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Homeopathy Forum Archive: abscess

Below are posts from our forum containing the phrase abscess. Some are current, others are old, but may still be useful.

132 topics displayed.

Remedies discussed in multiple threads for abscess:
Aesculus Glabra2
Argentum Metallicum3
Arnica Montana10
Arsenicum Album6
Berberis Aquifolium2
Berberis Vulgaris4
Caladium Seguinum2
Calcarea Carbonica17
Calcarea Fluorata6
Calcarea Hypophosphorosa2
Calcarea Phosphorica2
Calcarea Sulphurica14
Calendula Officinalis8
Coffea Cruda4
Echinacea Angustifolia3
Echinacea Purpurea2
Ferrum Phosphoricum3
Gummi Ammoniacum7
Hecla Lava5
Hepar Sulphur2
Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum23
Hepar Sulphuris Kalinum6
Hydrastis Canadensis3
Hydrofluoricum Acidum2
Hypericum Perforatum6
Kali Muriaticum4
Kali Phosphoricum2
Mercurius Solubilis4
Mercurius Vivus11
Myristica Sebifera9
Natrum Muriaticum2
Natrum Phosphoricum3
Nitricum Acidum2
Nux Vomica5
Rhus Tox3
Skookum Chuck2
Thuja Occidentalis7

Tooth abscess 8

Hello, My friend has a tooth abscess and the dentist is treating in locally with medicines. What can he take to help cure the abscess quickly and don’t loose te tooth, also ...
Remedies: Silicea, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum
Started by Dididecho. Last post: 2021-02-03

Abscess on chest 37

I have an abscess or what you may call an excrescence on the chest for around 8years. At times it causes slight itching.I am attaching an image of it for your proper observation. K...
Remedies: Nux Vomica, Hypericum Perforatum, Ledum Palustre, Hydrastis Canadensis, Sulphur, Aloe Socotrina, Calcarea Fluorata, Thuja Occidentalis, Kali Muriaticum, Lycopodium Clavatum, Fuligo Ligno, Silicea, Alumina
Started by Arun kanti. Last post: 2020-12-12

Bartholin cyst / abscess 35

Hi there. I'm currently 34 years old and have suffered for several years with bartholin gland cysts and abscesses. I have had it lanced/drained twice and several other occasio...
Remedies: Myristica Sebifera, Thuja Occidentalis, Lachesis, Nitricum Acidum, Sepia, Silicea, Belladonna, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Hepar Sulphuris Kalinum, Kali Muriaticum
Started by BCanon. Last post: 2024-03-23

Annal Abscess 2

Dear Sir, 1. 1st week of June I observed that I had an annal abcess which was very painful really cannot touch the place also. Soon after that under observations of a good homeopa...
Started by hiranmoy76. Last post: 2017-09-19

Suppurating abscess crowned molar low left side 31

Hi, Im a 50, fair caucasian female, tall and athletic. I have an abscess as above. Its supporting - a bit of white, serous and bloody puss. No smell. The acute phase was probably ...
Remedies: Calcarea Fluorata, Lachesis, Silicea, Gummi Ammoniacum, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Arsenicum Album, Hypericum Perforatum, Arnica Montana, Chamomilla, Coffea Cruda, Hecla Lava, Calcarea Sulphurica, Kali Muriaticum
Started by Dulcinea1. Last post: 2024-10-04

FOR DR.NAWAZ - Perianal abscess returns :( 3

Dr. Nawaz, It is with great fear I return to this thread nearly exactly one year from having the first perianal abscess. The surgery to drain the last one, left a tiny scar. A sm...
Started by purplecat44. Last post: 2024-03-22

Fistula and perianal abscess 1

hi, I am suffering from peri anal abscess since December 2021. I have been on homeopathy since the first day. My doctor prescribed Myristica 0/3, then heper Sulphur 0/3, then Acid ...
Remedies: Calcarea Sulphurica, Silicea
Started by anupam1. Last post: 2022-02-22

Pilonidal abscess treatment 54

I am a 23 year old male college student. I am very distressed by my Pilonidal abscess condition. I felt a pain and swelling above my gluteal cleft around mid-December 2011 and the ...
Remedies: Berberis Vulgaris, Alumen, Thuja Occidentalis, Calcarea Carbonica, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Pyrogenium, Silicea
Started by abhirup_basak. Last post: 2022-02-01

Dental abscess 496

Hi. Am 65 & retired. I have a dental abscess underneath the jaw on left mandible directly under 2nd molar bottom left. Have had no pain in tooth or abscess. Abscess was about 2...
Remedies: Alumina, Calcarea Carbonica, Agaricus Emeticus, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Silicea, Calcarea Fluorata, Sulphur, Kreosotum, Belladonna, Hecla Lava, Skookum Chuck, Mercurius Solubilis, Syphilinum (Luesinum), Calcarea Phosphorica, Nux Vomica, Arsenicum Album, Mercurius Vivus, Hamamelis Virginica, Digitalis Purpurea, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Gummi Ammoniacum, Alumen, Aesculinum, Petroleum, Cochlearia Armoracia, Quercus Robur, Hydrofluoricum Acidum, Secale Cornutum, Coriaria Myrtifolia, Coffea Cruda, Kali Phosphoricum, Phosphorus, Hypericum Perforatum, Magnesia Phosphorica, Chamomilla, Ipecacuanha, Natrum Muriaticum, Mercurius Corrosivus
Started by mork. Last post: 2021-04-18

