth description of my health and brief background. Age: 21 Height: 1 metre 75cm Weight: 66 kilograms Gender: Female Diet:...
Started by fernpot. Last post: 2016-04-26

Excessive Body Hair since Childhood 3

Hi, I am a 30 year old single woman with excessive hair on face and body. My hormones and ultrasound is normal. I had excessive hair since I was a child. Can anyone kindly suggest ...
Started by MissSunshine1. Last post: 2016-03-30

Need Help to get rid of excessive porn and masturbation habit. 13

Hello! I am addicted to porn and excessive masturbation for 3 years and i am 18 years old now. I want to get rid of these habits of pornography and excessive masturbation. My face ...
Remedies: Bufo Rana
Started by ramirocruz. Last post: 2016-03-16

Excessive pain above stomach and in abdomen while taking deep breaths/sneezing, coughing. 3

Dear experts, hope you all are doing well! This is Mitesh from gujarat, India. Age 31. It has been almost 20 hours since am experiencing severe pain in abdomen and in region above...
Started by mitesh1. Last post: 2016-03-13

Dr Kadwa n others doctors pl help, mom feels excessive thirst only in monring n evening 2

my mother 54 yr old. her blood sugar levels are- fasting- 105 two hours after meal-- 145 she feels excessively thirsty only in morning between 6-7 am and again in evening betwe...
Started by monny82. Last post: 2016-02-28

8 month old baby with excessive burping during and after feeds. 10

My 8 month is on formula since he was 2 months but startting at 4 month he struggles with excessive burping problem which at times sounds like a single hiccup type burp. He burps 5...
Remedies: Bioplasma, Mmr, Phosphorus, Histaminum muriaticum
Started by Bunty4165. Last post: 2016-02-25

Excessive Masturbation 1

Hello sir, I am 24 male from Pakistan. I am masturbating since I was 14. symptoms: 1. Weak erection 2. Premature ejaculation 3. headache 4. hyper 5. semen drops while passing ur...
Started by anonymous_khan. Last post: 2016-02-17

Nightfall problem since 3 years now with excessive weakness and pain 1

Hello doctor, I m suffering from nightfall problem past three years due to which weak memory,low selfesteem,difficulty selecting words,erectile dysfunction n many more problems. Tr...
Started by Neen. Last post: 2016-01-09

Excessive eye blinking 1

Eye blinking is more and stress level is usually higher...
Started by sushant3332. Last post: 2016-01-01

How much time it wil take to cure my excessive precum problem? 5

i've musterbated alot, now i'm having precum pblm ,even i dont talk about sexual things to my gf. dnt say its normal. so tel me how much time wil b required for any homoy...
Started by amit10. Last post: 2015-12-17

Results of Excessive Masturbation 1

Hi Sir, I am Nadir from Pakistan. My age is 23 years and my weight is 59 Kg. I have done master in social sciences. My problem is that i have been a victim of masturbation by past...
Started by The Thinker. Last post: 2015-12-06

Excessive nocturnal emission, erectile dysfunction , watery semen 10

hi everybody Male 25 yrs old height 5.8 weight 58 kg i am suffering from wet dreams since last 8, 10 years and i am having it around 14 to 15 times in a month. i have taken acidu...
Remedies: Phosphoricum Acidum, Agnus Castus, Nux Vomica
Started by sameed. Last post: 2015-12-02

Excessive Hairfall in Winter 5

I am 28 years old Male from India. I face excessive hairfall problem during winter. The problem of hairfall starts with the start of winter and my hairs stop falling with the start...
Started by mayankgates. Last post: 2015-11-22

Excessive hunger,thirst,weakness/heaviness 1

I have been feeling excessive hunger, thirst,dry mouth,gas,weakness or heaviness of forearm,shoulder and part below the knees,spasms above buttocks(may be kidney area ),heaviness a...
Started by fmsryp. Last post: 2015-11-08

Excessive Masturbation 2

Dear Doctors, I am a man of 25 years, from the age of 17, I am doing masturbation regularly, some times twice a day. From last 2 years I am suffering from its bad effects. I fe...
Started by Akbarkhan. Last post: 2015-10-29

Excessive Body Heat 11

I am having an issue with excessive body heat. This started back at the end of last August (2014). I had just returned from Kenya and Tanzania. While there I was taking Malarone (a...
Remedies: Lachesis, Hypothalamus
Started by TS111. Last post: 2015-10-10

Excessive sweating palm and feet 16

Hi..I am prtish.I am suffering excessive sweating palm and feet from 6 year.please suggest me something...
Remedies: Botox
Started by pritish Kumar Bar. Last post: 2015-10-03

Excessive sweating in feet and palm 1

May I take silicea 200 ,or siliea 1m for my problem .few months ago I was took botox injection. But no work........
Remedies: Silicea
Started by pritish Kumar Bar. Last post: 2015-09-16

Excessive sweating 32

Hello! I am almost 40 years old, a runner, so I try to stay in good shape and maintain a balance diet.However, I have always suffered of excessive sweating all over my body. I won...
Remedies: Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Bioplasma, Pulsatilla Nigricans
Started by thor00700. Last post: 2015-09-09

Chronic Dry Scalp with Dandruff Leading To Severe Excessive Hair Loss leading to thining Male Pattern Baldness 6

Respected Sir!!!1) Since from 16yrs of age m having an excessive dandruff problem.Now at present being 30 yrs of age there is a chronic dandruff/dry scalp problem leading to an exc...
Started by sukdev . Last post: 2015-08-27

Excessive facial sweating hyperhidrosis 14

Hello sir, I have excessive facial sweating, it starts at forehead from hairline till eye brow and on face too. It triggers especially on hotness. Hot sun makes me sweat. I sweat ...
Remedies: Bioplasma, Silicea, Natrum Sulphuricum, Natrum Muriaticum, Kali Muriaticum
Started by eddiesteve. Last post: 2015-08-02

Excessive hairfall and lots of clots in periods 11

hi. i am experiencing severe hair fall from year 2013. and now i am at the point where if my hair keep falling like this then i will go bald in 2 to 3 months. i was physically fit ...
Remedies: Digitalis Purpurea, Pediculus Capitis, X-ray, Gummi Ammoniacum, Natrum Muriaticum, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Pulsatilla Nigricans
Started by haya_waheed. Last post: 2015-07-28

Excessive Precum, Premature Ejaculation, NightFall, 30

Hi , Age: 27 Height: 5.8 feet Weight: 65kg Hunger For Food: Low Constipation: Yes, Frequently Smoking: Stoped, I had this habit 3 Years. Alcohol: Rarely Mostashes: Low Beard: Low ...
Remedies: Lycopodium Clavatum, Caladium Seguinum
Started by neoxsense. Last post: 2015-07-10

Jock Itch & Excessive Sweating 5

Hello sir, Am 21 years old, male. Am suffering from jock itch since 3 years. I tried every treatment, applied tea tree oil etc... Am sweating excessively in pubic area and some tim...
Remedies: Belladonna, Gelsemium Sempervirens
Started by shanthank. Last post: 2015-06-28

Excessive sweating and body odor 2

I am a 40 yrs old married woman. My problem is that i sweat excessively esp my head n upper body including chest n back. I also have problem of body odor esp underarms.During this ...
Started by nrzafar. Last post: 2015-06-23

Excessive un controllable and hyper erection,precum and P.E , ejaculation with toch and thought 14

Need help please , My age is 22 I have a case that is reverse of other cases here i have no clue what to do It has been 8 years(since starting) i have high sexual desires and er...
Started by insearchforrelief. Last post: 2015-06-16

Excessive facial sweating and underarms sweating 3

hi,I'm 22yr boy,weight 84kg,height 6ft. I'm from Maharashtra, India. I'm facing problem of facial Hyperhidrosis from 7,8 yrs. I've tried homeopathic remedies f...
Started by akhilesh muley. Last post: 2015-06-02

7 month old baby excessive night waking 5

Hello, I'm looking for some advice about my 7 month old baby daughter. Up until 4.5 months old she slept for up to 8 hours at a time at night, sometimes waking once or twice...
Remedies: Chamomilla, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Nux Vomica
Started by UKmum. Last post: 2015-05-10

