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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! Sleep Problem Page 5 of 20

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Hi Justagirl,
Ive tried concentrating on one finger and all the sensations around it. My mind keeps drifting and I find it difficult to focus on one thing. I have to keep trying till I perfect this. AM not very good at NOT LETTING MY MIND WANDER!
crabcanc last decade
Dear sajjadakram635,
ive got some bellis per at home. I think Ive got the 200 potency. Should I try that for the body ache? But I dont know why I get up every night..with or without body pain. But I guess I must have body ache every night even though I dont know it and that must be waking me...and I must realise it on waking up.
What to do yaar?
crabcanc last decade
if arnica is indicated medicine and help your insomnia it will not be antidoted by coffea.hence you can use them combined.
sajjadakram635 last decade
you can use bellis per in 200c it will remove bodyaches and may be your insomnia.you can mail me all your problems with number 1-2-3 etc.thanks.
sajjadakram635 last decade
number 1-2-3? I dont understand.
crabcanc last decade
i mean all your problems numberwise it will be easy for me to repertorise with the help of software.thanks.
sajjadakram635 last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:25:08 GMT]
justagirl last decade
Hi justagirl...will keep persevering..thanks for the advice.
crabcanc last decade
Hello sajjadakram635,
what time is it at yours? Its 20.15 here. Here is how Ive numbered the problems:
1. Sleep problem
2. Body ache
3. Waking up in the middle of the night
crabcanc last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:25:43 GMT]
justagirl last decade
it is half past 12 night.sequence is correct but little bit explaination of every symptom.if we feed these symptoms without detail the remedy that come out will be general not particularly suitably for you.thanks.
sajjadakram635 last decade
dear sajjadakram635,
Do you have a personal email address that I can send my symptoms to?
crabcanc last decade
maybe you could send me an email instead of you posting your email on this website. My email is : shylakam on hotmail dot com
crabcanc last decade
Dear sahhadajram635,
I dont think we are allowed to put our emails on this forum. So here are my symptoms:
1. Ive had this sleep problem since 5 years. I was on allopathic sleeping pills for 2years. The problem went when I got married and settled. But it returned after around 6 months of my marriage. I get easily upset due to any small problems. I tend to blow things out of proportions sometimes. I get irritated by the smallest of things...and insignificant things matter a lot to me. My extremities are usually cold. But Im very uncomfortable if sleeping when its warm. But need to keep my body covered with a sheet all the time when sleeping.

