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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! Sleep Problem Page 8 of 20

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dear justagirl,
Ive been in the same boat as you are. That is why I started this forum. When nothing helps:nothing helps!
I still dont sleep well...hardly get 3 hours a night...but that is better than nothing at all. I think Arnica is great to keep you calm at night....as although it hasnt been giving me sleep, it helps me to stay calm and not panic that I havent been sleeping and its almost morning. I know how it feels..as Im going through the same problem. There is a book by Deepak Chopra on insomnia...and he talks about ayurveda and how to deal with this problem by treating your dosha..that is the type of body you are. You might want to try that. He recommends massaging your body with sesame oil..if you are a 'vata' type of person, which I assume you are..due to your problem. I think you should try your homeo medicines for a bit longer than just one day and expect results. Ive been advised to at least wait for 10 days.
take care
crabcanc last decade
I note that Arnica before sleep did not help some of you on this thread as it normally should do.

I have used a variation of the Arnica therapy which I believe can be used by those who were not helped by Arnica.

Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from your nearest supermarket.
Pour out 100ml
Drop in 3 pellets or 1 drop of liquid Arnica 6c into the 400ml water
Cap the bottle tightly and succuss it 4-6 times by banging on your palm and look out for the air bubbles to fizzle up from the bottom.
Pour out 1 teaspoonful of the potentized remedy into half a cup of water and stir it gently.
Sip just 1 teaspoonful of the water from the cup shortly before sleep.

Please note that the water in the cup should be used almost immediately as it seems to lose its effectiveness if kept over and used to promote sleep the following night. The procedure must be repeated again before sleep, the night after but the water in the cup can be used by more than one person if they wish to also enjoy deep sleep.

I do realize that this routine seems rather complicated, but it is indeed a small price to pay, to guarantee Deep Sleep.

Please report response if you decide to use this therapy.
Joe De Livera last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:34:35 GMT]
justagirl last decade
All these medicines at one time.no.use only aur met 6c morning and aur met200c at night.piscidia tincture 10 drops before sleep.it is rather expensive but is worth trying.
sajjadakram635 last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:35:22 GMT]
justagirl last decade
Wondering what your thoughts are on Conium ??
justagirl last decade
Yes conium is also good for you.what u do,use aur met one week and next week conium.one of them will surely help you.remember medicines never solve socio-economic problems but they relax mind.
whenever i face any problem,i always imagine that my creator is sitting with me and i talk to him freely sometimes hours and hours and after somedays my problems are solved .sometimes the response is very quick.just recently i received a mail that struck me like a bullet.i was in such an agony that i could not sleep the whole night,i again requested my creator to solve the problem and the very next day complete change.so i advise u to do the same thing i hope all your problems will be solved.u can also email me but please only one mail a day.thanks.
sajjadakram635 last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:36:32 GMT]
justagirl last decade
Hey justagirl

I am also having the same, exactly same problem as you....

NOW, I find that when I have lack of sleep (which is all the time now), I don't feel relaxed or even tired! I feel wired, not tired. I feel my muscles /body start to feel shaking inside. I hardly even yawn. And since when I don't sleep, I can't relax, sleep is harder and harder for me to get!
I have not slept since last 3-4 days. Yesterday, I was trying to stay positive, I kept myself busy for the whole day doing whatever I could, thinking that it will help my body to get tired and then demand sleep. no matter what I do, no matter how much i get tired, no matter how much I keep myslef busy ..........when it is sleep time, nothing works, when nothing helps nothing helps ............
noname last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:38:14 GMT]
justagirl last decade
it is a good news that all insomnia patients are sleeping well.every body is out of forum,atlast all we prescriber succeeded.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Ive got a question about the water in the bottle that is meant to be succussed.
You say that the water in the cup is to be used only once as it loses its effectiveness the next day. What about the one drop of Arnica that is put in the 400 ml of spring water. How long will that keep? Can it be used only once? Please let me know.
crabcanc last decade
The drop of Arnica you put into the spring water lasts up to the last drop in the bottle. It is the water in the cup that for some reason is not used after the teaspoonful is sipped from it. This water however may be shared with any others who prefer to use the true Split Dose which is made up of a teaspoonful from the bottle diluted in half cup of water from which a tsp is sipped.

This formula is only good for those who display some sensitivity to Arnica taken directly from the bottle which I believe is perhaps more effective for daily use.

It is preferable to refrigerate the bottle as in the tropics there is a tendency for fungal growth in the water if exposed to light which although not of any consequence as far as the effectiveness is concerned, does not look very inviting to be consumed.
Joe De Livera last decade
thanks for the super fast response Joe, as always.
Will bear in mind. I seemed to sleep quite quickly last nite when I tried the Arnica. But one thing is for sure.. even if I havent slept most of the night even after taking Arnica, I dont feel as worn out and tired. It must be the Arnica which keeps me calm and able to get through the day!
thanks again Joe.
crabcanc last decade
Glad to help. Today is Sunday and I am on my computer right now and got the email alert.

I am glad to note that you too have noticed that extra zing the day after you take Arnica 6c at night.

This is the reason why I try to persuade those who will listen to my advice to use Arnica daily as I am living proof that it really works, having used it nightly for almost 10 years.

My new discovery about Arnica for those who suffer from ED is also worth experimenting on as there are many in Sri Lanka who will testify to this unusual bonus effect.
Joe De Livera last decade
The best way to sleep is to drink,drink and drink.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Before going to sleep drink half a glass of slightly warm water to which few drops of arnica tincture is added,or water with few drops of humulus tincture is added,or same water to which 60 drops of passiflora tincture is added,or slightly warm water to which 30 drops of avena sativa tincture is added.if there is pain anywhere in the body the passiflora will not induce sleep.it is highly recommended in homeopathic literature but is less effective.
sajjadakram635 last decade
so should one try arnica and the other remedies you suggested as well Sajjad?Ive got avena sativa. Ill try that too. Passiflora never worked for me. Took it for a long time in the past. The arnica seems to help. Can one combine all these remedies in one bottle and then succuss them or do they have to be in seperate bottles?
crabcanc last decade
I have not had access to the internet for sometime. I'm sorry to report that I am still unable to sleep, my body still resists sleep despite everything I've tried! I don't know what else to do now, even conventional medicine doesn't work. :-(
justagirl last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:37:27 GMT]
justagirl last decade
It would be of interest to get reports from others on the use of various remedies which can help one to sleep.

However I would like to caution you that the use of Arnica Q (mother tincture) on a daily basis as advised by others may not be desirable as the after effects of using the concentrated Arnica are not known. Likewise in the case of Passiflora.

I have been the willing guinea pig in proving that Arnica 6c has helped me during the past 9 years to help me maintain my state of wellness at my advanced age (76) and I do not think that there is anyone who has done so anywhere in the world.

It is up to others to use their discretion in the use of remedies especially at the concentrated Q levels and if they do use them as I have done with the 6c potency for 9 years, to record their response from time to time on this forum.
last decade
You do sound desperate to sleep.

Can you please refresh my mind as to what your problem is. Please give details as to what you feel is the cause of your insomnia and for how long you have suffered from your problem.

Most important of all is to know if you are suffering from any anxiety or worry which may be the cause.

Do you do any exercise to tire out your body which will increase its demand for rest and sleep ?
Joe De Livera last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:39:21 GMT]
justagirl last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:40:07 GMT]
justagirl last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:40:47 GMT]
justagirl last decade
Dear crabcanc,
I dont know you are a male or female,avena sativa not only promote sleep,it is also a powerful libidinal agent for males.
Someone in this forum has objected the use of arnica in tincture form.without any prejudice,i can quote many a old masters of homeopathy.they prescribed arnica in tincture form thrice daily without having any bad effect,but i dont want to waste valuable time of anybody in controversies.it is a bad practice.some one use in tincture,some one in 3x,6c,30c,200c,1000c,10m,cm.it is their personal experience and i dont think it is objectionable.the other day some one was telling me that 450ml bottle in subcontinent cost only a pound or two,but in europe it must be expensive.
if u want to use arnica and avena sativa combined.u can do so with out any hesitation,the quantity as recommonded arnica few drops and avena as sussested.thanks.sajjad.
sajjadakram635 last decade

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