Abscess on chest 0

I have a chest wall abscess with occasional itching for many years. It was initially a pimple/boil.An image is attached. Could a Homoeopath please suggest a suitable remedy....
Started by Arun kanti. Last post: 2020-12-09

Peridontal Abscess on Roof of Mouth 5

Hello there - I have had a small abscess on the roof of my mouth, straddled between my top right central incisor and right lateral incisor for several years. During that time the...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by k_lake28. Last post: 2020-12-02

3 year old dental abscess 8

Hello all, My son fell on some cement steps a bit less than a year ago when he was 2. Two days later he developed a dental abscess. About two weeks after that his face swelled on ...
Remedies: Gummi Ammoniacum, Calcarea Carbonica, Arnica Montana, Alumina
Started by Vegmom. Last post: 2020-05-31

Treatment of Peritonsillar abscess and tonsilities 2

Recently my wife got a few peritonsillar abscesses due to untreated tonsillitis. After matching the symptoms, she is being administered with hepar sulphur 30c - thrice a day. After...
Started by Arak. Last post: 2020-05-12

Abscess Near Rectum 1

Hi I have an abscess close to the rectum. It started last week in the middle of the week but spread very quickly. Please see my previous post link. https://www.abchomeopathy.com/...
Started by RajanTX1. Last post: 2019-07-31

Abscess Near Rectum Area 6

Hi, I have an abscess close to the rectum about an inch or less away. I have constant pain more like sore area. Ehen I examined it, you cannot see anything, no redness, no swelli...
Remedies: Hepar Sulphur, Belladonna
Started by RajanTX1. Last post: 2019-07-29

Root Canal Abscess 7

Hello, At least 15 years ago I had an abscess tooth and the naturopath tried to heal it. After 6 months and having puss come out of the gum I was sent to a dentist who did a root c...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Silicea
Started by TBird1. Last post: 2019-02-06

Abscess Tooth 5

I have an abscess tooth that developed about 3 weeks ago. I did a round of antibiotics and I am going to have a root canal done in January. Is there a remedy that can help with thi...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album
Started by Veggielover1. Last post: 2018-09-04

Abscess tooth 1

Soreness externally above gum but below nose. Tooth feels funny. I ate a ton of garlic the last couple days which seems to have triggered some drainage and more pain. Up all las...
Remedies: Belladonna
Started by Magu. Last post: 2018-03-14

Perianal Abscess 3

Hi, This is Sunil age34, I had an abscess near anal there was swelling and savior pain and discomfort. I visited Doctor he said I am having Perianal Abscess and prescribed some an...
Started by chetansunilsingh. Last post: 2018-01-14

Loose teeth and abscess gums 1

Hello,I am suffering from a very aggressive form of gum disease which has severely affected my lower incisors.surprisingly other molars and upper incisors are healthy with no or ve...
Started by Rabia2. Last post: 2017-12-31

Urgent help for tooth abscess please 5

I have a tooth abscess it started with pain every so often (nerve pain) it was horrendous if I went in the cold or had a hot drink. Hypericum cured this. Now I have abscess. I feel...
Remedies: X-ray, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Belladonna
Started by pixie wood. Last post: 2017-11-11

Anal abscess or fistula not sure?need urgent help 1

Hi, I had hemorrhoids symptoms, i visited doctor , he prescribed ointment . i started applying but after 2-3 days some small bluster came next to my anus. i thought it is simple bo...
Started by deepak98. Last post: 2017-09-21

Small abscess in between the bump 1

That my daughter age 36 years is suffering since two years of small abscess taken place just before the monthly. The abscess give too much pain and very difficult to sit. Pus als...
Started by yogesh baijal. Last post: 2017-08-24

Those with dental abscess experience please help! 6

My son (3.5) fell off steps a year ago. The trauma "killed" his tooth. We were told it was ok to let it fall out on its own if no other complications came up. It abscessed shortly ...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Hypericum Perforatum, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Silicea
Started by Vegmom. Last post: 2017-07-10

Rupture of the abscess 3

I had Abscess inside of nose(right side)which have ruptured and now it has pain and burning sensation.Do not know what to do? Please advise me for fast healing. regards...
Started by moheb. Last post: 2017-03-20

Anal Abscess - for Dr.Nawaz 0

Hello! You have helped me previously with an anal abscess that required me to get surgery. I have a small, warm to the touch, painful pea sized bump in an area very close to the ...
Started by purplecat44. Last post: 2016-12-12

Peri rectal abscess 8

i have crohns disease since 2004 and had a peri-rectal abscess found in the MRI couple of years back. they had drained abscess at that time. Again couple of months back, a peri rec...
Remedies: Sulphur
Started by sai365. Last post: 2016-11-28

Ischiorectal Abscess - please help 3

Hello, I believe I have what may be the beginning of an ischiorectal abscess forming. In the past I had a Perianal abscess and had surgery to have it drained because I sought hel...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica
Started by purplecat44. Last post: 2016-11-07