2. Body ache seems to be a result of not sleeping properly. Had severe back pain due to my pregnancy and even now.

3. Waking up at 0400 every night is a recent thing...since the past few months.

hope this helps. Please ask me any questions you need to. Thanks for your time.
crabcanc last decade
Also..I think my spell of insomnia has returned. It was on a low recently and I THOUGHT the medicines were working on me..but now as Ive got the spell on me..nothing is working at all. Not even Arnica.
crabcanc last decade
symptoms for insomnia.
1.state when and under what circumstances u r abnormally sleepy.
2.state all the trobles or symptoms occuring before,during,after sleep.
3.are u a sound sleeper or light sleeper.
4.what causes the sleeplessness.
5.when and under what circumstances are u sleepless.
6.is the sleep restful r refreshing.
7.how do u feel when first awaking and on firdt arising in the morning.
8.do you sleep during the day.
9.do u feel well after a day sleep.
10.r u easy or hard to awaken.
11.do u sleep quitely or toss and roll about during the sleep.
12.do u like to sleep with the head high or lower.
13.do u have the nightmare.
14.do u snore loudly.
15.do u moan,scream or make other noises during sleep.
16.have u sweat during sleep.
17.have u grating or grinding of the teeth during sleep.
18.do u get sleeplessness after exertion,from excitement,before midnight,after mid night,r due to any other reason.
i thing it is more than sufficent.it is good to keep me busy.thanks
sajjadakram635 last decade
hello sajjad,
1.I sometimes dont sleep at all, sometimes sleep till 0400 and then dont sleep.
2.Before sleep I am anxious about whether I will sleep or not..but this is only if I am not sleeping for a few days already that I start worrying about sleeping. Otherwise I try not to think of it. During sleep I get bodyache and back pain. After sleep I feel like my brain is clamped (if I dont sleep well). But Im amazingly very well adapted to the lack of sleep. I dont lose my temper even if I havent slept properly for a few nights.
3. I am a light sleeper.
4&5. There seems to be no cause for the insomnia..just comes and goes no matter what my state of mind is..even though I am happy. I usually start thinking a lot if Im unhappy about something...could be very trivial and that could cause the sleeplessness.
6.The sleep is restful and refreshing only if I get a few good hours of continuous sleep. I slept till 0445 this morning and then was just tossing and turning and I dont feel to good in the head. But yesterday I got some good sleep and I felt refreshed and on top of the world. Happy and full of energy.
7.Depends on how good a sleep I get. If I dont sleep well...Im just quiet...and a bit moody but if I do sleep well..Im very happy and bubbly.
8. I do not sleep during the day. I cannot consciously think Ill sleep and go to sleep. I also avoid sleeping during the day as Im petrified I wont sleep at night as a result of sleeping during the day.
9.I dont sleep during the sleep. But if I sleep wel during the night, I feel great.
10. Im a light sleeper and very easily awoken.
11.I toss around.
12.I sleep with my head low..close to my neck and sleep in a C position with my knees close to my chest.
13.I get nightmares occassionally. I used to get very bad nightmares as a child till recently. But they are not so bad now. Dreamt I was being attacked last night.
14. I dont snore. I only snored when I was pregnant..
15. I am a quiet sleeper. I only made noises once or twice in my entire life.
16. No
17. I dont grate or grind my teeth..but I might possibly clench my teeth when Im stretching in my sleep.
18. I do get sleepless when excited with some thoughts.. when Im already having a spell of insomnia...but am not sure otherwise.
Thanks for taking the trouble.
Hope to hear from you soon.
crabcanc last decade
Please give me some time to solve your insomnia problem.a young girl contacted me for her serious trouble i am busy to solve her problem only after i shall let u know the remedy for u.thanks.sorry for delay.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Hey Crabcanc

It seems you have narrated my story :). We have similar symptoms and problem. I am taking Arnica these days, but I wake up around 3 or 4 a.m. Also, If I get to sleep, I dont feel fresh the next day, keep on feeling like dizzy or tired.
noname last decade
Hello noname,
I used to think I was the only one with such intense problems...but looks like there are more people out there who are suffering. Hopefully we should find a remedy with our friends on the forum. We should keep posting our developmentson this forum for everyones benefit.
I woke up at 0345 today and couldnt get back to sleep...not feeling too good today!
crabcanc last decade
Dear sajjad,
the fact that youre trying to help is good enough for me. I can wait a little longer.
crabcanc last decade
My body pains when I sleep on one side..
the side I sleep on starts paining as it is pressed. My hands start aching if they are under my body while sleeping. Sometimes I sleep on my stomach, sometimes on my side.
My sweat has also started smelling different...which is quite unusual.
any comments?
crabcanc last decade
What to say.your sleep position indicates MEDORRHINUM.
sajjadakram635 last decade
pain part lain on and worse by presseure is rhus tox.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Dear noname.sleep is a natural and sleeplessness is unatural there must be some cause which u know better,however today i am posting some prominent remedies with there clear cut indications.u can select among them easily.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Here are some of the prominent remedies for insomnia.
1.cocculus.due to night watching,and nursing,physical and mental exertion.
2.coffea.due to joy as winning a lottery.
3.arsenicum.anxiety with restlessness.
4.aur met.with hoplessness.
5.aconite.an xiety with restlessness.
6.staphysagria.due to reserved displeasure.
7.ambra gresia.due to worry.business and financial worry.
8.arnica.due to physical and mental tirdness.
9.ignatia.due to grief,due to death of loved one.
10.avena sativa tincture 30-40 drops bef ore going to bed.himulus tincture 20 drops before going to bed.
sajjadakram635 last decade

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