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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! Sleep Problem Page 11 of 20

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sepia can be used in liquid or any other form.Quantity plays no roll in homeopathy.One liquid drop or one globules is sufficient.When given in tincture which is often written asQ needs in 5-10-20 drops,while in potentize form quantity is of no importance .I hope you understand.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Hello all,
Im back from holiday. Hope all are doing well. I seem to be getting sleep with Arnica but the only problem at the moment that does not give me a sound sleep is my back and neck problem. I have upper and lower back pain plus neck pain as well. Due to this, I keep twisting and turning at night. If it were not for these, I think I would have sound sleep.
Has anyone else tried Arnica?
crabcanc last decade
Neck is cimicifuga and back is cal fl and aesculus hip.
Arnica is helping you.It is a wonderful remedy.It is suitable for physical and mentel trauma.If we go into detail in this trauma,it can cure many a diseases,but unfortunately it is mis understood.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Unfortunately, Arnica didn't work for me :-(
justagirl last decade
Fortunately arnica worked well for crabcanc.Always lucky.
Most of the symptoms of arnica are clinical.It is a polycrest remedy but mostely used for trauma especially physical.For insomnia as i understand it gives benefit to lucky persons.That is my observation only.I may be wrong.
sajjadakram635 last decade
You seem to believe in luck in spite of being a doctor Sajjad!
crabcanc last decade
Oh dear you caught me.Yes i believe in luck also.
sajjadakram635 last decade
why can't i be lucky? :-(
justagirl last decade
This isn't homeopathic, but it's helped me VERY much. It's an amino acid supplement called L-Ornithine. It usually comes in 500 mg caps. I take two before bed, but you can take up to six. It may take a night or two before you get the results you want.
abcuser3 last decade
Looks like Im not so lucky after all. Last nite couldnt sleep at all..inspite of taking Arnica..once before bed time and once in the middle of the night.
I got drenched in the rain last nite and it was cold. Also I had been to the gym from 1615 to 1730 hours and that might have something to do with. I did an extensive workout and it might have proven to be too much. Any comments anyone?
crabcanc last decade
How long have you been taking this medicine and has it been recommended by someone?
is it available in the UK?
crabcanc last decade
I dont know much about these supplements.
So many people are suffering from sleeplessness,i think i should do some research work on this.I hope you all will cooperate with me.
sajjadakram635 last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:49:12 GMT]
justagirl last decade
I tried Seditol for sometime. It seemed to work initially but then stopped working. Where did you buy relora from? How long have you been taking it? Im facing sleep problem again. Not so lucky after all as you may think. The bout of insomnia has returned.
crabcanc last decade
You know a great homeopath james tyler kent,he was an allopath,there is a story attached to him may be right or wrong,his wife was suffering from insomnia he was probably an allopath not aware of homeopathy.He was very much worried about his wife's condition.A person told him about a homeopathic medicine for insomnia,he gave it to his wife and sat close to him.He was reading a book,soon as he turned round an was really astonished to know that his wife was sleeping.He was really astonished to see that then he started taking interest in homeopathy an became a great homeopath and till the end of world he will remain great.Unfortunately i dont know the remedy i will try my best to ask him in my dreams.I believe in dreams also.
sajjadakram635 last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:49:54 GMT]
justagirl last decade
Yes seditol is the one with magnolia in it. Might work for you. Give it a try. I had to order it from america as it is not available in the UK.
crabcanc last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:50:46 GMT]
justagirl last decade
You need brisk walk atleast four miles before going to sleep in a park only not on the road because there is always a danger of accident.Exhaust your self mentally and physically before going to sleep,you can accompany your husband if you are married.You will also loose wt if it is over, if you do job go on foot in UK every body is in hurry.Hope your sleep problem will be solved soon
sajjadakram635 last decade
You seems to be expert in food supplements.My knowledge is almost zero regarding these supplements,i would like to know more about these.I think it is a business only.Am i right?-----a homeopathic doctor who is my dear friend though not now is marketing these sort of supplement.He is doing fraud and misguiding innocent people with his food supplements.Since i like only honest peoples so i am avoiding him.What do you think?
sajjadakram635 last decade
"sajjadakram635" : Apart from your beliefs and hopes, what else can you suggest the above people. Do you think KaliPhos-30X, 4 tablets each, every 4th hour would help them.
Alternatively, do you think they can be asked to sequentially asked to take one medicine after another, till a medicine clicks. OR maybe constitutionalise them.
Seems the ARNICA idea, wet dose for sound sleep is wearing off, hardly read any postings on that one.
JUST FOR YOUR KNOWLEDGE : Mental or Physical exhaustion does not cause sleep