Dr.Nawaz - anal abscess problem 0

Hi dr.nawaz, In past you helped me recover from anal abscess surgery. I noticed small pea sized lump on inner leg area where vagina and buttock meet. I am worried because it has...
Started by purplecat44. Last post: 2016-11-05

For dr.nawaz - abscess 2

Hello Dr. nawaz, You helped me with anal abscess problem back in July. I feel another bump right next to the scar from the last anal abscess I had. It is starting out like all m...
Started by purplecat44. Last post: 2016-11-03

An anal abscess 283

Hi, I went to a homeopath for my acne problem and he gave me some unknown medicines. After taking those medicine in a couple of days an abscess near my anus developed for which i ...
Remedies: Calcarea Sulphurica, Sulphur, Asterias Rubens, Calcarea Carbonica, Berberis Vulgaris, Histaminum muriaticum, Bryonia, Thyroidinum, Caladium Seguinum, Berberis Aquifolium, Avena Sativa, Arsenicum Album, Gummi Ammoniacum, Rhus Tox, Celestite, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Natrum Phosphoricum, Gaster galli, Heracleum Sphondylium, Myristica Sebifera
Started by dimple1. Last post: 2016-10-23

Please help with very painful gum tooth abscess 9

My gum is very swollen around tooth with extreme pain, probably cause by upper and lower teeth hitting each other because my teeth shifted. Pain is better with warmth. I have tried...
Remedies: Gummi Ammoniacum, Caladium Seguinum, Kali Phosphoricum, Calcarea Fluorata, Mercurius Solubilis
Started by Zirf. Last post: 2016-10-04

Dr nawaz or someone who knows about anal fistula abscess please help 9

had a bad anal fissure a month ago. There was lots of blood and very painful. There is no blood now and little pain now. Just the feeling of pressure when I sit and maybe an odd s...
Started by Owhey. Last post: 2016-06-24

Remove Abscess on my face 1

Hi..skin abscess on my face which are big.plz.say some more useful medicine for cure from abscess immedietly.....
Started by Siva sankarmohanty. Last post: 2016-05-31

Remove Abscess on my face 2

Hi..i'm 20/male,i have suffering skin abcess on face in 5 months,which are big,painful and pusfulled.i take some allopathic medicine in 2 months but no progress seen.so plz.gu...
Started by Siva sankarmohanty. Last post: 2016-05-31

Abscess in mouth palate(ROOT CANAL) 3

Hi Doctor, I have done a root canal after my right central incisor got discolored to black, there where no recent accident for the discolorations. I believe it might be because o...
Remedies: Silicea, Graphites, Sulphur, Nux Vomica
Started by eddiesteve. Last post: 2016-05-15

Anal abscess fistula help please 10

dear sir, i m suffering from abscess fistula.every morning got abcess beside of anus after potty.as the day passes situation becomes better.& pus leakage from abscess all these...
Started by Quuerk. Last post: 2016-05-08

Recovering from Ludwig's angina - mouth abscess 1

It is an abscess in the floor of the mouth. I have the abscess clear and I am healing but, I do have periodic night fever sweating. So, I know I am still fighting a recurring infec...
Started by logicbombed. Last post: 2016-04-12

Bartholin gland abscess 25

Dear Doctors! I please you very much for your help. I have, Bartholin gland abscess, on the left side. I went to a gynecologist. She puncture performed. She removed from secretio...
Remedies: Calcarea Fluorata, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Silicea, Sulphur, Colibacillinum cum Natrum Muriaticum, Piper Nigrum
Started by jozephina. Last post: 2015-11-15

Perirectal abscess 1

Hello All, My dad 72 years old had to undergo a procedure to get rid of a perianal abscess, which was quite large and was infected. He was having a high fever and high heart rate....
Started by gardencove. Last post: 2015-09-13

Bartholins Abscess will not go away! Help me! 1

I have had this abscess for almost a week. I have tried antibiotics, sitz baths, warm compress, heating pad, and so far nothing has helped. I am scared to death with the idea of ha...
Started by Ashann777. Last post: 2015-08-12

Plz help tooth abscess after root canal 16

Hello sir, I have done root canal treatment before 10 month in my upper right incisor, after it got darkend slowly and got painful in the palate right behind the tooth. Reason wa...
Remedies: Kali Muriaticum, Coffea Cruda, Staphysagria
Started by eddiesteve. Last post: 2015-08-01

Dog's abscess (kadwa, simone717) 24

http://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/454010 please refer to above link for previous prescriptions. after that i did my own research and gave him 3 doses of tarentula cubensis 200c...
Remedies: Castor Equi, Sulphur, Nux Vomica, Staphysagria, Thuja Occidentalis, Belladonna, Silicea
Started by ceaser. Last post: 2015-05-17

Tooth abscess leading to a root canal but the abscess still continues! 1

Hallo! I would like to ask you what to do, concerning a homeopathetic remedy instead of antibiotics, since i cannot take them-they cause me awful diarrhea.For one and a half month ...
Started by SirVidya. Last post: 2015-05-05