Excessive sweating underarm with very very bad smell and also excessive sweating on palms and feet 6

Hi, I have excessive sweating in feet, palms and underarms and my underarms sweat smell very bad. I tried many deodorants/antiperspirants, they wont work. It is very embarrassing f...
Remedies: Caladium Seguinum, Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Silicata
Started by npbharathi. Last post: 2015-05-02

Excessive nightfall from 3 months 5

I'm. 22 yr male suffering from nightfall from 3 month.earlier mmastuburated.from last 45 days nightfall happened 12 times.feeling mucch weakness ,lethargic and unable to conce...
Started by akas0758. Last post: 2015-04-30

Hyperhidrosis, Excessive Sweating , Perspiration 121

In homoeopathic it is complete psychosomatic The medical term for excessive sweating is hyperhidrosis. The problem may be limited to a few problem areas or may be all over. The ...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Botulinum, Mercurius Vivus, Sulphur, Calcarea Fluorata, Natrum Sulphuricum, Calcarea Phosphorica, Bioplasma, Phosphorus, Nitricum Acidum, Mercurius Solubilis, Argentum Metallicum, Belladonna, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Silicea, Natrum Muriaticum, Psorinum, Aurum Metallicum, Sanicula Aqua, Radium, Bromium, Naja Tripudia, Bothrops Lanceolatus, Sepia, Sambucus Nigra, Salvia Officinalis, Kali Phosphoricum
Started by deoshlok. Last post: 2015-04-03

Excessive masturbation, nervousness, anxiety etc. 5

Hello experts.. i am a 23 years old guy.i masturbated daily for at least 8 years.i have following symptoms now.. -physical weakness -backpain -dull face -weakness in eyes -very ner...
Started by vishal1011. Last post: 2015-03-19

Excessive masterbation 1

Hi i am searching for a remedy to cure my negative effects of over masterbation. I am 23 now and have been master bating since I was 12 2-3 x's a day..I have slowed down in th...
Started by Qasim11. Last post: 2015-03-13

Excessive hair growth all over the body 8

hi I'm a 19 year old girl i suffer from excessive hair growth on my face along with many problem areas all over the body.Also i have a problem with underarm sweat odour too. I...
Remedies: Pepsi, Natrum Muriaticum, Bioplasma
Started by Moohita. Last post: 2015-02-12

Cystic acne, excessive hair growth on trunk, impaired circulation 3

At 22 y. o. a. I developed an eating disorder for 4 1/2 years after attempting to quit drugs and alcohol. I noticed, after I started to throw up, dark hair on my abdomen and alon...
Remedies: Bromium, Mephitis Mephitica
Started by Dayla . Last post: 2015-01-25

Excessive precum leakage 1

Hi, I'm a 22 year old male, I have excessive precum leakage when I'm aroused but I don't have erectile dysfunction, I get a erection easily and I also have premature...
Started by homeopathy2000. Last post: 2015-01-08

Excessive nightfall for past 8 years 6

hello sir/mam i m 26 yr old male suffering from nightfall problem for past 8 years for atleast 7 to 8 times in a month..this problem started when i masturbated regularly for 3 days...
Started by prince123456. Last post: 2014-11-25

Hi. excessive masterbation 5

hi, my age is 34 now. i m not married. i m in habit of masturbation since i was 12 years. i have not done any sex with any girl so far yet i have become so much addict of masturbat...
Started by brave. Last post: 2014-11-17

Excessive masterbation since age 14 1

sir my age is 33 now AND I AM UNMARRIED NOW. i have been doin masterbation since i was 14 years and sometime even before that. in early age it was not SO excessive. but for recent ...
Started by brave. Last post: 2014-11-16

To Dr akshaymohl "problem of excessive nightfall and body weekness" 157

Doctors: i am ahmad, 24 year of age ,weigh 55, height5,7' unmarried and i m suffering from nightfall by last 4 years.i m suffering night discharge 4 to 5 times in a week and so...
Remedies: Phosphoricum Acidum, Nux Vomica, Selenium, Causticum, Argentum Metallicum, Natrum Phosphoricum
Started by jewan. Last post: 2014-10-11

Hair Fall, Excessive Head Sweating and Dandruff 8

Dear Sir/Madam, I am Subir Dey. I am 24 years old. Severe dandruff on my head, and after a lot of hair. I am suffering from this problem for a long time. After my ...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by subirdey. Last post: 2014-10-06

Excessive hair fall 1

hi... i am 28 year female. my hair lenght is medium.. from last 4 months my hairs are falling like more than 100-150 in a day. there are some bald patches on both of my front scalp...
Started by arpitasingh1986. Last post: 2014-09-09

Excessive Eye Blinking - Dr Kadwa please help 2

Dr Kadwa, you've helped me tremendously over the years and I wanted to ask for your help again. My 14 year old son had an issue with eye blinking over the years it was getting...
Started by maryasha. Last post: 2014-08-13

Excessive hair loss possibly due to thyroid 112

hi, I am 22 years old. i have started having excessive hair fall since past for 5-6 months. Got my thyroid tests done 3 months back and got TSH level 7.8. Got it done once more the...
Remedies: Lycopodium Clavatum, Kali Phosphoricum, Thuja Occidentalis, Jaborandi (Pilocarpus), Arsenicum Album
Started by prachi21. Last post: 2014-08-06

Excessive saliva 7

Hi, I am 24 male . I have excessive saliva problem since years , when i wake up my mouth if filled with watery saliva . When i close my mouth it starts building up even when I am ...
Remedies: Mercurius Vivus, Mercurius Solubilis, Natrum Muriaticum
Started by anjan42. Last post: 2014-08-04

Excessive sweating and Hairfall 8

Hello Sir/Madam 1. I generally sweat a lot very abnormally even while doing extremely light physical activity. In temperatures like 11- 15 degree I do sweat if I walk slowly. I sw...
Started by StephanPal. Last post: 2014-07-24

Excessive HairFall 2

Hi Everyone, ID - anujoberoi 2. Age - 23 yrs 6 mnths 3. Sex - male 4. Single/Married - single 5. weight - 66 kg 6. Height …. - 5 ft 3 in 7. country- India 8. climate - moder...
Started by anujoberoi. Last post: 2014-07-24

Best medicine for excessive hairfall in handfulls 1

Phosphorus200 or phosohorus1000 would b better for hairloss in handfulls. i was given phosphorus200 at first then after 4months changed to phos1000. And after 7~8months stopped. It...
Started by saranaaz. Last post: 2014-07-24

Excessive Body Heat - severe itching, boils, rashes, hairfall etc. 2

I am 42 year old male. 5.7 ft. tall, weight 76 kg. slightly fat. BP, Sugar normal now but fluctuates a little, but no cause for concern - Its not serious or severe. I like both ex...
Started by kv-homeo. Last post: 2014-07-24

Will sepia work for excessive anger? 1

My wife is 30 yrs old. she became angry on very small things. angry i mean to say excessive anger. her mood swings on very frequent basis. this symptom increases while her mensura...
Remedies: Sepia
Started by ashiesh01. Last post: 2014-06-18

Will sepia work for excessive anger? 1

please suggest the dosage & duration to control excessive anger, my wife is suffering from same condition, it increases while her mensuration cycle(i noted) please help...
Started by ashiesh01. Last post: 2014-06-18

Need help! Excessive Hair loss. Itchy and burning scalp 1

Hi, i need homeopathic remedy for my excessive hair loss. The problem started a few months ago and i m nearly bald near my forehead. I had my babies (twins) in december by c sectio...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album
Started by Sfaz6. Last post: 2014-05-22

Excessive masturbation physically emaciated and metally depressed 6

i enjoy masturbation. i am male 28 yrs slim . practicing masturbation from 13 yrs. about once a day. i have no concern with it. i physically and physiologically affected a lot ...
Started by srikanth_oracle. Last post: 2014-05-11

