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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! Sleep Problem Page 17 of 20

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Justagirl, all my sympathies are with you.God may bless you with health and happiness.
A day will come when you will be free from depression, insomnia and all such problem.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I thought the day would never come...when I would be able to sleep normally again. But I am and its thanks to this wonderful therapy. If one really wants to try it, they should stop all medication and sacrifice a few nights without sleep but get on to this therapy. Its worth a few sleepless nights to get off the allopathic drugs which have so many side effects.
I can only wish the best for anyone who cannot sleep well now. For me, my discovery is a dream come true!
crabcanc last decade
Thank you! I hope you are right!
justagirl last decade
Justagirl.Always hope for the best.

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sajjadakram635 last decade
Can you do some more research.It is related with the repetition of the therapy.

sajjadakram635 last decade
dont understand what you mean when u say repitition of the therapy. Let me know and Ill do some research. By the way, which website did you go to for the dialogue on AUT? Let me know and Ill have a browse as well.
crabcanc last decade
Hello Everyone,
I'm the one who use the UT, It works wonder for me. I live in Bangkok Thailand. Approximately, 1995, DR. Rui i chi Nakao the president of the Miracle Cup of Liquid from Tokyo visited Thailand to promote this extraordinary method for the HIV patiens. At that moment, I laughed and consider this was ridiculous to drint the waste of the our body.

1 year later, his translated book, called 'Why our own urine can cure any disease from Flu to AIDS' the cover page shown the photoof the European musician who could be survived from the suffering final period of AIDS after he started the Urine Therapy for 1 years. This attracted me. I bought the book, costed me about 50 bath(1.2 USD). I started reading the book, it shows many successful stories from many cancer patients in Japan which the modern medical procedure could n't cure them. I started thinking to try my own. The taste was not that terrible as I expected.

The 1st week of the traetment, I felt tired and fall asleep all days. This was the 'improvement reaction' said Dr. Rei i chi Na a Ko. The improvement reaction is some what the urine starts working and improving our deficiency parts of the body. For example, if we have the headach or migrain, we'll face a bit more headach as this is the reaction of the treatment. This mean the Urine Therapy begins working.
The glass should be the most beautiful glass you ever had. Imagine drinking water in the luxulios hotel for dinner with the beautiful glass comparing with the normal glass at home. The feeling is quite different, right? The possitive mind during Urine Therapy is very important. So the author of the book encourage to use the good quality glass during the treatment.
Amie, Thailand
Amie2006 last decade
Hello there,
Thats just wonderful to have read a success story of someone following the UT. What problem did you have?
Thanks for putting your story up on this board.
crabcanc last decade
Thanks for your post. Am glad someone else who uses UT has put their experience on this website. IT DOES WORK! Did you have a sleep problem?
Hope this inspires others to try this wonderful and free remedy!
crabcanc last decade
Excellent.Would like to know the details of this wonderful threapy.I dont know where Mr lew is.He is expert of UT.I will try to trace him.His contribution will make this thresd more popular and valuable.
Crabcanc, By the grace of God, More and more people are taking part in this thread and in the meantime i better rest and sit on the same old 'bench'.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Hi Crabcanc,
The story of mine was not the end. Yes, I definately, had the bloody insomnia problem. I remembered I started using drug since 1991 after my first broken love. I'd consult the pshychology doctors and they order many stuff like Ativan, Dormicum, Xanax, Fluoxitine and etc., I've tried almost all of these stuff. It worked very well at the beginning of the medical treatment. after 4-5 months, I began get used to these drug and the sleeping time was reduce from 8-10 hrs to 3-4 hrs and awakening at 2 am.

Then I'd switched to the herbal, St. John Wort, Valerian, melatonin. there herbs are not available in Thailand. I had to ask my friends in the US. orderedthem and mail to me with very expensive cost. sorry, these herbal is help very little bit. It seemed they weren't suitable for oneswho used the drug before.

