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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! Sleep Problem Page 12 of 20

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thanku joe.I am sure arnica and natrum phos is helping people,as you know when medicines are prescribed on clinical basis they are not successful all the times that is why some do not get any benifit.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Did you ever tried piscidia tincture for your sleep problem,if yes what was the result and if have not tried,give it fair trial.I hope it will give you some relief.If i ever come to usa which i hope to in coming few months i will pay u the price of the remedy if failed and if it succeeded then you have to pay to me.ok leave it u need not to pay.Try if you can.
sajjadakram635 last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:54:23 GMT]
justagirl last decade
Good luck.Enjoy your vacations.Others are also on vocations.Now i will sleep peacefully.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Hi everyone: I just wanted to let everyone know that I tried the arnica montana 6X.. while the successed version did not work. I resorted to taking 5 drops on my tongue before going to bed with warm water. The first night I slept all night in a deep sleep...not wanting to appear too excited waited a bit longer to see if it would work again. This has been my 5th night and I've had a deep sleep of 7 hours for the past 5 nights. Just wanted to give some feedback on the arnica. Now if it will just help my post nasal drip during the allergy season it waits to be seen. Enjoy these forums. While I have some trouble navigating around, do eventually latch onto the appropriate posts. sinogirl
sinogirl last decade
attn: joe de livera. what is the long term for Nat Phos, I do not see it listed on the remedies to purchase..this must be an abbrevation that you refer to. thank you for all your wonderful information; you and sajjad are extremely helpful and humble in your dispensing of advice. sinogirl
sinogirl last decade
I am happy to note that Arnica 6x has helped you. I note that you are using 5 drops from the bottle directly on your tongue and would like to advise you that this is not recommended as the Ethanol which is 99% alcohol can sting your tongue. It would be better to use the wet dose technique which gives the same result which you can do by putting just 1 drop of the ethanol remedy into a 500ml bottle of spring water and after succussing it by shaking or twisting it in your hand side to side when it water will bubble, you take just 1 teaspoonful of the remedy instead of the 5 drops you are using directly on the tongue.

Answering your question about Nat Phos it is listed in the ABC remedy shop under Natrum Phosphoricum. It is the Latin name for Sodium Phosphate and if you wish to use it for a gastric condition the potency is 6x. Dose is 2 tablets taken after a meal. For weight reduction the dose is taken twice daily and you can expect a reduction of about 1-2 pounds per week.

Thank you for the compliment. Both Sajjad who is a qualified Homeopath and I, who am not, try to help anyone who seeks help on this forum.

I live in Sri Lanka and offer my service free to anyone who seeks my assistance free of charge and I also give the medication from my stock of remedies which unfortunately are not freely available here, but which I import from India.

I would appreciate news of your response to the form of therapy that I indicated, using 1 drop of Arnica 6x in 500ml water.
Joe De Livera last decade
attn: Joe DeLivera. Thank you for such a quick response. I shall go ahead with the process you suggested and let you know. I am from the U.S. and believe I can get the Natrum Phos which you talk about at a local homeopathic store. Again thank you and will keep you posted.
sinogirl last decade
Hi, I was drinking wine and not sleeping very well for a while few years ago, I went to a homeopath with some kind of a machine that could test what's wrong with you, he told me my liver was week and sensetive and he gave me (liver R-1) by REGEN RX and told me to take 10 drops 3 times a day under tongue for 10 seconds and then swallow, not eating anything 20 minutes before or after, I started sleeping better after 5 days and I remember I continued it for 3-4 months and I didn't have any problems sleeping after, of course NO DRINKS also!!!
I thought maybe you should know!!!
maryam last decade
Oh where are you all my Dear patients?---i found some mystery remedy for you but it is not free now you have to pay 200 dollars for these mystery remedies and this consultation fee will go to poors as usual.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I have decided to withdraw my consultation fee and have decided to offer my services free till to end.What to do with the money.No body know what will happen the next moment.I am very much afraid of my creater my dear friend.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Since the past few weeks, Im unable to sleep. I was taking Arnica for a long time and it seemed to help with my sleep initially but now Im just not sleeping. The one thing Arnica does help me with is to remain calm througout the night. I dont panic and get anxious and the morning. I still take it every night as I need to remain calm.
My insomnia comes in bouts. I have a period of calm where I can sleep and it might be then that I thought Arnica was helping me to sleep. I will keep taking Arnica as it keeps my mind calm all night. I think its worth taking for this reason and would like to thank you for recommending it to me as it has helped in its own way.
crabcanc last decade
What is this miracle cure then?
crabcanc last decade
where do you live and what machine did this homeopath use?
crabcanc last decade
Please remind me of the potency of the Arnica you are using and also if you are using the Wet Dose.
Joe De Livera last decade
I live in Los Angeles, and there are few homeopaths who have this machine, and they swear on it, and they charge very expensive, you tell them what's the problem and they check you with related remedies, I don't know what it is called, you hold a light metalic thing on your left hand and they check all the related remedies with you right hand, and the machine tells you if your body needs that remedy or not, that time for me it worked, liver R-1 works for insomnia due to liver being loaded (Alcohol- too much fat or heavy food), because you said you were drinking wine, I thought it was similar to my case.
maryam last decade
R-1 Liver


30ml Bottle
For relief of: headache, insomnia, nausea and vomiting, irritability .

To strengthen the liver after alcohol abuse, both acute and chronic; to help strengthen any organ system in which the liver is the head of the causal chain; for supporting the liver when undergoing general anesthesia (start three days before surgery); to take before sleep for any patient who either cannot fall asleep, or who wakes up between 1 and 3 a.m.; in patients who smoke cigarettes or are chronically exposed to cigarette smoke; for supporting the liver in patients on prescription drugs.
maryam last decade
I am taking Arnica 6 potency in the wet dose...succussed at bed time.
crabcanc last decade
Thanks for your speedy reply.
I might try this remedy if its available here..or else I will try and get it from the U.S.
crabcanc last decade
Does anyone know if there are any normal remedies that can be taken for liver cleansing in homeopathy that are similar to this liver R1 REGEN?
crabcanc last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:54:51 GMT]
justagirl last decade
Welcome back.I hope you enjoyed your vacations.Please keep this subject"help sleep problem" alive with your valuable suggestions.
sajjadakram635 last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:56:16 GMT]
justagirl last decade
whats relora?
crabcanc last decade
you always come with some thing new,now you are with Relora.What is that,where from it is available,what does it contains,ans how much is it?-goto vacations again enjoy your life,for get every thing.Rain is not bad but every time raining is boring, people living in europe are fed up of this raining.If u have enough money try maryam recommendation of a machine.Every day people are coming with new things just to empty the pockets of innocent peoples.If you ever get a chance try that and let me know all about that.I know something about that but drama is not my nature,i am a straight forward person and guide people always towards right direction.Thanku for reading my harsh comments.
sajjadakram635 last decade
justagirl will tell you all about Relora,try that,i hope it will help you a lot for your sleep problem.Thanku indeed.
sajjadakram635 last decade

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