Excessive sweating - kindly help hyperhidrosis 3

Hi, Im 22 yr old , i have a excessive sweating problem and i believe it is hyperhydrosis problem based on symptoms. I dont sweat in palm, legs and normal sweating in feet. It s...
Started by eddiesteve. Last post: 2014-05-09

Excessive Prostatorreha 7

Aoa i am suffering from chronic prostatorreha..plesae tell me the remedy about it...
Started by alferd. Last post: 2014-05-05

Excessive Nightfall 8

Sir I'm 19 years old guy.My body is thin and weak,I'm slow in work.I started masterbation in 2007 and leave it in the end of 2013.But now I'm suffering from differen...
Started by saad.ali27. Last post: 2014-04-19

Excessive Nightfall 5

Sir I masterbate for a period of at least 7 years and now I stopped it but I am feeling my self too much weak due to excessive nightfall that happens may be 1 day or 2 days or 4 da...
Remedies: Agnus Castus
Started by asad.ali049. Last post: 2014-04-14

Excessive Nightfall and over masterbation effecl 7

Doctor I have done a lot of masterbation for last 6 years now I am 19 years and 7 months old I never know the side effects of masterbation but now I am suffering from big problem ...
Remedies: Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis
Started by AbidHussain4. Last post: 2014-04-07

Premature Ejaculation and Excessive Nightfall 1

Respected doctor,I have posted a lot about my problems premature ejaculation and nightfall but no one have give me in right way.Now please tell me should I buy NF Cure Capsules and...
Started by AbidHussain4. Last post: 2014-04-07

Short memory,low eyesight from excessive masturbation 4

hi doctor,i began over masturbation since i was 12 now i'm 18 and i still can't quit, . now i suffer from : hair loss,fuzzy vision and low eyesight,short memory and lack ...
Started by derome. Last post: 2014-03-31

Excessive nightfall and weak erection 3

Doctors,I have done a lot of masterbation for 5-6 years I never know about its side effects but now I'm stopped it and suffering from the problem of excessive nightfall and we...
Started by HamzaMehmood1. Last post: 2014-03-25

Dear Dr. Jamil Ahmed Showrav, Please Help (Sexual weakness due to excessive masturbation) 0

Dear Dr Showrav, My detailed condition and medicine history:- Sex: Male & Single Age: 29 Medicine History: Nux Vomica 30, Acid Phos 30, Bio # 27 , Selenium 30, Arsenic Album 30C,...
Started by Ammar. Last post: 2014-03-12

Excessive dry skin 1

sir my self ashutosh srivastava..my skin was excessive dry during all seasonal condition not only in winter as usual..because of this i even not using soaps for bathing purpose.and...
Remedies: Natrum Muriaticum
Started by ashutosh srivastav. Last post: 2014-03-01

Excessive Masturbating Side effect 3

Hi, I am 36 year old, from last 3 yr i did too much masturbating and just due to this now i am facing issues like frequent urination, Prostatitis problems as urologist told, pre -...
Remedies: Pulsatilla Nigricans
Started by Tanishq. Last post: 2014-02-11

Suffering from effect of excessive masturbation 11

hello, i am a male of 32 yrs.i have been masturbating since i was 14 yrs. Now i have developed various symptoms, In between those years i have stopped at various times ranging from...
Remedies: Staphysagria
Started by esoteric. Last post: 2014-01-23

Excessive precum with little arosal why? 1

Hi , I am 19 years Old, facing excessive precum problem for 3 months but from last month its getting worse . I have never been in relationship therefore I wasn’t aware of the serio...
Started by inineash. Last post: 2013-12-22

Excessive gas problem 2

I am having gas after eating anything The gas is getting passed by both ways. I do not have acidity. I have found that I feel better when I eat chickpea. The problem mildly started...
Started by mithunda50. Last post: 2013-12-13

15 Month Old with Excessive Mucus and Chest Congestion 10

I am hoping for help. My 15 month old son has had 2 ear infection and pneumonia in the last 60 days and now is becoming congested and coughing again. The doctor wants to put him on...
Remedies: X-ray, Phosphorus
Started by lotusreiki. Last post: 2013-12-01

Excessive thoughts and scattered attention 1

Lethargy, no ambition, intellectually very capable but no drive, used to be topper in school and now failing in college, give up easily. Slightest effort tires me. Extreme procrast...
Remedies: Camphora , Solanum Tuberosum, Mentha Piperita
Started by garry91. Last post: 2013-11-24

Allergy, sinus, ear pressure, asthma and excessive mucus 1

Male 41 years old IT professional living in USA. Married for 12 years and have 2 kids. History: started getting too many sneezes and swelling of skin around age 8. Developed asth...
Started by denny72. Last post: 2013-11-11

Facign problems due to Excessive masturbation.... 6

I am a 27 year old unmarried male.I am doing masturbation from the age of 14. It is almost 2 times a week. Now I am feeling the problem of rapid ejaculation.Even after some thouugh...
Remedies: Selenium, Staphysagria
Started by bkcklm. Last post: 2013-09-13

How to lose excessive weight 1

Excessive weight or overweight is a bad health condition that leads to harmful consequences in the future. I am sure most of us are aware of various tips to lose over weight. I wou...
Remedies: Cola
Started by rchomeopathy2. Last post: 2013-09-03

Liver Cirrhosis due to excessive alcohol consumption 1

Hi to everyone! I am a new member at this forum. There is a patient of liver cirrhosis in our in laws family details as follows : age: 46 male height 5-10 weight 95 kg taking ...
Started by sb_25. Last post: 2013-08-25

Urgent HELP Excessive weight and Fat 2

I am 18 yrs old and above 90kg of weight. My height is 5ft.8in. I want to reduce my weight permanently, I want to be slim. I don't do any kind of physical activity, exercise o...
Started by MansoorAli. Last post: 2013-08-15

Diaherra with excessive smell 24

dear dr, from last five days I am suffering from diarrhea with bad smell use allopahty but no relief having so much gas and cramps , from last few months I am suffering from semis...
Remedies: Mercurius Vivus
Started by harry490. Last post: 2013-08-06

Help Sought - Excessive Masturbation prblem - 6

Hello Doctors, Myself is Male, 29 yrs. I have been masturbating since age i my self do not remember, some what since 15-16 yrs. I have been facing many problems as i used to do it...
Remedies: Staphysagria
Started by sumitgupta1683. Last post: 2013-07-16

Excessive precum when i am with my GF 5

Hi , I am 25 years Old, facing excessive precum problem for many years but from last 1 year its getting worse . I have never been in relationship therefore I wasn’t aware of the...
Started by Md Imran. Last post: 2013-07-16

Toddler nighttime fever, excessive mucus 3

3 days ago constipation, given jackfruit an water with enicaneca with golden seal,blackwalnut and wormwood extract. At night fussy crying, sleeps for durationhad hard stool followe...
Remedies: Kali Bichromicum, Echinacea Angustifolia, Belladonna, Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Euphrasia Officinalis, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Kali Iodatum, Nux Vomica
Started by Hawaiianmommy. Last post: 2013-07-07

Alopecia Excessive Hair fall 0

33 yrs old, sufferring from excessive Hair fall, Alopecia, Need to understand how to use Flouric Acid to cure the hair fall. Any suggestions would help...
Started by Samiks. Last post: 2013-06-13

Excessive sweat on palms,feet and inner arms 1

iam suffering from hyper hydrosis fora long time.my hands and feet are wet always and i feel very sad.can you help me? Iam 21 in age and weight 56 kg,and height 166...
Started by nikhilsajeevan. Last post: 2013-05-11

Excessive menstrual bleeding with pain 3

Hello, I am 26 yrs old girl. My problem is that i will suffer from excessive menstrual bleeding with clots and unbearable pain in stomach and vomiting during periods. Bleeding is s...
Started by SHILPY0009. Last post: 2013-05-02

Excessive Burping, Heart burn, Anxitey and Restlessness 7

Atten: Dr.Mahfoozur Rehman Iam Aged 55 male Diabetic Occupation: Sedentary, Accountants Manager Job : Stressful Having excessive burping,bloating,Migraine Acidity,Restlessness, An...
Started by chittattukara. Last post: 2013-04-03

