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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! Sleep Problem Page 4 of 20

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Why noname? can we know?
Where r u from?
crabcanc last decade
Why noname ? No reason at all, when I was creating my ID, I had a package of chips (of brand noname) that's why I created this ID. My name is Komal, I am from India, but these days in Canada (since last 3 years), I am having this sleep problem since last 7-8 years. It is on and off, most of the times, it is there. I am tired of not being able to sleep.

Even yesterday I could not sleep :(:(, I feel sleepy during the day, but if I sleep in the afternoon, I can't sleep at night at all. Also, some times, I feel so sleepy at night, but the moment I goto bed, I dont know where does my sleep go. LED was just an example, I do switch off all such gadgets. I do have computer in my room, and I am just a student so I have one room to keep all my things. It is not about red light, but anything, any light bothers me. I have also put a dark cloth on the window, but light -- even from small side slits bothers me. And another thing weird is that, when I lie down to sleep, I am aware that I am awake, I can listen every noise and know what is happening around me, but still I feel like as I am having some dreams......... dreaming while awake, Is there any concept like that? My mind won't just stop racing....... (even taking Arnica could not calm it, yesterday)
I see very absurd, illogical sequence at random, and most of the times I remember such, so called dreams.


Yesterday, I got Nat Phos 6x, but it is in liquid form, what should be the dosage for me.
noname last decade
Why noname ? No reason at all, when I was creating my ID, I had a package of chips (of brand noname) that's why I created this ID. My name is Komal, I am from India, but these days in Canada (since last 3 years), I am having this sleep problem since last 7-8 years. It is on and off, most of the times, it is there. I am tired of not being able to sleep.

Even yesterday I could not sleep :(:(, I feel sleepy during the day, but if I sleep in the afternoon, I can't sleep at night at all. Also, some times, I feel so sleepy at night, but the moment I goto bed, I dont know where does my sleep go. LED was just an example, I do switch off all such gadgets. I do have computer in my room, and I am just a student so I have one room to keep all my things. It is not about red light, but anything, any light bothers me. I have also put a dark cloth on the window, but light -- even from small side slits bothers me. And another thing weird is that, when I lie down to sleep, I am aware that I am awake, I can listen every noise and know what is happening around me, but still I feel like as I am having some dreams......... dreaming while awake, Is there any concept like that? My mind won't just stop racing....... (even taking Arnica could not calm it, yesterday)
I see very absurd, illogical sequence at random, and most of the times I remember such, so called dreams.


Yesterday, I got Nat Phos 6x, but it is in liquid form, what should be the dosage for me.
noname last decade
Hello there Komal,
I had the same problem as you..or rather I have the same problem. But at the moment, its on a low. The Arnica seems to be working for me..to calm my mind. Reading at bed time helps. I try and calm down at night..unwind..relax. A warm bath..yoga ..listening to the radio. Have you tried these?
I used to have very very long spells of insomnia and had your symptoms. I dont know if Im cured yet cos I get these bouts now and again..on and off. When I get them..nothing will work..nothing at all! I hope I dont get them again. Am just taking Arnica every night at bed time.
Read a boring book or something..just to take your mind off any concentration...where it doesnt matter what youre reading as long as your mind is not thinking of anything..but just looking at words.
Before you know it..Ill have my spell of insomnia again! And then Ill have to re read all this advice Ive given you! :(
Have you tried the coffee remedy? Here is the advice given by Kuldeep some time ago:

Re: Help! Sleep Problem From kuldeep on 2005-07-08
Half the cases of insomnia can be solved by potentized Coffie.

Take a pinch of any coffie (instant, raw or roasted bean). and mix it in one liter of mineral water. Take a sip of this water about 2 hrs before going to sleep.

This thing will work only if you try not to take Cola, Tea or Coffie after this dose.

but you have to remember that homeo medicine wont work if youre taking coffee.
You could try this for sometime.
let us know.
take care!
crabcanc last decade
Hi Crabcanc,

Thanks for your concern and all the suggestions, Yes I am doing yoga (but, not every day, say, 3-4 times a week), also try to go for 30-35 minutes walk in the evening. Yesterday, I had Arnica 6C (as described by Joe), but instead of taking one sppon, I had 2-3, and I was able to sleep. However, the sleep was not very refereshing, but still, it was better to sleep little- bit after 3 days. I also got Nat Phos 6x, but it is in liquid form So I don't know how much should I take as a dose.

For Joe
Hi Joe

Could you please advise me about the dosage og Nat Phos 6x. Also, is it safe to take 2-3 spoons of Arnica 6c daily (in the way you described ) or should I order Arnica 30 C ?

Thank You
noname last decade
Nat Phos 6x dose is 2 tablets taken after lunch and dinner.

Arnica 6c dose 1 teaspoonful to be taken twice daily with the last dose just before sleep.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks Joe,

I have Nat Phos 6x in liquid form, does one drop means one tablet....

It says on the bottle that, 1 pump = 10 drops , so I am little confused, for how much I should take for 2 tablets.

Thank You Very Much.
noname last decade
I have no experience with Nat Phos 6x in liquid form as I do not think that it is the Triturated Biochemic salt. I do not think that it will work if you intend using it to reduce your weight. It may just work to help with a gastric problem and you will soon know if it works after a meal.
Joe De Livera last decade
[message edited by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 08:55:00 GMT]
justagirl last decade
i am out of this dicussion.sorry i could not suggest you.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Coffea seemed to work for me initially and stopped working after a few days. What is the recommended dose I wonder?
crabcanc last decade
Sleep problems are directly related to mind.all the nedicines prescribed on mental symptoms are 200cand above.it wont harm you assured.thanks.
sajjadakram635 last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:23:16 GMT]
justagirl last decade
I took coffea 200 last nite and also Arnica as advised by Joe. I slept for a bit and then woke up at around 0300hrs and couldnt get back to sleep. Ive been experiencing body ache and pins and needles in my arms and back. My neck pains as well and Im not comfortable. I always wake up at around 0400hrs every nite. Can someone recommend something please?
crabcanc last decade
Try Nux V or Sulphur.
saltOftheEarth last decade
Why are you uncomfortable.there must be some reason.remove the exciting cause.if you get up at 4 and cannot sleep again repeat the same medicine that helped you.for body aches beside favourite medicine arnica which is very good for these sort of aches bellis per,eupatorium perf gives good result.i usually give bellis and eupatorium perf.
sajjadakram635 last decade
A word of caution about your taking both Coffea 200 and Arnica together. I believe that they antidote each other and would suggest that you use the Arnica alone at night and report your response.

Please note that you must not drink stimulants like Alcohol, cola drinks and coffee for at least 4 hours if you wish to get a full night's uninturrupted deep sleep.
Joe De Livera last decade
dear joe.
for your kind information medicines never antidote the good effect but only the bad one.
sajjadakram635 last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:24:08 GMT]
justagirl last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 08:56:20 GMT]
justagirl last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 08:57:35 GMT]
justagirl last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 08:58:03 GMT]
justagirl last decade
sorry, my computer is messed up.
[message edited by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 08:58:25 GMT]
justagirl last decade
What is this thing about antidoting the bad effects and not the good effects? Does that mean I cannot take Arnica and Coffea together?
crabcanc last decade
I have tried coffea in the past and it helped me for some time and then stopped working. Arnica seemed to help me. But looks like the liquid I made as per Joes instructions became flat..or ineffective as it was lying in the fridge for sometime. Ive made some fresh stuff and will start taking it as I used to earlier.
Joe: If I wake up at 0400hrs or earlier should I take another dose of Arnica? What should I do?
crabcanc last decade
Hi Justagirl,
Ive tried concentrating on one finger and all the sensations around it. My mind keeps drifting and I find it difficult to focus on one thing. I have to keep trying till I perfect this. AM not very good at NOT LETTING MY MIND WANDER!
crabcanc last decade

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