Need help to relief from breast abscess Left 27

My name is Nargis and I am around 45 years old. Now on 26.10.2013 dated I did again the USG and got report as below : An elongated mixed echogenic area measuring about 5.0cm X 2.4...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Hydrofluoricum Acidum, Alumen, Rhus Tox, Arsenicum Album
Started by nargis1969. Last post: 2015-04-23

Bartholin abscess - size of lemon - extreme pain 5

Hi I'm a 32 year old female. I've had bartholin abscess thrice before on my left side. Twice it drained with sitz bath. The last time I had to get it cut in ER after se...
Remedies: Echinacea Purpurea, Silicea, Hydrastis Canadensis, Echinacea Angustifolia
Started by mercx1234. Last post: 2015-02-26

Bartholin abscess - extreme pain 38

Hi! I am a 24 year old Female and I am experiencing my first Bartholin abscess. I'm ruling it as an abscess because I am in such severe pain I cannot walk, sit, stand or even...
Remedies: Silicea, Tuberculinum, Echinacea Angustifolia, Hydrastis Canadensis
Started by purplecat44. Last post: 2015-02-20

Abscess 0

my dog is suffering from anal gland abscess for 2 months now. i gave him myristica 200c a month ago which discharged some of the pus and gave him some relief. after that i gave h...
Started by ceaser. Last post: 2014-11-11

Abscess 93

Hi , I would like to know what I can take to make an anal abscess drain. It is still in the hard stage and want to drain. Thank You...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Staphysagria, Fraxinus Americana, Phytolacca Decandra, Arnica Montana, Teucrium Marum Verum, Sulphur, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Myristica Sebifera, Echinacea Purpurea, Aesculus Glabra, Hepar Sulphuris Kalinum, Fragaria Vesca, Anacardium Orientale, Chelidonium Majus, Conium Maculatum, Ignatia Amara, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Calcarea Sulphurica, Rhus Tox, Calendula Officinalis, Echinacea Angustifolia, Mercurius Vivus
Started by dempress. Last post: 2014-10-29

Abscess 3

can hepar sulph 200c and silicea 200c be given together???...
Remedies: Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Silicea
Started by ceaser. Last post: 2014-10-09

Anal gland abscess in dog 1

i gave my dog hepar sulph 30c for 3 days, it slightly worked, so i stopped it but after 3 days it didnt get any better so i gave him myristica 30c for 3 days it got worse then i a...
Started by ceaser. Last post: 2014-10-06

Anal Abscess 1

Hi , I would like to know what I can take to make an anal abscess drain. It is still in the hard stage and want to drain. Thank You...
Started by dempress. Last post: 2014-09-27

Anal abscess 1

please tell me what remedy I can use to bring anal abscess to drain , it is very big and very painful. I hope someone could answer my post. thank You Cathy...
Started by dempress. Last post: 2014-09-27

Abscess on leg 7

My husband has an abscess since two days, it started with the size of a pin head. Then it got accumulated with pus and swelling and redness around. Some of the pus got drained but ...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by simple. Last post: 2014-09-16

Abscess on leg 4

Good evening, can any skilled homeopath here advice me on how to proceed with an abscess on the leg which was treated with hepar Sulph then silicea 200. The abscess has almost no p...
Remedies: Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Silicea, Sulphur, Hepar Sulphuris Kalinum
Started by simple. Last post: 2014-09-16

Presence of Fistula in the ano and an abscess in front 3

Dear Sir(s), I had an abscess in the anus, found in the month of May, 2014. I visited my family physician and he told me it was infected piles. Then after undergoing his treatmen...
Started by saumya banerjee. Last post: 2014-09-02

Abscess on the neck from bug bit 1

My friend is suffering from a large abscess that has yet to pop. It developed after he got a bug bite at his hairline some months ago. I've heard of a homeopathic that is nick...
Started by bananagirlforever. Last post: 2014-06-19

Fistula with perianal abscess 1

dear doctor kindly advice treatment for my problem.i had undergone fissurectomy two months ago and after that lot of pain started coming.checked with local homeopath and he said it...
Started by pashupathinath. Last post: 2014-03-17

Periapical abscess after root canal 2

Dear doctor, i am pavan, age 28, i had undergone a RCT in one of molar of lower jaw on right side 6 month back, but now there is a periapical abscess formation at the gum near the ...
Started by pav85. Last post: 2014-01-30

Questionnaire for Genital warts & Abscess 6

Patient ID: Sex: M Age: 22 Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings. 1. Descr...
Remedies: Calcarea Fluorata, Calcarea Phosphorica, Bioplasma, Calcarea Sulphurica
Started by Jonzeyy. Last post: 2014-01-19

Pilodinol abscess 3

Hi I m suffering fron early stage of pilonidal abscess. Please help me to cure permanently with homeopathy....
Started by Hitesh Parekh . Last post: 2013-09-14

Perianal abscess & Anal Fistula 3

It all started with a small pain the anal area some 6 months ago. I visited a doc and he advised me that my food should be improved with fiber diet and i did the same. However i wa...
Remedies: Cadmium Bromatum
Started by ananthojrr. Last post: 2013-09-10

Abscess in the root of a tooth 4

I am noticing a dot type swelling in the gum just above one tooth.Last time such position was culminated in abscess & could not be cured despite homeopathic & antibiotic medicine b...
Started by KAMAL KUMAR GUPTA. Last post: 2013-07-03