High sex drive, excessive masturbation , excessive sexual fantacies 9

Male of Age 31 Mautsurbating from when was at of age 13 Tried by homepath lycopodium , caladium , phosporus , sulphur, china 200c, staph. 1m as he thought (as it is of mind so s...
Remedies: Bufo Rana, Sol, Salix Nigra, Sulphur, Rhus Tox, Graphites, Calendula Officinalis
Started by tietie. Last post: 2013-03-28

PCOS and excessive bleeding 1

Hi All, I am 27 year old and I have PCOS detected since last 2 years. My periods used to come bang on time.But from 2009 they started to get irregular and in Jan 2010 I found I had...
Started by worrykid. Last post: 2013-03-08

Excessive mucus with my 3 month old baby 3

Hello,I have a 3 month old boy.He's been having some small bloody spots in his stool and it's contained alot of mucus also.I did a stool analysis and culture n it is nega...
Started by ayagalal. Last post: 2013-01-25

Excessive Nocturnal Emission 0

Hi, I am suffering from excessive night fall 2/3 times a week. I did Masturbation at age of 14 and then i left that within a year (i was masturbation once or sometimes twice a we...
Started by XYZAB. Last post: 2012-12-22

Excessive gas,falutulence 2

pl suggest some med for me for excessive gas,bloating and flatulence.i m male 48 years essentially vegetarian sometimes non veg,non alcoholic,drink plenty of water.am being bother...
Started by andy_65_in. Last post: 2012-12-14

Excessive Sexual thoughts 2

[message deleted by Afraid on Sat, 25 Jun 2011 03:29:37 BST]...
Started by Afraid. Last post: 2012-11-28

Premature Ejaculation due to excessive Masturbation 1

I am 26years old and have been masturbating for 10years. I stay longer wen I first started masturbating, but now after a few mins I ejaculate and it has also afected my normal sex ...
Started by crystaldon. Last post: 2012-11-25

Does excessive masturbation speed up hairloss?? 0

Hi, everyone i would like to know whther excessive masturbation causes hairloss to speed up in genetically pre-disposed individuals....
Started by edmondhealy. Last post: 2012-10-14

Excessive masturbation 2

hi..i m 26;doin excessive masturbation since i was 14 years old.nvr missed it for a day...sometimes 4 to 6 times durinng the initial years.smoked for last 7years.drink 3 to 4 times...
Started by raaj1a. Last post: 2012-09-19

J.K Mohla please advice, (Premature ejaculation, Poor memory, anxiety, stage fright, excessive sweating of palm & feats.) 39

J.K Mohla, You had advised my to take acid phos 30, eight tablets 3 times a day for one week. I would like to know if I should avoid eating spicy food, soft drink, coffee and te...
Remedies: Kali Phosphoricum, Stillingia Sylvatica, Hydrofluoricum Acidum, Agnus Castus
Started by Aamir_Shah. Last post: 2012-09-14

Excessive urination, sexual weekness and night emission problem 6

i m 26 years old boy. my problem is excessive urination.for last 8 years i have been undergoing this problem of excess urine. in day time color of urine is pale yellow but as day p...
Started by ahmed666. Last post: 2012-09-12

10 week old baby with excessive spit up 4

Hi -- I have a 10 week old breastfed only baby who is continuously spitting up large amounts of milk, sometimes it occurs after feeding, sometimes even 2 hours later. He is still ...
Remedies: Aethusa Cynapium
Started by Pixley. Last post: 2012-08-04

Excessive drooling and hyperactive baby 5

my baby is 7 months old. He has been drooling excessively since he was 3 months old and his lower two teeth are already out. He has been still drooling like crazy. He has been exce...
Remedies: Chamomilla
Started by arm_dhil. Last post: 2012-07-08

Excessive dry skin & excessive tiredness 1

My husband has suffered from severely dry skin most of his life. It gets slightly better in summer months but usually looks like snake shedding skin on his legs but also dry on arm...
Started by congested. Last post: 2012-07-05

Feeling very weak due to excessive masturbation... 4

hi there, i used to be a frequent/excessive masturbator for about 9 years. i want to stop it though it's getting almost impossible..it's getting a bad habbit & i can'...
Remedies: Matico, Salamander
Started by udash91. Last post: 2012-06-10

Excessive sweating and hairfall 6

Hi I'm a 22 year old female.I have been having hair loss for for 4 years now.Hairloss is mainly on the top.I sweat excessively under sun and during light exercise.Sweating is ...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Skookum Chuck
Started by srikala. Last post: 2012-04-17

Kadwa please help excessive dark facial hair 5

hi doctor sajjad i am getting married in 2 months and i am really worried about excessive growth of facial hair on my face and neck please suggest me some remedies i need to get ri...
Started by durrani15. Last post: 2012-04-13

Weakness due to excessive masturbation, Myth or Reality? 59

I have read several posts about excessive masturbation. Some people say its a harmful and is a disease while others say its perfectly normal and dont declare it as a disease. This...
Remedies: Phosphorus, Selenium, Lycopodium Clavatum, Plumbum Metallicum, Nitricum Acidum, Nux Vomica, Spigelia Anthelmia, Convolvulus Duartinus, Staphysagria, Agnus Castus, Zincum Metallicum
Started by AV8R_AZ. Last post: 2012-03-12

Slow Response, & Mental Development, Excessive Sweating in 07 months infant 8

Seven months old infant boy has slow responses, less thinking power, avoid eye contact and hug, goes to any one without recognising parents, excessive sweatingin little hot weather...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Baryta Carbonica
Started by amjadullahjan. Last post: 2012-03-07

Excessive urination 12

my father is 79 years old and has a problem of excessive urination. he has no disease as he has had a checkup with the doctor. because of this problem he cannot go anywhere as he h...
Started by SADIA81. Last post: 2012-02-01

Excessive precum 0

I was recently engaged with a girl (3 months ago). As soon as I started speaking with that girl through mobile, I used to leak more precum. In the starting, I thought that it was n...
Started by arun_zion. Last post: 2012-01-27

Excessive unwanted beard hair on cheek and close to eyes 1

Dear Dr. Showrav I am male age 28 years, weight 58 and height 165 cms. I have lot of facial hair i.e.beard hair on cheek and close to eyes.It is so embarrassing for me Can i appl...
Started by Harissh. Last post: 2012-01-15

Excessive Flatulence since I'm 11 19

Hello everyone. After trying EVERYTHING, I'm here on this forum to get a homeopathy medicine for my flatulence. I'm now 20 years old and as far as I can remember, it star...
Started by rahman_hope. Last post: 2011-12-05

Excessive and frequent urination and urge to urination also 1

1.if i take 2 glass of water than i have to go 4-5 times frequent urination name- mukesh age-22 sex-male proffession-student please suggest homeopathic medicine and please tell ...
Started by mukesh_baba. Last post: 2011-12-02

Erectile dysfunction due to excessive longtime masturbation 14

Howdy! Would any Doc be my examiner here? I am bitter victim of side effects which have come into being through excessive longtime hand jobs. What should be done now? Can i get cur...
Remedies: Bellis Perennis
Started by nostradamus. Last post: 2011-11-21

Excessive sweating and thinning hair 3

Hi I'm kind of new to homeopathics and want to give it a try. Im so tired of going to the Dr. office only to have them tell me your fine there is noting wrong. So here goes my...
Started by raku83. Last post: 2011-11-19

Excessive skin 1

is there any remedy good enough in realigning excess skin , especially in the area of the nose/eyes due to injury? Thanks Joe Morales. Practising Homeopathic Student...
Remedies: Thiosinaminum
Started by joemorales. Last post: 2011-10-25

Excessive anxiety, depression, any advice is greatly apreciated 0

I am a young female who has struggled with depression and anxiety, bulimia anorexia, and around thirteen alcohol abuse as well as marijuana use. The eating disorders settled down l...
Started by luckydogchance. Last post: 2011-10-22

Excessive perspriation 1

Excessive perspiration From maxim_nunes on 2011-10-12 0 replies 31 views 1. name mrs teresa nunes 2. age 48 years 3. sex female 4. country india 5. climate hot 6. what e...
Started by maxim_nunes. Last post: 2011-10-15