No Hard feelings here, saj'ji. Hope you understand.
Nesha-India last decade
KALI PHOS 30X,can help them.Pages and pages are written on Kali Phos.Incidentally my star cell is kali phos,i tried it in every potency,but it failed.WHY?---I JUST DONT KNOW.Constitional remedy can help them a lot but every time the constition is changed.Arnica,a sad story,u know well what we did.I think we were right.There are thousands of medicines we must not stick to only one,it will retard promotion.
I dont mind what you say.A friend of mine,now a days living in kenya,i am sure he will come back to india and will take care of his farm,then i would come there and stay for the rest of life.Wait for that time then we will talk on homeopathy and etc.
sajjadakram635 last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:52:04 GMT]
justagirl last decade
My attention was drawn to a member stating that the "ARNICA idea, wet dose for sound sleep is wearing off". This was in reference to its use to overcome chronic Insomnia.

I first mentioned Arnica on this forum many months ago but I had first used and recommended Arnica 6c and 30c in the dry dose 10 years ago when I first started to use it and it has been very successfully used by many on a nightly basis ever since. It is only a few months ago that I changed over to the wet dose when I was convinced that it was more effective when used with all remedies instead of the dry dose.

I would like to reassure this member that Arnica 30c is being used by hundreds perhaps thousands, in both the wet and the dry dose on a daily basis and many are dependent on its use every night as they have discovered that they sleep very deeply and also wake up completely refreshed which they did not experience before they first started to use Arnica. Those that use it have informed me that they too prefer the Wet dose which they make by inserting just 3 globules Arnica 30c into 500 ml water and after succussing it, they sip 1 teaspoonful prior to sleep

The mere fact that one or two members do not react positively to this remedy does not therefore indicate that it is ineffective to overcome insomnia and I would recommend that this critic also uses it before pontificating on its efficacy.

If Arnica does not help there may be other causes for the insomnia. Stimulants like tea, coffee, cola beverages and of course alcohol may be the direct cause. All these liquids are best avoided for at least 4-6 hours prior to sleep.

I do agree with a member who stated that exercise also helps to increase the body's demand for sleep. Exercise must however not be confused with physical exhaustion which can even be conter- productive by making a bad situation worse and can promote insomnia. This exercise should not be undertaken 4 hours before sleep.

A portable radio preferably one with a sleep timer which is tuned off a channel to produce a constant "shsss" white noise can also help. The continuous sound is soothing and promotes sleep and is useful where there are other noises that interfere with falling asleep.

I have also observed that a heavy dinner can interfere with sleep. It is best to have a light meal and a remedy that will help with the digestion is Nat Phos 6x (Biochemic), dose 2 tablets taken after dinner. This remedy works by promoting Peristalysis and I have reports that this remedy taken alone without the Arnica also promotes sleep. I discovered that Nat Phos 6x also reduces weight a year ago and released this information last Christmas Day 2004 on this and another forum, the day before we were affected by the Tsunami in Sri Lanka. Nat Phos usually reduces weight by between 1-2 pounds per week very safely and this remedy too is being used worldwide today.
Joe De Livera last decade

Conter-productive to read as:
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanku joe.I am sure arnica and natrum phos is helping people,as you know when medicines are prescribed on clinical basis they are not successful all the times that is why some do not get any benifit.
sajjadakram635 last decade

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