Perianal abscess 2

my husband, aged 42 has been suffering fr repeated instances of perianal abscess. he was operated 3ce in the last 6 years. initially we did go for homeopathy but the situation got ...
Started by iyerrekha. Last post: 2013-05-13

Perianal abscess 3

please help me, i am 40 yr female, i had pilonidal abscess surgery 3 yrs back. wound was lef open to heal, now it come back, it just start, I cant sit, or walk, please help m...
Started by toura. Last post: 2013-04-21

Perianal abscess after surgery 3

Hi, I am 26 yrs of age.i had a swelling to the left side of my anus and was diagnosed with perianal abscess. i did undergo a surgery before 1.5 months to drain the abscess . had a ...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by ashwinm. Last post: 2013-02-24

Abscess - now non-healing wound 17

I've been diagnosed perineal abscess 1 month back. Allopathic Surgeon recommended immediate operation but I consulted with Homeopathic Doctor and he prescribed Hepar Sulph-1M ...
Remedies: Calendula Officinalis, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Silicea, Gun Powder, Sulphur, Glycerinum, Kali Bichromicum, Justicia Adhatoda
Started by arvindadonis. Last post: 2013-02-21

Abscess and fistula 267

persistant fistula and abscess Can anyone throw more light on this case. we have tried a myriad of remedies and we feel we are ready to give up! Boy aged 6 diagnosed with periana...
Remedies: Ferrum Metallicum, Mercurius Vivus, Silicea, Arnica Montana, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Calcarea Sulphurica, Calendula Officinalis, Hypericum Perforatum, Arsenicum Album, Nitricum Acidum, Alumina, Belladonna, Colocynthis, Aesculus Glabra, Aesculus Hippocastanum, Thuja Occidentalis, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Alumen, Staphysagria
Started by bluehalo. Last post: 2012-10-12

Pilonidal Abscess 13

Patient ID: fahadiii Sex:Male Age:32 1. Describe your main suffering? I recently went through a surgery for an inflammation caused by pilonidal cyst in my very lower back area. ...
Remedies: Berberis Vulgaris
Started by fahadiii. Last post: 2012-10-10

Breast Abscess and Unpleasant Side Effects from Homeopathic Remedies 1

I have had a breast abscess in my right breast cause recurring problems for the last 4 to 5 months. The last western medicine approach almost 3 months ago was to have surgery and ...
Started by clairemc. Last post: 2012-09-26

Abscess developed after cosmetic surgery procedure 5

Hello all ,I really need help with my abscess . I developed 3 after I had a cosmetic procedure . I had silicon filler put in my buttocks, I know I am stupid for this. But anyways I...
Started by jroc1330. Last post: 2012-06-05

Abscess 16

My friend keeps on getting a recurrent skin abscess located directly across from his anus but on his inner thigh.Deep, hot, red, swollen, painful area. He goes to the doctor who sa...
Remedies: Sulphur, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Hypophosphorosa, Mercurius Vivus, Belladonna, Berberis Aquifolium, Berberis Vulgaris, Arnica Montana, Hepar Sulphuris Kalinum, Plumbum Metallicum
Started by Namaste29. Last post: 2012-06-04

Khan Saheb, Jaw Abscess in my 8+ month old son. 1

Dear Khan Saheb, I have seen your posts on ABCHomeopathy forum. I was reading Dr. Pankaj Verma's posts about Pilonidal abscess and its treatment. It is really sad that we los...
Started by GuluGulu. Last post: 2012-06-04

Smelly blocked nose + tooth abscess 14

I am hoping that someone can help me.I have a blocked up nose on the right side. It is not possible to clear my nose by blowing and what mucus comes out is very smelly, thick and g...
Remedies: Mercurius Vivus, Mercurius Solubilis, Argentum Metallicum, Coffea Cruda, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Borax
Started by rrhys. Last post: 2012-05-24

Perianal abscess 1

I got drained the abscess pus three months back half inch near the anus and the wound was left open to let the pus get drained completely.this abscess got intersected with anus an...
Started by NANDAKUMAR. Last post: 2012-03-10

Dr. kadwa,, please help me with pilonidal abscess 3

sir, i am 26yr male. i had pilonidal abscess surgery 3 yrs back. wound was lef open to heal. now 6months back it reoccured. it was operated again.this time they cloesd the wound(z ...
Started by anandsharma039. Last post: 2012-03-03

Perianal abscess - 21 months old boy 101

HI, Myself and my children started using homeopathy recently, 3 weeks ago. My 21 month old boy has a perianal abscess. It was opened and drained at the surgery hospital, treated w...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Calendula Officinalis, Myristica Sebifera, Calcarea Hypophosphorosa, Calcarea Sulphurica, Silicea, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Argentum Metallicum, Zingiber, Alumen, Causticum, Belladonna, Lycopersicum
Started by sashka2004. Last post: 2012-02-29

Tooth abscess - Retreated Root Canal 18

Had a root canal retreated for the second time because of tooth abscess. Had a gum surgery as well to clean the root area from abscess. After one year from surgery Abscess has come...
Remedies: Hecla Lava, X-ray, Myristica Sebifera
Started by altinluli. Last post: 2012-02-06