Excessive perspiration 0

1. name mrs teresa nunes 2. age 48 years 3. sex female 4. country india 5. climate hot 6. what exactly is happening ? perspiration in excess 7. which side and where you...
Started by maxim_nunes. Last post: 2011-10-12

Excessive sweating 2

i have a problem of excessive sweating on the hand for which i feel embarrassed while shaking hands with someone. i also sweat on the nose when i'm wearing my specs. can u hel...
Started by ektamik. Last post: 2011-10-08

Excessive sweating in vaginal area 17

Hi, I have been suffering with excessive vagianl sweating since I was a young girl. I can put on a pair of panties and within 10 minutes or less, they are wet. Because of this, I...
Remedies: Alumina, Alumen
Started by Geemee. Last post: 2011-09-28

Excessive menstrual bleeding in 8 year old German Sheppard 2

Our German sheppard femaled dog has excessive menstrual bleeding this heat period and getting very tired. Can anyone please suggest a good homeopathic remedy to ease her off the pa...
Started by madhunik. Last post: 2011-09-22

Excessive sweating-hyperhidrosis 6

1. Name- sanskriti 2. Age- 22 3. Sex- female 4. country-india 5. climate- humid 6. What exactly is happening ? Sweat alot in palms, feet and armpit 7. Which side and where your pe...
Started by gemini31. Last post: 2011-09-01

Excessive sweating 4

I sweat a lot. I start sweating half an hour after bathing, even when I don't do anything. I also sweat when I am in company of other people, due to being afraid of being jud...
Remedies: Baryta Carbonica, Sepia, Sulphur, Tuberculinum
Started by badshah19. Last post: 2011-08-29

Excessive Sweating Face and Scalp 4

Name: danial Age: 29 Gender: Male Dear doctor, i m facing this extremely annoying situation of sweating mainly on face and forehead area (having moderate alopecia on forehead and ...
Started by digitalmaxy. Last post: 2011-08-04

Excessive hair fall 2

due to as i was practicing from last 3 yrs (now 19).i experienced hair fall from front sides of my head and not back....
Started by messi. Last post: 2011-07-28

Excessive hair loss..Baldness issue 1

Hello Doctors... I am writing this for my younger brother who is having excess hair loss problem and acne also there. No other health issues. Please help him. Thanks lot in adva...
Started by endopatient. Last post: 2011-07-28

Excessive Hair Fall 0

Dear Dr. Please suggest a effective remedy to prevent hair loss Details Are as followes: Age:24 Sex: Male Height:5'7' Weight:59kg 1. Describe your main suffering? H...
Started by himanshugo. Last post: 2011-07-23

Excessive Hair Fall 0

Dear Sir Please provide me the solution for this problem Details are as follows: Age 24, height 5’7”, weght 59kg, name: amit goel 1. Describe your main suffering? Hands full ...
Started by himanshugo. Last post: 2011-07-23

Excessive Sweating 5

I have a peculiar problem. I am 50 years old and obese and suffer from diabetes (on insulin).I sweat very easily, in extreme cold weather also. The sweat starts instantly from the ...
Started by mytorciar. Last post: 2011-06-09

Oily skin and excessive sweating 3

hi, i m 27 yrs old healthy unmarried male working in a pharmaceutical company. i have problems of oily skin and excessive sweating on my face.i have many doctor freinds and they ad...
Remedies: Natrum Muriaticum
Started by undertaker. Last post: 2011-06-09

Excessive sweating -head too much 12

I brother has problem of excessive sweating on his head too much and less on body compared to head. Now it is summer here....
Remedies: Silicea
Started by libra981. Last post: 2011-06-09

Excessive constipation 8

Dear Doc, I am 25 yrs old male, suffering from chronic constipation. Its been around 5-6 yrs that I am suffering from it.Intinally i used to take some aurvedic laxative .But now i...
Remedies: Kali Muriaticum, Bufo Rana, Castor Equi
Started by yeeshu. Last post: 2011-06-09

Excessive sweating chest and forehead 1

thyroid check is ok male 44, american in philippines...
Started by gahunta. Last post: 2011-05-23

Excessive Sexual thought in Men 9

I am 34 years old married man. I have problem of excessive sexual thought. I have diffculty talking to woman. It trigger high anxiety, sweating etc. Please suggest some remedy....
Remedies: Hyoscyamus Niger, Staphysagria, Staphylococcinum, Gratiola Officinalis, Thuja Occidentalis, Sabal Serrulata, Ferrum Metallicum
Started by VijaySingh. Last post: 2011-05-15

Excessive apetite 0

Dear Doctors, For the last 2,3 months my apetite increased excessively, resulted in weight gain, its even increased when i try to have some exercise or walk. please let me know if ...
Started by Sanaali. Last post: 2011-03-16

Excessive hiar on the body 11

hi i am 20 years old girl and i have a lot of hair on mi body what do i do ..??? please help ....
Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis
Started by narmatha . Last post: 2011-02-27

Excessive hair loss 3

i am suffering from excessive hairloss since 2 months i hav tries eplopathis medicine and now i am talking homepathic does and using arnica plus. Its been 4 days but to no differen...
Started by hiti jheeta. Last post: 2011-02-06

Excessive Body Hair 0

hello i am 23 years old male. i have a lot of hair on my body i mean chest etc. i am a body builder and whenever i hav to get into some competition it is very difficult for me to g...
Started by helpless_guy. Last post: 2011-02-06

Excessive urination 7

Hi Dr.Kadwa, Hope you are fine. In this winter i have been facing excessive urination.Although i am not drinking sufficent fluid or water except three cups of tea per day.I have to...
Remedies: Phosphorus, Calcarea Phosphorica, Ferrum Metallicum, Kali Muriaticum
Started by kakaba. Last post: 2011-01-23

Help! excessive facial sweating and possible nat mur overdose/wrong remedy.... 2

Hello, I am new here and new to homeopathy. I have suffered with excessive facial sweating for as long as I can remember, other members of my family suffer also. I am an ad...
Started by riverthames. Last post: 2010-12-24

Excessive Sweating 2

Hello all, Need ur help in this. I have a problem of excessive sweating all over my body.Even a small change in temp. , i sweat excess. Please do let me know if anyone has any ...
Started by sourav1980. Last post: 2010-12-12

Excessive flatulence ..plz Help 3

Hi, I m 31 years of age and recently I have had excessive flatulence and a lot of trapped wind unable to expel.. or its too difficult to expel, I have constipation too and the bloa...
Remedies: Nux Vomica
Started by samur420. Last post: 2010-11-28

Excessive masturbation side effects 2

Hi, i have been masturbating since i was 11years old, now i am 23. . since last 4 years the intensity increased alot, i use to masturbate almost everyday, sometimes 2wice or thrice...
Remedies: Selenium, Staphysagria
Started by jk2401. Last post: 2010-11-09

Excessive sweating on face 1

I am Ramakanta and trying to control my excessive sweating on my face. so please suggest name of some good medicine...
Started by Ramkanta. Last post: 2010-09-28

Cure of excessive masturbation 1

Dear Doctors, I have been masturbating 2 to 3 times daily for past two years and that to in tension. now i feel pain in my penis after masturbation and release of semen even after...
Started by pras_rgnul88. Last post: 2010-08-30

Excessive masturbation 6

I am married and still indulge in masturbation. upto once or twice a day.please advise some prescription which will help me get out of this habit and stop my excessive sexual compl...
Remedies: Bufo Rana, Staphysagria
Started by nsjus. Last post: 2010-08-28

Excessive heat 2

My acupuncturist said that I have excessive heat/fire in my body which is causing my odor issues. After this I realized that this terrible odor started after taking sulphur 30c (ov...
Remedies: Sulphur
Started by SPbumps. Last post: 2010-08-26

Excessive Hair Loss 1

Dear Doctors, My age is 22 yrs and 2 years before i noticed that my hairs started falling excessively so that i could observe around 100 hairs shedding while massaging but it becam...
Started by pras_rgnul88. Last post: 2010-08-21

Remedy for Ferritin Iron Overload in Blood due to Excessive Blood Transfusions 1

My son has a blood disorder (sickle cell SS) and has had seven (7) transfusions to date due to his low hemoglobin level baseline (5.0). Is there something he can take homepathic wi...
Started by NewbieHomeo. Last post: 2010-08-19

Excessive Sexual Desire 4

Sir, I have following problems: Excessive Sexual Desire without Erection Testicles pulled up and tight Masturbate a lot Anxiety Dark Urine Weakness Sunken Face Dark Circles aroun...
Started by meeerhassan. Last post: 2010-07-20

Excessive ear discharge from last 6 months 0

I am 30 year old male facing ear discharge problem from right ear, from last six months. I have small perforation in the right ear. I It was first started 2 years back due to long ...
Started by afkhan. Last post: 2010-06-27

Help sudden excessive appetite. 5

I have been suffering from sudden excessive apppetite for the last two weeks. It is terrible. just after 30 minutes after eating i feel hungry & my stomach is completely empty. ...
Started by tula2010. Last post: 2010-05-07

Excessive stress and sweating 2

Hello, I am a male of 22 years old. Height 1,75m, weight 110 kg. I have been having these symptoms, I wonder if you can help: -In the morning when I wake up and visit the toilet, ...
Remedies: Silicea, Phosphorus
Started by andreaspp. Last post: 2010-04-05

Excessive Facial Hair....please help :( 0

I am 32 years old and have suffered from facial hair my entire life. During puberty it was much worse but it still continues. Now, it is mainly on my chin area and neck but i can...
Started by Glamgirl. Last post: 2010-04-03

Vision Problems, Excessive Dry skin & low energy 8

Hi Dr. Bagyavasan, I am creating a new post for my husband to help me keep things straight. Here are the answers to the questions you asked. I put the answers after each question....
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Ruta Graveolens, Silicea
Started by congested. Last post: 2010-04-01

Headache and excessive appetite 5

I am requesting to all the members, to suggest appropriate homeopathic remedy, for excessive headache/bursting headache after few days(normally after fifteens or more days. other s...
Started by rsingh5. Last post: 2010-03-17

Re: Excessive heavy & prolong bleeding 0

Attn: Sameervermani I am 46 year old,married & have 3 children first one normal delivery 15 years old two out of cesarian & premature 11 & 9 years old, My blood pressure went up du...
Started by alice2010. Last post: 2010-03-17

Excessive yawning 6

First off, I am 49 and had a v, v bad stroke when I was 42. I am in a wheelchair as I am now virtually paralysed. (I type with 1 finger) Since my stroke, I have yawned more. I sup...
Remedies: Aconitum Napellus, Rhus Tox
Started by sakima. Last post: 2010-02-14

Excessive sweating in palms and foot during winter 2

name: Sivakumar Location INDIA Age 29 years Height 175 cms weight 69 kgs problem: I have excessive sweating in palms and foot during winter season. the skin also peel off on my pa...
Started by sivaspl. Last post: 2010-01-23

Excessive Mucous in Child 0

Its been a few years since ive tried to treat my son with his colds, as Ive had no success with homeopathy on him and gave up. Im hoping to try again. Heres his story. 6 years old...
Started by Ryelink. Last post: 2009-12-22

Excessive facial sweating 1

sir, I am suffering from excessive face and forehead sweating for the last 15 years.It occurs daily even in winters if i walk fast or do any work and even sometimes it occur at...
Started by aatal. Last post: 2009-12-22

Please advise excessive body hair 0

i am 28 years old. i have excessive facial and body hair. this has begun since puberty. i have noticed that as the years go by, the amount of hair is also increasing. my periods ca...
Started by lastchance. Last post: 2009-12-15

Excessive Hairloss -plz help!!! 4

I am a 20yr male from India. I have been suffering from excessive hairfall (male pattern baldness) and dandruff for last 1 yrs. My hairline has receded badly. It’s not hereditary, ...
Started by mathan. Last post: 2009-12-06

Daughter with excessive Hair 7

Sir My daughter aged 11 years have hair all over body & face. She has dislike for milk & selective on sweets. She loves salt products. She is having white worms which have come out...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Hypophosphorosa, Cina, Momordica Balsamina, Silicea, Natrum Muriaticum, Kali Muriaticum
Started by p_d_ahuja. Last post: 2009-12-05

Excessive Sweating on face 3

Hi I am suffering from Hyperhidrosis, Excessive Sweating on face and body. Is there any remedy for that? 1. Name: Ragini 2. Age: 26 3. Sex: F 4. Country: INDIA 5. Climate : H...
Started by ragini83. Last post: 2009-11-28

Excessive Sweating on face and body 3

Hi I am suffering from Hyperhidrosis, Excessive Sweating face and body. Is there any remedy for that? 1. Name: Ragini 2. Age: 26 3. Sex: F 4. Country: INDIA 5. Climate : Hot ...
Started by ragini83. Last post: 2009-11-27

Excessive saliva causing problems in communication 6

i am 25 years old & i am being witnessing excessive saliva build up in my mouth. because of this saliva my voice(my words) is not very clearly coming out. i am a management student...
Started by bajaj383. Last post: 2009-11-26

Knee pain, excessive usage 3

Hi, Some 2 months back i started working out after a long gap. after 40 day of workout i suffered a wrist injury and i had to stop exercising. i was doing some weight training and...
Remedies: Pulsatilla Nigricans
Started by crystalclan. Last post: 2009-10-01

Excessive sweating during exercise 0

I am male, 46 and run daily 10 Kms and also run 4-5 marathons every year. I face problem of excessive sweating within 2-3 Kms of running in a place like Bangalore in the morning an...
Started by srids16. Last post: 2009-09-24

Excessive Libido 0

Dear Sir, In the begining of this year, I started losing my wieght and became very weak, after consultation with doctor and going through some tests I was diagnosed hyperthyroidi...
Started by muneerwahid. Last post: 2009-09-22

BoooBooo : How To Stop Excessive Perspiration Naturally Without Drugs 0

Discover remedies and solutions on how to stop excessive perspiration naturally without the need for medications. Excessive perspiration, medically known as hyperhydrosis is a co...
Started by booobooo. Last post: 2009-08-23

Excessive burping/constipation 2

I’m 31, male. Don’t drink alcohol, don’t drink any carbonated drink, don’t eat junk food. Don’t overeat. Eat homemade spicy food, 1-2 cups of tea, ocassionaly, I’m constipated, som...
Started by strike. Last post: 2009-08-13

Sinus pressure around eyes and forehead, excessive mucous 5

I have been fighting sinus’s for about 10 years now, I hallways wondered why I keep getting sick, but over the years have been narrowing my questions down. When ever I get a cold o...
Started by new2thisgame. Last post: 2009-08-07

Excessive sweating 20

Hi! I am 16, male 170cm, 62kg, and suffering from excessive sweating on my back, armpit, and abdomen. I don't have to do any special to sweat. I sweat on the bus, while walkin...
Remedies: Natrum Muriaticum, Silicea
Started by beneszilo. Last post: 2009-06-24

Excessive Sweating 2

I am 25 year old woman from Australia. I am 5ft6 and 63kg. I suffer from uncomfortable sweating when I walk in any weather. It is worse when I am in the cold and go into a warm roo...
Started by emaline. Last post: 2009-05-14

Excessive urination 2

im a 43 year old male.since last 2 days i hve been xperiencing hourly urination with no other sympton. i dnt have diabetes.but i am used to intake a lot of water daily.this is hig...
Started by andy_65_in. Last post: 2009-05-13

Excessive sweating in the palms 2

My daughter 13 yers old has been suffering with excessive sweating in the palms while writing and little while normal time. The same problem was there last year and got cured by it...
Started by saipass. Last post: 2009-04-29

Excessive sweating in palms,feet, underarms 23

excessive sweating in palms,feet,underarms. 1. I start sweating as soon as i wake up. 2. tiny droplets of sweats starts forming. they even drip if i close my hands. 3. very embarra...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Silicea, Lycopodium Clavatum, Natrum Muriaticum
Started by qwe786. Last post: 2009-04-20

