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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! Sleep Problem Page 6 of 20

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Here are some of the prominent remedies for insomnia.
1.cocculus.due to night watching,and nursing,physical and mental exertion.
2.coffea.due to joy as winning a lottery.
3.arsenicum.anxiety with restlessness.
4.aur met.with hoplessness.
5.aconite.an xiety with restlessness.
6.staphysagria.due to reserved displeasure.
7.ambra gresia.due to worry.business and financial worry.
8.arnica.due to physical and mental tirdness.
9.ignatia.due to grief,due to death of loved one.
10.avena sativa tincture 30-40 drops bef ore going to bed.himulus tincture 20 drops before going to bed.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Wow...all these remedies. I hope it helps someone out there. Im waiting for my remedies to come from India. If one of the remedies helps someone, could we know please. Im still not sleeping well! Feeling the strain now.
Thanks for the list of remedies Sajjad!
crabcanc last decade
Everybody is different, but I found some success with different things. Recently I've been taking the herb St.Johns Wort, and Coffea 200c helped me. While you are waiting for your remedies, maybe you could try some things like relaxation exercises, positive thinking, yoya, meditation, etc. Maybe some cal/mag, inositol before bed, something to support adrenal glands (siberian ginseng is one), eating healthy; protein during the day, and small complex carb before bed with 2 cal/mag. I found Alfalfa herb helps too. Kali phos 6x is supposed to help with the nervous exhaustion taken throughout the day. Try to walk/excercise, get your body back into balance. Take time to unwind before bed with things you enjoy. Try to distract yourself from thinking too much about sleeping, focus on something else (book, movie, crosswords, etc.) Put your sleep problem on "the shelf" and just focus on what you can do to be healthier/happier and dont worry if you don't sleep,, you will be okay the next day and sleep will come. You can try some relaxation cd that you can orderonine, they may help you drift off until you find your right remedy. Guided Mindful meditation by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Imagery for Relaxation by Dr. Frank Lawless, Peaceful sleep& Stress reduction by Beautifulhealing. Oh Yes, right all your thought in a journal before going to bed.
Good Luck!
justagirl last decade
I usually dont try and think about Sleeping when I go to bed. Im doing yoga 3 times a week. Havent managed to get around to doing meditation. What is cal/mag and inositol? I think my diet is quite healthy. I eat plenty of veg as well. I read a book at bed time. I fall asleep initially and then wake up unable to go back to sleep. The arnica helped me to atleast be calm and not worry..so I just lay there even if it is near morning time and Im not sleeping yet.
Thanks for the advice though.
I might take coffea and stick to it for sometime to see if I benefit from it.
crabcanc last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:28:02 GMT]
justagirl last decade
what to say more.i think the suggestion is more than sufficent,by the way----.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Im starting to take coffea as well. What potency would be the best? Is it worth taking the liquid and diluting it in water?
crabcanc last decade
The indication for coffea is nervous sleeplessness from rush of ideas ,from pleasurable excitement.sleep until 3.a.m after which dozing.if these sympotms fit your condition.go ahead and give it sufficent time.the potency 200 or above.i am semi illeterate person any mistake may please be oversighted.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Hi crabcanc

i hope you are feeling better. Have you or anyone in this forum tried the supposedly new BREAKTHROUGH, wonder herbal drug for insomnia...its all over the internet... they even have a website www dot GreatNightSleep dot com. The ingredients seem OK: Here is a quote from there website:

Calcium - Builds and maintains bones and teeth; helps regulate heart rhythm; promotes restful sleep; helps maintain proper nerve and muscle function; and helps maintain normal blood pressure.

Chamomile - Used as a soothing calming tea for centuries; contains apigenin which is responsible for the calming, anti-anxiety effects.

Jujube - It relieves nervous tension and apprehension. Good for insomnia. This is a component of our MaxRelease™. MaxRelease™ is not found in other products and exclusive to Great Night Sleep™ Premium Sleep Enhancer.

Magnesium - Regulates the heart by maintaining normal heart rhythm; converts blood sugar into energy; and promotes deep sleep.

Melatonin - A hormone produced by humans in the pineal gland located in the brain. It synchronizes daily and seasonal rhythms including the sleep wake cycle. Melatonin deficiency may cause sleep disorders, immune deficiency conditions, and depression. Melatonin has been found to alleviate sleep disorders and boost the immune system.

Niacin - A form of vitamin b-3 which has shown sleep and relaxation benefits in scientific studies.

Passion Flower - This herb eases anxiety-induced insomnia. It's very calming and eases muscle spasms that can be very painful and keep you awake. Passion Flower causes sleepiness, so it would be advisable to avoid driving for a few hours after use.

Valerian - Used for thousands of years as a folk remedy, tranquilizer, and sedative for disorders such as restlessness, anxiety, and insomnia; scientifically proven to be a safe and effective anti-anxiety agent and sedative; best characterized as a mild tranquilizer.

. the testimonials could have been planted and the look of the site is not very professional but i think its worth a try...the risk of side effects seems to be minimal... i also have an insomnia problem but currently I dont have a credit card to order this supplement and i am also short of money and jobless.

If anyone has tried it already, PLEASE let me know about the results

(PLEASE NOTE: i am NOT a sales rep for this website or the company that makes Greatnightsleep---I am just a suffering patient looking for a cure just as many of you out there.
Alfalfa Q last decade
Dear Sajjad,
Im going to go with the other remedy you recommended. You must understand that Im trying Coffea as a sign of desperation, to try using a remedy that I have at home, in hope that it will work.
Im off to the homeo store now.
Ill let you know the results soon.
crabcanc last decade
For your insomnia problem u can use coffea cruda.buy some number 10 globules from a homeopathic store,take a clean small glass or plastic bottle preferably glass,fill it 2/3 with these globules,now pour 3-4 drops of medicine on them,shake it well.use 2-3 gloubels as a dose.in this way u can cut short your expences.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Hi everybody

howz your sleep going on? I am still taking Arnica 6C, the way Joe described, Well, I don't think I benefitted much...... but still I can sleep sometimes (not refreshing though), but I want to stick to it for a while .... before changing it. May be, I am not doing it right. What joe has described is just one drop in 400 ml of spring water. But what I have got has a pump, i mean it is written on the bottle that one pump is equal to 10 drops. That means I was taking 10 drops in 400 ml of water. But how do I make sure that I put just one drop (not one pump), it does n't have a dropper or anything like that.......... some people must be laughing by reading this, even I do :):), silly me, i don't even know this, but the fact is I really don't know..............
noname last decade
I was indeed surprised that the Arnica 6c had not helped you and intended to suggest that you use the higher potency 30c which I have sometimes used myself to alternate with the 6 when I find that it is not having the desired effect.

I have now discovered from your post the real reason for your response and that is simply that you are overdosing by using the 'pump' to get 1 drop of the remedy into 400ml spring water.

My advice to you is to forget the pump and get yourself Arnica 30c in globule form. You can then put 3 globules into the bottle and succuss it as per instructions above.

I am confident that this new formula should work with you and improve your sleeping pattern.
Joe De Livera last decade
hey Joe,
I am using the Arnica 30c regularly. I dont have a pump. I just put one drop in the water as you suggested..
It seemed to help initially but now..am not getting much sleep. But I think it does help me remain calm. Im not using spring water though. Does this make a difference?
crabcanc last decade
Spring water is purer than tap water which obviously contains other contaminants. This may be the reason why you do not get the full benefit of the Arnica. Interesting what you stated about Arnica helping you to be calmer. This rubric is not mentioned anywhere and I must add it to my collection. If you are interested please read my posts under Arnica which you may find of use.

My last post was not meant for you but for "noname."

I often wonder why people post under nom d'plumes as it is always more positive to post under one's own name unless one is discussing intimate details on an open forum like this when privacy is perhaps required. One does not have to assume another name as it is always more personal rather than posting :

Dear noname !!!

I must admit that noname is about the most fascinating name I have encountered on this forum.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,
I think arnica has helped me to remain calm and not worry that its almost morning and its time to go to work. Not sure about helping me to sleep though. My sleep pattern fluctuates and sometimes there is no helping me.
crabcanc last decade
What other medication do you use ?
Do you suffer from Hyperacidity or feel full after a meal ?
Do you exercise enough to make your body to demand rest ?
Do you take stimulants 6 hours before sleep ?
Joe De Livera last decade
Ive tried stopping all stimulants ..exercising, yoga etc. The main problem is my mind. Ive got a tendency to bottle up emotions and then one day, I burst with anger. This is the reason as another doctor suggested for my insomnia. what do you think?
crabcanc last decade
What time is it there Joe?
crabcanc last decade
Hi Joe,

thanks for the reply. you are right, I should use my real name, I dont know why i created this ID :), and later on I tried to change it, but i think i can not do that now.

OK, I 'll try to get Arnica 30C in globules. You know yesterday I was reading some book, it is about herbal medicines and they have mentioned about Arnica that it circulates blood and heals wounds very quickly. Also, recommended for hair falling. See, All of these points are same as you mentioned in your posts. :):)

thanks again.

noname last decade
I am busy for 2 weeks,sorry not to attend this forum.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I would like you to use Nat Mur 6x for your mind. This is the Biochemic salt and is in tablet form. Dose 1 tablet 3 times daily.

Use the Arnica 30c in the manner that I have detailed as this will also help you.

Post your response in 2 days after you start on this therapy.

Time here in Colombo right now is 10.09PM. Sri Lanka is 6 hours ahead of GMT.

Where do you live ?
Joe De Livera last decade
Glad you will use your own name from now on. Where do you live ? India ?

I was very interested to learn that you read about Arnica in some book. I would appreciate if you can please copy it by scanning the relevant section and send it to me by email at

joe at titusstores.com
Joe De Livera last decade
I am from India but staying in Canada these days. I can give the name of the book, it is



I am afraid that I can not copy without the permission, it 'll be illegal, you know.

Now, some more info about me (for help with medicine)
I also have similar mental and emotional stages, exactly as crabcanc. I get very emotional, very quickly. I am a student right now and I used to be very good in studies, always a topper, and focussed on my studies. But these days, I can not just concentrate, and also suspect my abilities. Even in the first year, when I was taking courses, I did very - very well, but now I don't know, why , I do feel that I am not capable of doing research etc., I get nervous when I think that I will have to give seminar or presentation in a conference. It was not like this before, I used to be very confident. I keep on reminding myself that in the past I always did very well, I can do now as well ....... but still, I don't think that my mind is focussed and creative as it used to be. Yesterday night I could not sleep at all, and was crying in the middle of night, because I could not sleep. Sometimes, this does n't matter or I just don't care, but sometimes, I just can't bear it. I also keep on worrying that I have lot of work to do, and as a result of worrying, I can neither do anything nor can I sleep. I think, this lack of sleep is playing a big role in this whole situation.
noname last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:28:59 GMT]
justagirl last decade
Oh dear noname...what will happen to us??
crabcanc last decade

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