I've tried everything on the planet to cure my insomnia, such as the conciousness tape cassette from the Dept. of Psychology Medical in Bangkok which had the proven recordto cure insomnia, unfortunately nothing could really help.

I could not beleive the book of valued 1.2 USD, 'Y our own urine can cure from Flu to AIDS' had totally changed my life forever. At this stage, I never touched any drug or herb at all. I could sleep almost 8-10 hrs a night w/o awakening interuption.

Now, I am taking 1 full glass in the morning only for this miracle liquid. I have had full energy enough for me to accomplish the busy work all day.
Amie2006 last decade
Hi. UK.
The story of mine was not the end. Yes, I definately, had the bloody insomnia problem. I remembered I started using drug since 1991 after my first broken love. I'd consult the pshychology doctors and they order many stuff like Ativan, Dormicum, Xanax, Fluoxitine and etc., I've tried almost all of these stuff. It worked very well at the beginning of the medical treatment. after 4-5 months, I began get used to these drug and the sleeping time was reduce from 8-10 hrs to 3-4 hrs and awakening at 2 am.

Then I'd switched to the herbal, St. John Wort, Valerian, melatonin. there herbs are not available in Thailand. I had to ask my friends in the US. orderedthem and mail to me with very expensive cost. sorry, these herbal is help very little bit. It seemed they weren't suitable for oneswho used the drug before.

I've tried everything on the planet to cure my insomnia, such as the conciousness tape cassette from the Dept. of Psychology Medical in Bangkok which had the proven recordto cure insomnia, unfortunately nothing could really help.

I could not beleive the book of valued 1.2 USD, 'Y our own urine can cure from Flu to AIDS' had totally changed my life forever. At this stage, I never touched any drug or herb at all. I could sleep almost 8-10 hrs a night w/o awakening interuption.

Now, I am taking 1 full glass in the morning only for this miracle liquid. I have had full energy enough for me to accomplish the busy work all day.
Amie2006 last decade
I have exactly the same story to tell. I first got my attacks when I broke up with my ex-boyfriend. I took drugs for 2 years and by then I was immune to them and had developed side effects. I tried Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Accupressure, Listening to hypnotherapy audio tapes etc...and unfortunately nothing worked. I did manage to get herbal stuff here...but in the end, it all works out to be quite expensive.
Last year, I was travelling with my husband in India and at a railway station bookstore, he saw this book on urotherapy with a funny picture of a little boy weeing in a glass and he bought the book for a laugh! But that book changed my life. My husband didnt think I would ever start using this therapy and he didnt like the idea..but when I made him read it..he said it was worth a try. Ive been drinking a cup in the morning and evening...and sometimes more than that. I sleep 6-8 hours..depending on my work! I have so much more energy than before! Its wonderful.
It is really the golden water of LIFE!
from UK
crabcanc last decade
It is absolutely wonderful to hear you was sleeping like a baby within 2 days after UT, Congratulation!!! at last you have finally find the best way to cure your insomnia. I hope anyone who faces this problem should gice it a try, Nothing lost time, money, just thesleeplessness.
Would you mind telling me a bit about the 'improvement reaction' have you faced this during initial treatment of UT. thanks
Amie 2006
Amie2006 last decade
I started feeling really sleepy and kind of drugged in a way after I started the therapy..if thats what you mean by improvement reaction.
crabcanc last decade
The 'improvement reaction' is somewhat the Urine Therapy starts working at our deficiency area as well as detoxifying all wasted toxin stuff accumulated in our body. The synthom of 'improvement reaction' is vary for example diarrhea(I'd experienced on this), some fever, fatigue, headache, etc. The ones who target to use UT pls. don't worry as these symptom occur only the initial state of the treatment. If these Symptoms continue resisting, pls. reduce the amount of the urine and gradually increase a little bit day by day. this sympthom will disappear and be replaced with the good health.

We would be pleased the 'improvement reaction' as this proof the effiency of the UT. The 'improvement reaction' is word used in the Ancient treatment(The east) only, not the modern medical treatment(The west)

Amie2006 last decade
YES! I did have an improvement reaction. I had diarrhoea for a few days. I thought at that time it must be due to the urine therapy But I didnt stop the treatment. Wow, that is proof that it works! It was detoxing my body and getting rid of toxins!
thanks for the info again Amie. Good to have you on this forum started by me when I was like a zombie due to lack of sleep. I was depressed and frustrated. My personal life was all over the place. I wish more people benefit from this therapy (if they are willing to try though).
How did you come to view this forum?
take care all...hope justagirl is okay.
crabcanc last decade
Hi Crabcanc ,

I was coming to this thread asa result of the search engine for keyword 'urine therapy insomina'. As I need more information from the real user of UT discussing the effectiveness to cure insomnia. Although I've realised and 100% beleive in it performance, I need further information to give to my mum who also faced the insomnia for a long time. Mum has been prescriped for Ativan 1mg and
Miansirin 30 mg which is stronger from my previous treatment 3 times! Last week, she took the last dose and she could not sleep at all.
I though I should do something emergency and should give her a try of Urine Therapy. In order to encourage Mum to take the UT, I have to find out as much as information how best it is to cure the insomnia, not my self experience only. I'm gald to hear your voice hear that after your 2nd day treatment of UT, you felt asleep like a baby. I already told my mum this and she felt alert to use this UT without doubt.

She gave up all drugs on July 7 and felt terrible almost a week after that as she gave them up immediately witout the advise from the doctor. (Infact, to get rid of these drug, the patients need reduced the dose gradually and this take at least 1-2 months)

She started UT on July16. I have observerd her sympthom regulary. Now she has no terrible signs just minor headache and she could sleep about 4 hrs. a night with an hr in the afternoon. I think that is enough for her 68 years of age.

I also told her this is only the last way to cure insomnia and have to detoxify all recurred 7-month drugs in her body. I just talk to her a moment ago, She is getting much better.

Thanksfor your information too.

Best Wishes,
Amie2006 last decade
i think it worked quicker on me as I was not on any allopathic drugs. I gave those up long ago as they were destroying me. I was on herbal stuff which wasnt very effective. I justagirl should also risk a few nights of not sleeping to get over the side effects of the drugs she is taking for drug free sleep without any side effects.
If anyone else is trying this therapy and has had some success stories, please let us know..so that it encourages others to use it as well. This therapy is good for general wellbeing as well and for a lot of other diseases and ailments.
crabcanc last decade
The following are the average quantities of various substances, in 100 milliliters of urine as reported in Introduction to Biochemistry by Dr. Pharon:

Substance Milligrams

1] Urea nitrogen


2] Urea


3] Creatinin nitrogen


4] Creatinin


5] Uric acid nitrogen


6] Uric acid


7] Amino nitrogen


8] Ammonia nitrogen


9] Sodium


10] Potassium


11] Calcium


12] Magnesium


13] Chloride


14] Total sulphate


15] Inorganic sulphate


16] Inorganic phosphate


17] N/10 acid


Some other important urine constituents are:


Amylase (diastase).

Lactic dehydrogenate (L. D. H.).

Leucine amino-peptidase (L. A. P.).



Catechol amines.




Adenylate cyclase.


Sex hormones.
sajjadakram635 last decade
someone is doing a lot of research on AUT!
crabcanc last decade
Yes,he is commited to make it popular.
sajjadakram635 last decade
commited to.

sajjadakram635 last decade
how is justagirl sleeping by the way?
are you okay?
crabcanc last decade
Im impressed! Thanks! If something works, people have the right to know.
good going.
crabcanc last decade
In near future i will post very effective and easy way of using this winderful therapy.Your case is an example of its effectiveness.

sajjadakram635 last decade

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