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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! Sleep Problem Page 20 of 20

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you are too rigid.That is why you resisted every medicine.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thats a funny word to use for someone.What do you mean sajjad?
crabcanc last decade
When the causation of a certain ailment is very strong and persistent it will resist every medicine at least the homeopathic.sorry.

sajjadakram635 last decade
It has been a long time that Ive been off the wee therapy. Recently I had sleep problem..couldnt sleep for a few days or more. I started the wee therapy again..and guess what..Im sleeping again. It works for me!
crabcanc last decade
Unless we remove the root cause of the present complaint the permanent relief and cure cannot be achieved.That is why you have to start again the wee therapy.
sajjadakram635 last decade
If for some reason, I wake up in the middle of the night and this happens for a couple of nights, then for some reason, I find it difficult to sleep again. I worry about being able to fall asleep. I was woken by my son in the middle of the night a couple of times and my husbands snoring. I got frustrated and irritated and fed up...this started the pattern. This has been the case before. And again when nothing else works..and this does..Im all for it!
Im considering doing a wee fast for a few days..just for good health, where you drink only the wee and dont consume anything else for a few days.
Hope you all are fine.
crabcanc last decade
'where you drink only the wee and dont consume anything else for a few days'.
For a few days its alright but not for many days.(joke)
sajjadakram635 last decade
Yes..only a few days. I want to give my stomach a break from eating processed foods and meat. Cleanse my system. Hopefully Ill lose some weight!
Did you manage to powderise the wee by any chance?
crabcanc last decade
The powderised wee did not work.Perhaps the dose was insufficient to cause reaction.
sajjadakram635 last decade

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