Excessive sweating 9

hi, i am male, 30 yo and i suffered from jaundice at the age of 5,and after that i am suffering from excessive sweating on hands and feets. No matter what the weather, cold or h...
Started by waan123. Last post: 2009-04-12

Hyperhidrosis, Excessive Sweating , Perspiration 0

Hello, I am suffering from Hyperhidrosis, Excessive Sweating Hands and feet area. Is there any remedy for that? 1. Name: Raghavendra 2. Age: 32, Weight 70kgs height: 5.5' 3. Se...
Started by Raghu02. Last post: 2009-04-05

Excessive hyperacidity 133

hi i m john . i m 21 yrs old. i m suffering from excessive hyperacidity from the last 3 yrs. the symptons are - 1.excessive hunger, feeling hungry after 1 hr of eating 2. excessive...
Remedies: Natrum Phosphoricum, Sulphur, Nux Vomica, Opium, Cocaine, Phosphorus, Argentum Metallicum, Argentum Nitricum, Carbo Vegetabilis, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Thuja Occidentalis, Mercurius Solubilis, Arsenicum Album, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Derris Pinnata
Started by johngig. Last post: 2009-03-24

Excessive sweating 1

1. Name:Rakesh.B 2. Age:33 3. Sex:male 4. country:India 5. climate:always 6. What exactly is happening ?excesive sweating 7. Which side and where your perspire more ?palm/feet 8. H...
Started by Rakesh B. Last post: 2009-01-22

Excessive sweating 3

I think i have hyperhidrosis, bothering me is the axillary. I lately noticed my scalp getting oily too. When i wake up in the morning, my hair just look awfully oily. i have sweat ...
Started by babsyl. Last post: 2008-11-13

Treatment for excessive scarring 7

Hi, I had a cogential nasal deformity, in which the shape of my nose was affected. I have undergone 4 rhinoplasties to correct the same. Th last was performed 1 year ago and secon...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Aesculus Glabra, Thiosinaminum
Started by itzz_sheena. Last post: 2008-09-22

18 month toddler has excessive thirst 6

My 18 month old son has polydipsia and our homeopathic doctor prescribed phosphorus CH200, which I administered a month ago. His thirst has subsided a little bit following that but...
Remedies: Phosphorus
Started by Lyman. Last post: 2008-08-23

Excessive Hair in babies 5

My baby girl is born with lots of body hair and facial hair. Is it possible for those hair to be removed and is it safe to give that medicine to a baby?...
Started by raima. Last post: 2008-08-23

Excessive liquid consumption 2

Hi, My brother (David)has a chemical imbalance and is also schizophrenic.He has been this way since the age of 15. Dr.s say it is due to a tramatic experience,They concluded the ca...
Started by javcs1970. Last post: 2008-08-16

Excessive Fat 1

I am 37 years old man hight 5.7' weight 72 kgs.I have thick,firm and huge fat arround my stomach area and waist.I do exersise for last 6 month and loose 8 kg weight but not an...
Started by jhon37. Last post: 2008-08-16

Excessive sweating and warts 8

i am 31 yr old woman and i suffer from excessive sweating on my palms, feet and axillae . the sweat is offensive in odor and the hands and feet get cold on sweating. there is no re...
Remedies: Natrum Muriaticum
Started by nilufer. Last post: 2008-07-31

Excessive desire for sex, masterbation , 3

65866 65878 65888 65892 65894 65896 65898 66217 66221 66248 66253 66257 66263 66288 66405 66407 66411 66417 67340 67365 67448 67450 67452 67454 67465 67469 67477 67483 67485 67487 ...
Started by kashifjan. Last post: 2008-07-16

Excessive Sweating 1

Dear Dr. I am 45 year old male, 5 ft 6 inch height, medium complexioned. My problem is I sweat excessively specially between neck and waist. Also sweat in the region of neck and f...
Started by sagar40. Last post: 2008-05-18

Daughter with excessive underarm sweating 1

My daughter aged 26 is considering having botox treatment which she is paying for to treat the above. Can anyone suggest a homeopathic remedy as I use homeopathy medicines for myse...
Started by jammie58. Last post: 2008-04-15

Excessive sewating of hands and feet 3

1. Name: Marciano O. Caraig 2. Age: 46 3. Sex: Male 4. country: Philippines 5. climate: Tropical 6. What exactly is happening ? Perspiration of both hands and feet, including armpi...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by cemocaraig. Last post: 2007-12-26

Excessive Sweating 2

Hi, I am suffering from excessive sweating. I consulted a homeo physician and he suggested me to use silicea but i am not getting and comfort from using it. please sugeest me the r...
Started by msrao. Last post: 2007-12-21

Excessive sweat on forehead 4

Ever since I had a brain operation 10 years back my forehead sweats a lot. It also leads to an oily face. I also sweat in my underarms.I am not sick though I have few nuisance ailm...
Remedies: Sulphur
Started by maya_hari. Last post: 2007-12-12

Excessive Sweating 10

Is there anything homeopathic that can help with this please?I have been drinking sage tea three times a day for over a month but I don't think it's really helping.My br...
Remedies: Silicea, Digitalis Purpurea, Caladium Seguinum, Aconitum Napellus, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum
Started by beaker. Last post: 2007-12-12

Im 17 , has excessive masturbation previously an i need help pleeze. some reply'z wud b gud! 2

ok. im 17 yers old. i had an exceessive masturbation issue bak at least the age oflate 15 or 16. i was doin it lik t2 tymez a day f4 lik every day/ every other day a week!!! then ...
Started by jonjo23. Last post: 2007-12-06

Facing severe problems after excessive masturbation 1

I masturbated for 12 years and in the last few years excessively.I have given up masturbation since 3 months completely but the problems are not giving me up.I am facing no sexual ...
Started by I am Dev. Last post: 2007-09-30

Remature ejaculation, Poor memory, anxiety, stage fright, excessive sweating of palm & feats. 8

I have been married for over 10 years. I have premature ejaculation since my teen years and it has gotten worse now, sometime ejaculation before sex. Erection is Ok first time but ...
Remedies: Phosphoricum Acidum, Pepsi, Aurum Metallicum, Agaricus Muscarius
Started by Aamir_Shah. Last post: 2007-08-24

Excessive hair on face 1

i forgot to mention this;........i have very thick beard growth....in two ares under my chin butit is not like a man's but cetainly very thick to pull out ..i hav been hvaing ...
Started by sekir. Last post: 2007-06-23

Small penis due to excessive masturbation 0

my penis is very small in size and i believe this is due to excessive masturbation when i was growing up. i am currently 22 years old, 6'3' with about a thumb sized penis ...
Started by khram. Last post: 2007-04-03

Remedy for excessive hair growth 2

i m a female of 2o yrs..i am prescribed oleum jecoris 6x tice 3 pills daily for 15 days...along with consttutional remedy ..but while going thru one of the article in forum i read ...
Started by muskan. Last post: 2007-03-21

Excessive sweating maybe pregnant 0

Hi, I hae suffered excessive sweating since my last pregnancy 4 years ago. I am now trying for a baby once again, and because of that I do not want to use aluminium antiperspirant...
Started by Yalini. Last post: 2007-03-21

Excessive use of the homoeopathic remidies 3

i begin using the homoeopathic remdies when i was 13 yer old i was very intersted in homoeoathy.no one was willing to ge remdy from me so then i was left with onther then myself. ...
Started by malik_123. Last post: 2007-03-19

Excessive hair growth - Can anyone help? 2

I am suffering from excessive hair growth, especially on my face mainly cheeks and chin (like a beard) as well as the rest of my body. My hair is not too thick but neither is it th...
Started by daisy1. Last post: 2007-02-06

Excessive sleep 6

Hye I need a remedy for a person who has excessive sleep problem. The problem runs in the family. 1)She is 22 flexible/adaptable/kind lacks confidence 2)Consolation relieves her...
Remedies: Antimonium Crudum
Started by hisam. Last post: 2007-01-13

Excessive phlegm when sleeping 3

My wife has been suffering periodically from an excess of phlegm in her throat, a problem that seems to be exacerbated when sleeping. Christmas morning she woke up gasping for air...
Started by boweasel. Last post: 2007-01-01

Excessive 1

Excessive ear wax causing vertigo,is there a homeopathic remedy to slow down the formation of this excessive wax? Thanks!...
Started by Chuck D.. Last post: 2006-12-13

Excessive weight loss 6

I'm not really sure what's going on with my body right now. I've been losing weight excessively and am down to 96 pounds from 107. It's not a huge difference I ...
Started by ihavegas. Last post: 2006-11-25

Excessive masturbation 8

excessive masturbation has lead to a great amount of prostration , cold and relaxed penis. feeble blood circulation , mentally and physically exhausted. mental work slow , physica...
Remedies: Phosphoricum Acidum, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Kali Phosphoricum
Started by srikanth_oracle. Last post: 2006-11-24

Excessive dandruff.....Pls Help!! 2

Hi! Im 32, male suffering from excessive dandruff and it's getting worse and worse. I have had this for a long long time. I don't know when it actually started but one th...
Started by vaz686. Last post: 2006-10-12

Kuldeep pls help!! - Excessive dandruff 1

Hi! Im 32, male suffering from excessive dandruff and it's getting worse and worse. I have had this for a long long time. I don't know when it actually started but one th...
Started by vaz686. Last post: 2006-09-24

Excessive masturbation and Impotency 10

I am a 31 year old man with a sexual problem that is killing me each and every day. I was a normal, healthy man with spontaneous and powerful erections. In the summer of 2000 I stu...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Kali Phosphoricum, Bufo Rana, Staphysagria
Started by grymoire. Last post: 2006-09-09

Excessive Sweating in Palms, Feet and Armpit 2

I am 21 years old male living in India...and I am suffering from excessive sweating in my palms, feet and armpit...the sweat volume is too high...The sweat develped in my armpit......
Started by jack_br. Last post: 2006-09-08

Problems with excessive dandruff and itchy scalp 1

Please help with remedy and suggestions: excessive dandruff usually remains on scalp until itched. Sometime I itch scalp until it bleeds. I also have dry skin around eyebrows and...
Started by jmkramer. Last post: 2006-09-04

Is there anything I can do against excessive body hair? 2

Hi, I'm male and have very much body hair. Not on the upper body. But the lower body is very hairy. Legs and buttocks and such. This is very annoying. I don't even unders...
Started by johnhanks. Last post: 2006-08-15

Hyperhidrosis, Excessive Sweating Hands and feet area 0

Hello, I am suffering from Hyperhidrosis, Excessive Sweating Hands and feet area. Is there any remedy for that? 1. Name: Mary 2. Age: 29 3. Sex: F 4. Country: Canada 5. Climate 6. ...
Started by mania. Last post: 2006-07-08

Excessive hari loss 2

My Age 24, Gender - Male. I have hair loss from last 3-4 yrs where by I lose 50-100 haris every day and more when I do oilying (aroma oil)....
Remedies: Phosphorus
Started by sethi_24. Last post: 2006-07-03

Excessive male body hair 2

Is there a homeopathic remedy for too much male body hair? I have read posts regarding female hirsutism, but do not wish to presume that the remedies are the same for men. I am a...
Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis, Stellaria Media
Started by bluetopaz. Last post: 2006-06-22

Excessive desire for sex 39

Hi,I am a 33-year old male. I am a hyperactive person in many aspects, including sex. I have been married for 6 years. I was hoping that my excessive desire for sex will calm down ...
Remedies: Phosphoricum Acidum, Lycopersicum, Castoreum, Cannabis Indica, Lachesis, Coffea Cruda, Tilia Europoea, Cannabis Sativa, Indium Metallicum, Gummi Ammoniacum
Started by hp2006. Last post: 2006-05-19

Excessive sex make my left testis bigger 21

hi all i have a very serious problem.my left testis is almost 30% bigger than my right testis. it also pais while i see porn movies or any sex activity. i have been musturbating al...
Remedies: Pulsatilla Nigricans
Started by jasim1234. Last post: 2006-05-17

Excessive masturbation! 6

Hello everyone , i just registered here.I would say a little about my self first. i am 27 and physically i have athletic body, slim hard stiff body. Height is 6'.I am sending ...
Started by Metalhead. Last post: 2006-04-26

I m suffering from excessive salivation 4

Hello.Well i m here to explain my problem.Well i m suffering from saliva and i really need help what should i do for it.my mouth produce excessive saliva while im smoking ,tea and ...
Remedies: Thea Sinensis, Mercurius Vivus, Theridion
Started by dlock. Last post: 2006-02-21

Excessive Sweating 2

I was wondering if anyone knows of a homeopathic treatment for excessive sweeting. First I would have to say that I always feel hot and it is very uncomfortable. I can't sta...
Remedies: Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum
Started by StMike. Last post: 2006-02-17

Excessive yawning possibly symptom of gerd or lpr 2

About a year and a half ago I came down with gerd which i think is possibly lpr(larynopharangeal reflux. I've been to gastrologist was given a endoscopy and was found to have ...
Remedies: Phosphorus, Bioplasma, Nux Vomica
Started by gmoreno. Last post: 2006-01-30

Excessive Hairloss (Hair experts - plz help!!! 3

I am a 27yr male from India. I have been suffering from excessive hairfall (male pattern baldness) and dandruff for last 2-3 yrs. My hairline has receded badly. It’s not hereditary...
Remedies: Arnica Montana
Started by coool. Last post: 2006-01-24

Excessive underarm sweating 0

What can you do for excessive underarm sweating? It occurs on a daily basis. It only seems to be in the right armpit....
Started by warren. Last post: 2006-01-11

Excessive head hair fall & thinning of hair 0

Please help me. I am very depressed since my hairs are falling in tons(more than 100 hairs in a day) from past three years. Now, only ¼ th hairs are left on my scalp. I am f...
Started by vaishalis. Last post: 2005-10-12

Excessive sweat on forehead 127

Ever since I had a brain operation 10 years back my forehead sweats a lot. It also leads to an oily face. I also sweat in my underarms.I am not sick though I have few nuisance ailm...
Remedies: Uranium Nitricum, Arnica Montana, Grindelia Robusta, Ipecacuanha, Sulphur, Thuja Occidentalis, Syzygium Jambolanum , Naja Tripudia, Gymnema Sylvestre, Cinnamomum, Tuberculinum, Arsenicum Album, Sulphur Iodatum, Nux Vomica, Homarus, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Silicea, Veratrum Album, Mercurius Vivus, Jaborandi (Pilocarpus), Iodium, Natrum Phosphoricum, Calcarea Fluorata, Bioplasma, Calcarea Phosphorica, Calcarea Carbonica, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Magnesia Phosphorica, Kali Phosphoricum, Kali Sulphuricum, Phosphorus, Kali Muriaticum, Natrum Muriaticum, Lycopus Virginicus, TSH
Started by maya_hari. Last post: 2005-07-05

Excessive masturbation 0

Hi! This is my first time at the forum and I'm afraid I really dont know anything at all about homeopathy. A friend told me abt this forum and so I thought I'd give it a ...
Started by needhelp19. Last post: 2005-06-21

Excessive water in the mouth 2

Since having the flu last year and having a ear infection which caused me to loose 99% of my hearing,and having dental treatment,i seem to have excessive saliva in my mouth this ca...
Remedies: Mercurius Vivus, Iodium, Jaborandi (Pilocarpus)
Started by dindin. Last post: 2005-05-18

Excessive masturbation 7

This is a serious issue for me and not a mock thread.I've got eye floaters. Sunken eyes. Dark circles around my eyes. Digestive problems. Feeling of tiredness all the time. Al...
Remedies: Platinum Metallicum
Started by blahblah. Last post: 2004-11-02

Excessive iron 0

Can someone guide me I know somebody who has too much iron in the body.Which remedies would you recommend?Dr ali...
Started by kalibrom. Last post: 2004-06-20

As you know, information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis, and should not be used as a substitute for seeing a qualified homeopath or physician. In most cases, advice posted here is not given by a medical expert.

If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional.