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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! Sleep Problem Page 15 of 20

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Thank you for your reply.I am very much pleased to here that you got the job and you feel physically tired that can help your insomnia problem.I dont like you taking allopathic medicines for your sleeplessness because once you stop them they will accelerate your problem i think that is why no homeopathic medicine giving you any relief.Crabcanc seems to be alright.People who get some relief becomes absent and dont dare to tell their physician .(sorry).
I would like to see this thread continuing and i hope the day will come when your problem will be solved.I am sure about it.Thank You.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Dear Justagirl:
I am handling your problem for the first time.You had undoubtedly been under competent treatment.I have gone through your case.Before any medicines may be advised I would say:
1.One only gets in life that one deserve.Before one expects any things from others including near and dear ones one must always be prepared to give,and give in abundance.
2.You need to inform us about your constitution,life-style and habits to effectivly understand your real problem.
However,in the meanwhile you are advised to take following for one week:
a.IGNATIA 200 two pills in
b.DAPHNE INDICA 6 two pills TDS
God Bless you.
Dr.Jecee last decade
Hello all..
am off work now and am off to India in a few days. Im trying to relax and do some yoga. Im trying to take it easy. Im sleeping a lot better...but got other problems like back and chest pain which keep me awake in the night. But a little sleep is enough to keep me happy.
I take some herbal stuff when i wake up in the middle of the night around 0300 a.m. and cant go back to sleep and this seems to help a bit.
hope all are fine.
crabcanc last decade
Pleased to here that you are sleeping with the help of some herbal stuf.If it is possible for you you must tell the others so that they also may get benefit.People who prescribe herbs some times dont tell so it will be OK if you dont pass on to others.
I hope your back and chest problem will be solved immediately on going to india because there you will get relaxation that is must for good health.
Hope you will keep on posting on this forum.
Wish you best of luck and enjoy your holidays.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I guess I'm getting what I deserve.
justagirl last decade
Hello there,
thank you sajjad for your best wishes. The herbal stuff Im using in the middle of the night is called Kalms which you get here in the U.K. Im not sure if it really works...I might be able to go back to sleep without any medication in the middle of the night...but I just want to be cautious and not stay awake the rest of the night.
I dont know if youre starting to believe this nonsense about getting what you deserve. NOBODY deserves to get insomnia and I know what it must be like for you for not being able to sleep for so long. Ive had this problem for years and one thing you could definitely do with is sympathy and understanding from your near and dear ones. What you dont need to hear is THAT YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE. I hope you find a remedy soon...I think one of the most important things is to get your mind off the sleep problem. I have a problem of bottling things up inside me..and Im trying to deal with this problem. I try and be open and say what I feel deep down inside rather than keep it in me. I feel much better now.
Well...let us know how you get on. I hope you feel better soon.
take care.
best wishes..
crabcanc last decade
Crabcanc explained to you very nicely.Do not be so disappointed.The time will definitely come when all your problems will be solved.
Thanks for your comments.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I am not sure if this is available in your country but, something I discovered that helped my insomnia was Nikken (magnetic therapy) try them on the internet and see if there is someone in your area who could assist you.
ganboy last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 18:07:03 GMT]
justagirl last decade
Thanku very much.Be good and do good.I hope some day happiness will be at your door,I am sure about it.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Dear justagirl:
It seems you are offended.I never meant it;mine was a very generalised statement.However, I sincerely regret it. I wish you good luck. I wish that you recover soon and truly get rid of insomania.
God Bless You,dear.-
Dr.Jecee last decade
Thank you
justagirl last decade
Hello there,
Where is everybody? Is everyone sleeping well or not? I have a secret to share.
hope to hear from you people soon and hope everyone is alright.
crabcanc last decade
Everybody sleeping !!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Crabcanc, PLEASE share your secret!!! Are you sleeping well now?
justagirl last decade
I need the cure!!! :-)
justagirl last decade
Justa girl,
Start a new thread and post all your symptoms.

Will help.

Too many people posting on same thread creates confusion and hinders proper analysis.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Yes, good idea to start the new thread. Meanwhile if your problem is racing & thinking brain, cut down on the sugar and a daily dose of Sulphur 30 and a weekly dose of Belladonna 6C may help.

If everything in the world fails then a tsp of Passiflora Q at night and a tsp of Aconite Q at morning will work. Gradually you can cut down the quantity of the medicine and eventually raise the potency but start wtih Sulphur and Belladonna first.
girilal last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 18:08:16 GMT]
justagirl last decade
ps. what is the Q at end of passiflora and aconite?
justagirl last decade
Q means 0 potency mother tincture. You may only be able to obtain it in India.
girilal last decade
In that case take Belladonna 6X three doses a day.
girilal last decade
I have been sleeping well for quite some time now..I was the one who started this thread as I had insomnia for 6 years. But I have found a cure that suits me. Please send me a mail at shylakam at hotmail dot com and Ill have a chat with you. Nothing worked for me..homeopathy..herbal..allopathic..just nothing.
so if you are willing to try my new discovered method..mail me.
hope to hear from u.
its not homeopathic or herbal.
crabcanc last decade
Hello Carbcanc, why not bring it here in this post so it could benefit all.
girilal last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 18:09:26 GMT]
justagirl last decade
Of course there is Mother tincture of Aconite. MOther tinctures are usually not sold in western world. You can get it from India.

And I made a mistake, for Aconite Mother tincture, take about 10 drops instead of a tsp. But Passiflora Qmust be taken a tea spoon.

Oh! you will sleep. And recepy is not habbit forming.
girilal last decade

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