Perianal Abscess 0

I am Suffering for Mild Diabetics from last two years I first got operated for Perinal Abscess last year and then diabetics was detected and doctor advised me to control sugar and...
Started by manishrivastava. Last post: 2011-11-10

Gum boil or abscess 1

49 yr old male. healthy but gum boil or abscess in upper left next to last tooth. small amount of pain also had soreness and swelling in lower jaw same side. this seems to be decr...
Started by hutch. Last post: 2011-11-01

Perianal Abscess 8

I was suffering for Perianal Abscess and got operated in June 2011. After operation I was initially given some antibiotics and advised for daily dressing which I have done for two ...
Remedies: Myristica Sebifera
Started by sudhirB. Last post: 2011-10-31

Perianal Abscess 4

My 1 year old grandson has some constipation, and after few weeks he was in pain while passing stool. The doctors diagnosed perianal abscess and surgery was done 5 weeks ago. His w...
Remedies: Mercurius Vivus, Arnica Montana, Sol
Started by sishkoo. Last post: 2011-10-29

Breast abscess for 3 mths...medical management failed 2

Hi everyone. I am a patient and not a professional, and I am here to seek some guidance. I had a gorgeous baby boy in April, but due to problems with his latch and lack of suppor...
Started by prgirl_cesca. Last post: 2011-09-01

Dr Kadwa can you help with pilonidal abscess 81

Hi Dr. Kadwa, Can you please help me. My boyfriend has had a pilonidal abscess for over 8 years and had 2 major surgeries. I think he may need an individualized plan. We can provi...
Remedies: Ipecacuanha, Cannabis Indica, Silicea, Calendula Officinalis, Calcarea Sulphurica, Calcarea Carbonica, Natrum Muriaticum, Argentum Metallicum, Arnica Montana, Myristica Sebifera
Started by dpanedur. Last post: 2011-08-26

Gum abscess following root canal 2

Hi I had the first part of a root canal treatment 3 weeks ago and recently developed a toothache in the same tooth. The pain has now subsided but there is an abscess that has devel...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by rootcanal. Last post: 2011-05-12

Anal Abscess Fistula 42

I had anal abscess. My family doctor made a small cut to drain the pus out. After that my swelling and pain decreased. It has been three months since this minor treatment occurred....
Remedies: Mercurius Vivus, Calcarea Carbonica, Calendula Officinalis, Hypericum Perforatum, Natrum Sulphuricum, Natrum Sulphurosum, Sulphur, Alumina, Calcarea Sulphurica, Thuja Occidentalis, Myristica Sebifera
Started by bpatel. Last post: 2011-04-18

Cold Abscess in right cervical node with TB trace 19

Hi, Seeking help here for my wife. CASE HISTORY:Around 3 weeks earlier we noticed a slight lump on right side of her neck. After some tests: FNAC, Ultrasound, it was diagnosed as ...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Mercurius Vivus
Started by rajanluthra. Last post: 2011-03-11

Abscess in the abdomen 3

My wife had developed a abscees in the abdomen.The pus was removed by the surgon by making opening and she is put on antibiotics.But the wound is still deep and is not healing. Sur...
Remedies: Calcarea Sulphurica, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Silicea, Bellis Perennis
Started by rastogi.mc. Last post: 2010-11-28

Pore abscess on chest just near nipple 0

Dear Doctor, It is my pleasure to write you again. I don't know eighter I can clearly write or not. Pls advie if need any other info. Here a local doctor prescribed - phos...
Started by mati. Last post: 2010-10-19

Pore abscess on chest just near nipple 1

Dear Doctor, I am a patient of Phosphorus as here the doctor said, seeing my deep black eyes. I have been suffering for abscess for a month on middle left finger, perhaps it is a...
Started by mati. Last post: 2010-10-18

Pankaj Varma - Please confirm! - - Pilonidal Abscess - Female, 25 yrs 5

Hello. I have been reading extensively on the suggestions from the ABC Forums for curing a pilonidal abcess using homeopathy. I'd just like to make sure that the typical sug...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Calendula Officinalis, Myristica Sebifera, Camphora
Started by KAK1213. Last post: 2010-09-20

BoooBooo : Abscess (Pus Formation) Treatment 2

When infected, the human body�s defense system may wall off a part of the body wall as a pustular infection-these walled off sections of the body are known as abscesses or an absce...
Started by booobooo. Last post: 2010-09-01

Abscess /Fistula Treatment 1

Hi Joe, I am a male of 39 year and suffering from anal fissure & sentinel pilesfrom last 20 years and got it operated on 5/4/2010. Within one month of the opertion perenial absces...
Started by hectech. Last post: 2010-08-12

Pilonidal/perianal abscess 0

good morning, i have been lanced for an abcess in between my buttocks near the anus and took antibiotics and pain reliever for 10 days after that discharge from the wound decreased...
Started by ledorski. Last post: 2010-07-26

Anal Abscess and Fistula 1

40 Year old male, developed an anal abscess in late April, 2010. Incision and Drained after a week of the abscess. In late May the doc told me it has become a fistula and I need su...
Started by legomaster. Last post: 2010-05-31

Perianal Abscess in infants 1

Our 3 month grandson has a perianal abscess that has been treated with 2 storong antibiotics; it goes away for a while, but keeps coming back with a pimple that eventually pops wit...
Started by Jane1936green. Last post: 2010-05-17

Urethral Abscess - Homeopathic Remedy(s) Suggestion Please! 12

Hi, 44 years old, female: In June of 2009 I started having symptoms of urinary frequency and urgency, inflammation and pain in the pelvic area, and feeling very sick overall. I ...
Remedies: Clematis Erecta
Started by SamuraiPrincess. Last post: 2010-05-11

Perianal abscess and Fissure in baby boy 2

Hi I'm hoping you may be able to help me. I've read up alot of replies on your site regarding this but all advice seems to be for adults. Apologies for spelling in advan...
Started by Wundawoman. Last post: 2010-04-15

Perianal abscess 1

Hi I am a 27 year old boy with this problem. It started 5 months ago with fever and chills. The area right below the testicles, where both the legs join. There was a huge formatio...
Remedies: Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Silicea
Started by harrymm. Last post: 2010-02-23

Remedy for pilonidal abscess 2

hi we have all the remedies to get rid of my partners abscess but cant remember which way to use them does anyone know the sequence in which they are taken...
Started by gazbalious. Last post: 2010-02-16

Pilonidal abscess -dr. varma please help me or anyone else?? 0

Hi Dr. Varma, I have read the posts and am amazed that there is a homeopathic remedy for my problem. I have been suffering with this for 8 years. My wounds from surgery have never...
Started by hrs123. Last post: 2010-01-20

Pilonidal Abscess -Suffering for 8 years 0

Hi Dr. Varma, I have read the posts and am amazed that there is a homeopathic remedy for my problem. I have been suffering with this for 8 years. My wounds from surgery have never...
Started by hrs123. Last post: 2010-01-19

Abscess Problems 3

Hi looking for some help and advice please. I have an abscess on the left hand side of my face just next to my ear. Has been getting progressively worse for the last week. On ...
Remedies: Belladonna
Started by lyrobertson. Last post: 2009-09-30

BoooBooo : Septicemia Blood Poisoning + Abscess Treatment 0

Septicemia is a potentially life-threatening infection in which large amounts of bacteria are present in the blood. It is commonly referred to as blood poisoning. Septicemia usual...
Started by booobooo. Last post: 2009-08-25

Gum abscess 6

Here are some pictures of gum abscess before treatment and after treatment with Ars.Alb 200 and plantago 30 and followed by Silicea 1M Calc.Sulp have been used but to no avail...
Remedies: Aurum Metallicum, Baptisia Tinctoria, Causticum, Cistus Canadensis, Kali Carbonicum, Kreosotum, Mercurius Vivus, Phosphorus, Silicea, Staphysagria, Sulphur, Thuja Occidentalis, Hecla Lava, Staphylococcinum, Skookum Chuck, Gummi Ammoniacum
Started by mazharmhm. Last post: 2009-06-27

Dog with persistant abscess in gums 14

My dog is in a lot of pain... I'd really like to help her. I have some experience diagnosing myself and my children, but I am at a loss with a dog since they can't talk. ...
Remedies: Pyrogenium, ADN, Calcarea Sulphurica, Mercurius Vivus, Silicea, Calendula Officinalis, Apis Mellifica
Started by rheemeryck. Last post: 2009-05-08

Buttoks Abscess 3

I am shy to show anyone my behind area. I keep having these abscess on my buttoks ares for the pasy 15 years and no doctor can help me so far. I am now suppose to see a dermatolo...
Remedies: Silicea, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Hepar Sulphuris Kalinum
Started by torontowest. Last post: 2009-03-31

Mouth abscess 1

I have a mouth abscess that ishurting me a lot, I went to the dentist and she gave antibiotics. I don't really want to take antibiotics. Can you please tell what alternative...
Started by Nora2009. Last post: 2009-03-06

3,5 years old child/ dental abscess 5

I will try to explain the problem the best I can: My son is 4 years old, has been born premature and has a physical handicap (leg+foot). He has had surgery for that part and has b...
Remedies: Sulphur, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Calcarea Sulphurica, Calcarea Carbonica, Phosphorus, Natrum Phosphoricum
Started by Icatalina. Last post: 2009-02-27

Dental abscess 1

Hi. I'm looking for advice for my 7 yo who has a gum/tooth abscess. We've been to the dentist, of course, and he said to use hepar sulph (which we've been doing 2x...
Started by ksjsvs. Last post: 2008-10-09

Abscess 6

My partner has an abscess on his penis since last december. It happened from ingrown hair which he usually removes in time and never got absess before this. After some care it even...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Sulphur, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Hepar Sulphuris Kalinum, Calcarea Sulphurica
Started by floss17. Last post: 2008-08-21

Abscess reforming again 5

i had an abcess in lower abdomen in february, got it cleared by operation. again it formed at same place in may. it formed head and drained pus byitself. again after one month it r...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica
Started by nalin prabhat. Last post: 2008-08-12

Pilonidal Sinus / Abscess for baby 1

Hello Doctor(s), I have a 1yr 7 month old girl baby. She was a premature baby, born in 7 months pregnancy. But she never had any kind of problems that other babies get. The bab...
Started by sridhar_chandru. Last post: 2008-08-07

Abscess at Scalp 2

I have chronic abscess(2x2inches) at back of head towards left side.About 8-10 years back I took some homepathic medicine(don't remember the name) and it was completly gone. ...
Remedies: Sulphur
Started by eagle. Last post: 2008-07-07

Chronic abscess 23

Hi everyone,I have posted this topic before on the forum. My roomate, has a reocurring abscess on his inner thigh, right where the buttox and thigh meet, directly across from the a...
Remedies: Hepar Sulphur, Silicea, Nux Vomica, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Calcarea Sulphurica, Magnesia Sulphurica, Sulphur
Started by Namaste27. Last post: 2007-08-27

Gum Abscess 8

Hi, I have had an abscess for a while on my gums between the lower 5 & 6 teeth on my right. The abscess is swollen and black/red in colour, when draining there is some slight pus...
Remedies: Mercurius Vivus, Silicea, Calcarea Silicata, Mercurius Solubilis
Started by BMc75. Last post: 2007-07-31

Abscess on gum 7

I have a tooth that is broken in my mouth.The root is dead, but sometimes the hole gets blocked & I have to clean it real good. Recently I developed what I believe to be an abscess...
Started by freedomfighter316. Last post: 2007-04-06

Latest Treatment for Abscess in Homoeopathy - By Dr. Deoshlok Sharma 1

Abscesses Definition An abscess is a localized collection of pus in any part of the body, caused by an infection. Causes Abscesses occur when an area of tissue becomes infected an...
Remedies: Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum
Started by deoshlok. Last post: 2007-04-06

Dental Abscess - antibiotics prescribed to treat painful swelling but don't wish to use them 6

Hello � I would be grateful for any advice with regard to the following Early last week I noticed a slight tenderness on one tooth which over night turned intense pain � a quick v...
Remedies: Hecla Lava, Gummi Ammoniacum, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum
Started by fev1954. Last post: 2007-04-06

Abscess 3

Case: A lower left molar, had a mercury filling that cracked and cracked the tooth. A root canal was performed. Tooth never really healed. A few months later, an abscess formed...
Started by panther7. Last post: 2007-04-06

Broken jaw, swelling & possible abscess 1

I have 2 young alpaca who have broken their jaws during halter training. Both are eating but are very swollen and both have pain. The breaks are under their chewing teeth and are ...
Remedies: Arnica Montana
Started by sherih. Last post: 2007-03-27

Ingrowing toe with abscess 6

my daughter age 16 has an ingrowing toe rt oot with abscess formation. has been advised surgery. can we give a tril of silicea .thank you...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by KHATTAK. Last post: 2007-01-24

Complete treatment required for Perianal Abscess 0

Dear All, I am suffering with perianal abscess for the last 5 years. I was operated 4 times for the same. Its again repeated in the last month, by that time I prefered to go with ...
Started by msridhar. Last post: 2007-01-16

Abscess on gum 2

for the past one month i am having an abscess on the lower jaw gum and i have tried many homeopathy medicines like mercurius ,mezerium , thuja etc and there is an expulsion of pus ...
Remedies: Pyrogenium
Started by meera hallan . Last post: 2007-01-04

Perianal abscess 0

I am 38 M and since last 2 months suffering from perianal abscess...
Started by kumar_s. Last post: 2007-01-02

Perianal abscess 2

I am 38 M and suffering from Per. Abs. since last 2 months.I had allopahic treatment for afew days in begining but not cure fully. That formed in abscess with puss discharge and su...
Started by kumar_s. Last post: 2007-01-02

Perianal abscess 5

HI Im new to this forum, but have been reading the comments about anal abscess and fistures, and wondering if I can get some advice on behalf of a friend. He has had a perianal ab...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Silicea, Natrum Phosphoricum
Started by laine. Last post: 2006-11-22

Dr.deoshlok sharma - 4 week feed back Dental abscess 1

You kindly gave a advice last month and asked that I give feed back after 4 weeks on dental abscess problem I have taken the prescription you recommended i.e. 'you are advis...
Started by fev1954. Last post: 2006-08-31

Little Bubble not Abscess on Gums 0

Hello Everyone!I am so glad I found this site it is great!This is my problem:I have a little bubble on my upper gums in the front of my mouth. I was told that it was a mucus bubbl...
Started by edaja. Last post: 2005-12-22

Chronic Skene's Abscess 1

I have a recurrent (very painful) Skene's abscess on the left side of my vula. This past month I have also had an abscess in the right Skene's gland, and right Bartholin&...
Started by littlebear. Last post: 2005-12-15

Anorectal Abscess 1

I have had anorectal abscess 5 times in 2 and a half years now (average once per 6 months). The location of the abscess is just next to my rectum and it has been around the same a...
Started by matchy. Last post: 2005-06-25

Cyst & Abscess 2

Well, over the past few months it appears I have acquired some problems. I have 2 cysts on my buttocks. One is right at the top of the crack and the other is right above the anus s...
Started by Jplato. Last post: 2005-04-20

As you know, information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis, and should not be used as a substitute for seeing a qualified homeopath or physician. In most cases, advice posted here is not given by a medical expert.

If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional.