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Help! Sleep Problem Page 10 of 20

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have you tried the Arnica 6C then? has it worked for you?
Im getting sufficient amount of sleep with arnica at the moment. 4 hours is enough for me. Better than nothing at all. Let us all know if you have tried it.
crabcanc last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:45:42 GMT]
justagirl last decade
Hi Sajjadkaram

I myself don't know the reasons for all this. All I know is that this inability to sleep causes such problems. I think, my problem started first when I joined a boarding school, 10-11 yrs ago. I had 3 roommates, they were all night persons and I was not. They used to stay awake late nights, not just them, but most of the people in hostel used to stay awake late ..... I was kind of forcing myself to go along with them. Then I started having sleep pblms after some time. But nobody took it seriously, I mean I used to complain and my parents just ignored it saying that.... I am fine or I 'll be fine. And now this problem has gotten chronic and taking toll on everything.

I feel sad bacause I can not sleep at all. Then I feel depressed and weird, and cry almost every night in the middle of night. I feel guilty because I upset my husband. This is kind of cycle.

Also, I am very very sensitive/emotional..... Also, I was emotionally attached with someone, but for some reason that relationship didn't go forever. It did hurt me lot. That time period was of utter sadness. I knew that I have to go thru this, but internally I was very very sad. This is kind of past thing now, and I have learned to live with it.
But usually people find me always smiling and they think that I am very care free, but the truth is I am not. I don't know what ...... think too much and also worry a lot. By worrying means ....... I feel concerned if I think I am not doing what I should do. I used to excel in studies always. I can not take myself doing bad in studies and now a days when I am not sleeping at all, then it is obvious that I am not as efficient as I used to be ... I feel very bad about myself, and yes, kind of self-pity is there. Then , while I am sad, my mind will bring everything bad old or new up...... as if nothing good has happened to me ever. In other words, it somehow, concentrates only on -ve or bad things, making the situation worse. However, in all my senses I know that this negativity is not going to help me, I try to stay positive on some days, but eventually give up, because it seems very difficult to be in high spirits everyday without sleep.

And last thing is that, I think I no longer know the art of sleeping .... sounds funny .... yes, i guess, because I think I don't remember the last time I had good sleep, I don't know how to sleep. Some times I feel sleepy, e.g. while watching T.V but as soon as I goto bed, my mind won't just stop racing ....... goes into continous stream of thoughts , that is awfull and I find myself struggling to sleep when the morning alarm goes off.
noname last decade
I have just read your post to Sajjadkaram and did not realize how serious a problem you have right now in not being able to sleep as you should normally do.

Let us try a different method of using Arnica 6c which I shall detail below:

Please follow the directions below precisely:

Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from your nearest supermarket.
Pour out 100ml
Drop in 3 pellets or 1 drop of liquid Arnica 6c into the 400ml water
Cap the bottle tightly and succuss it 4-6 times by banging on your palm and look out for the air bubbles to fizzle up from the bottom.
Pour out 1 teaspoonful of the potentized remedy into half a cup of water from another bottle of the same water and stir it gently.
Sip 1 teaspoonful of the water from the cup just once daily. Do not use the water in the cup on the next day as it loses its potency.
Remember to succuss the remedy every day before you go through this routine.

I would also like you to get a portable radio with a sleep timer which you should place near you. Tune this radio between 2 channels so that you get a continuous shshshshs noise (white noise). Keep the volume down and put the timer to say half hour or less. This noise helps to dull the brain and promotes the sleep waves to invite the brain to shut off.

No stimulants may be used after 5PM including coffee, tea, coca cola and other canned drinks. Eat a small meal and also use Nat Phos 6x after dinner as this too will help the food to digest quicker and also promote sleep. This will not interfere with the Arnica 6c which you must sip a tsp just before bed.

Another important point is to make sure that you do some form of exercise in the evening to make your body tired and demand sleep.
Joe De Livera last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:46:17 GMT]
justagirl last decade
I have read your posting,to day i am very much busy.Tomorrow i shall reply.Sorry for this.Please.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I have read your posting,to day i am very much busy.Tomorrow i shall reply.Sorry for this.Please.
sajjadakram635 last decade
What i understand from your reply is that past events are still pinching you.May be your boy friend
is still in your mind.Look love is a natural phenomenon.It can happen regardless of any creed,relgion,married unmarried,status,colour and any age.People love others due to beauty,he or she may be intelligent,good looking,wise or good natured,but unfortunately there is a failure due to one sidedness and if successful,most of the times it ends in seperation.In westren countries,it is common because lack of sincerity.It is a tragedy.
You just cannot forget the past.You can supress your emotions but they will keep in coming into your mind like smoke rising after the fire is extinguished.It cannot end till to the last moment of life.It may lose the intensity but will never finish.Brain is such a powerful organ that you cannot completely control it.Wise people says,mind is your kingdom and take care of your kingdom.It is correct to the extent of theory but practically it is impossible.People say forget about the past because the past has gone for ever,never think of future because no body know about future.Live in today.Today is everything.But it is very very difficult.Negative thoughts will keep on attacking because every moment there is new form of worry,anxiety,depression.
What the medicines do,they just relax the nervous system,they keep the body free from any disease that may attack due to suppression of emotions.
For u i suggest you to take natrum mur high 3 doses half hour apart same day and if you want to repeat constantly,the best method is as follow.
Boil certain amount of water, cool it down.Take about 100 ml of this water add to it few drops of the medicine,shake it well,take 50 ml out of it as a dose and add another 50 ml to the remaining water,shake it well take another dose of 50 ml and add another 50 ml of water to it shake it well.By doing this every time the potency of the remedy will be higher to the previous,and you can do this for weeks,months and a year also without any harm.You can add few drops of plain alcohol in it in order to save it from bacteria.
sajjadakram635 last decade

Is there is any improvement or you are still the same.Did you try what the crabcanc suggested you.His or Her advice is worth consideration.He or She is getting 4 hours sleep by the use of arnica.Try it and let me know.Valerina tincture may be good for you.But dont use it while driving other wise there is danger of accident sometimes.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Hi sajjadakaram, thanks for your reply. I don't think of my boy friend anymore , i mean, ofcourse I do remember everything and I do realize that it is not possible to forget these things, but I am over it. He is like anybody else, known or unknown, nothing special just an ordinary person who exists somewhere. I am from India and have been staying here since 3 yrs only.

I am taking Nat Mur since a week, on suggestions of Joe. Last time I could sleep well, was on Thursday night as I took a herbal remedy. It is over the counter remedy and has ingredients as Valerian, Passion Flower, Catnip etc. But unfortunately it worked only one night :):).
noname last decade
I understand.Natrum mur is contra indicated in this situation.It will not help you, u may stop using it.For last three years u are probably in cananda,are u happy there.Are u happy with your husband and with your mother in law also.Do u have childrens.Do u sleep in the day time to compensate.What do u think all the time.
Are u financially sound.

I suggest u to take ambra Grisea 30c thrice daily.
Sulphur 200c,on the first day three doses 4 hour apart,second day twice and third day only once.Repeat after fifteen days again.
sajjadakram635 last decade

[message deleted by justagirl on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:47:03 GMT]
justagirl last decade
Yes, I am happy with my husband.. He is very nice. We don't have kids, but I would like to have one. This is part of my stress problem. Financially... we are neither too good nor too bad. There is always want of more in general, but I feel kind of contended at this time ( I mean O.K ) Actually I am a student, and was feeling stressed with the workload. One more thing which bothers me that I am not as efficient as I used to be, I am not ambitious the way I used to be, i am getting little indifferent to most of the things around me. I usually feel sad.
noname last decade
I have read your reply.
Why you dont have kids?
Are you both medically fit?
In subcontinent first thing after marriage is kids.These questions are importent for finding out the remedy.Waiting for your reply.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Dr. says that my tubes are blocked. That's why :(:(. And acc. to Dr. IVF will be the option, but it is very expensive procedure. We can not afford yet. Also, I read about IVF and it seems very invasive and complicated one. As the medications given initially are used to first suppress body's own immune system, and also to force overies to produce more eggs than actually required.
noname last decade
That the main reason why you are upset.Doctor says both tubes are blocked.Why they are blocked.More detail is required.You can post the report.I shall try my best to help you,to solve your problem.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Hi Sajjadkaram

I have e-mailed you the details.

Thank You
noname last decade
Your details are received,shall let you know in a day or two.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Where are you.Are you sleeping well.Which medicine helped you.Tell other people
so that they can get benifit also.This is a great service to the humanity.thanks.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Check your mail box.Suspend all medicines during period.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Explain all your complaints one by one i.e 1,2,3,etc,to analyse them again in this forum or by email.
sajjadakram635 last decade
No I am not sleeping well.... If I get some magic potion, which make me sleep , I ofcourse will tll everybody on the forum :):). I am sorry, I was quite busy so could n't get back to the forum. Thanks for your reply. I 'll check my e-mail right away. Thanks once again.
noname last decade
Your mail has been answered.Check your mail box.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Yeah I know, I have checked my e-mail.
Thank You so much, I 'll get the remedy today and will let you know about - how did it go.


noname last decade
Hi Sajjad

Should I get the rememdy mentioned by you (Sepia 200C) in liquid form or pillets, also, what should be ONE dose --> 3-4 pills / 2-3 drops ???


noname last decade
Sepia can be used in liquid or any other form.Quantity plays no roll in homeopathy.One liquid drop or one globules is sufficient.When given in tincture which is often written asQ needs in 5-10-20 drops,while in potentize form quantity is of no importance .I hope you understand.
sajjadakram635 last decade

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