Homeopathic Remedies Homeopathy ForumForum archive - F

Homeopathy Forum Archive: fistula

See also:
Cassia Fistula - single homeopathic remedy

Below are posts from our forum containing the phrase fistula. Some are current, others are old, but may still be useful.

194 topics displayed.

Remedies discussed in multiple threads for fistula:
Aesculus Glabra8
Aesculus Hippocastanum2
Aloe vera2
Arnica Montana10
Arsenicum Album5
Aurum Metallicum2
Berberis Vulgaris5
Caladium Seguinum6
Calcarea Carbonica24
Calcarea Fluorata10
Calcarea Hypophosphorosa3
Calcarea Phosphorica3
Calcarea Sulphurica7
Calendula Officinalis11
Camphora 3
Capsicum Annuum5
Carbo Vegetabilis2
Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis3
Coffea Cruda3
Collinsonia Canadensis3
Echinacea Angustifolia3
Echinacea Purpurea6
Ferrum Metallicum11
Ferrum Phosphoricum3
Gaster galli3
Gummi Ammoniacum2
Hamamelis Virginica2
Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum9
Hepar Sulphuris Kalinum4
Histaminum muriaticum3
Hydrofluoricum Acidum2
Hypericum Perforatum5
Kali Phosphoricum2
Kali Sulphuricum2
Magnesia Phosphorica2
Mercurius Solubilis6
Mercurius Vivus6
Myristica Sebifera13
Natrum Phosphoricum6
Natrum Sulphuricum4
Nitricum Acidum12
Nux Vomica9
Origanum vulgare2
Paeonia Officinalis3
Piper Nigrum2
Pulsatilla Nigricans2
Rhus Tox2
Secale Cornutum2
Solanum Tuberosum2
Thuja Occidentalis6
Zincum Metallicum5

Fistula in ano 16

Hello all, I'm 42 yrs male. No other health issues. Diagnosed Fistula in ano about 8 months back and didn't went to conventional treatment. From the begining went through...
Remedies: Calcarea Fluorata, Sulphur, Silicea, Anacardium Occidentale, Anacardium Orientale, Calendula Officinalis
Started by Simon42. Last post: 2022-02-23

Anal Fistula remedy required 54

Hello all, I was diagnosed with an anal fistula around 1 year back. Since then Ive been on various homeo medications but the fistula has not completely healed. I have noticed that...
Remedies: Bioplasma, Silicea, Calcarea Fluorata, Calcarea Carbonica, Aesculus Glabra, Natrum Sulphuricum, Natrum Phosphoricum, Hydrofluoricum Acidum, Caladium Seguinum, Calcarea Sulphurica, Mercurius Solubilis, Sulphur, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Hepar Sulphuris Kalinum, Nux Vomica
Started by magicali. Last post: 2021-04-04

Fistula in Ano 0

Fistula in Ano treatment without surgery. Fistula in Ano: A Completely Curable Condition with Dr. Mohamad Ahamads Homeopathic Treatment Fistula in ano, a painful and distressing ...
Started by Mundiyar786. Last post: 2024-07-20

Infertility issues could be endometriosis or can be Fistula from Uterus to bladder 5

Hi, I have been trying to conceive for 5 months now but I cannot. I checked my AMH level it shows : 2.05 and follicle counts shows 9 follicles. from couple of months I am also seei...
Remedies: Millefolium, Calcarea Phosphorica, Kali Muriaticum, Natrum Phosphoricum
Started by preeti90v. Last post: 2024-07-09

Rectovaginal fistula cure 2

Dear dr. my wifeage 32 yrs was suffering from rvf due to natural childbirth on 14th, jan 14.afterwards it was repaired by surgery, but now she was passing gas and light leakage of ...
Started by kamalakar. Last post: 2024-02-13

Fistula and perianal abscess 1

hi, I am suffering from peri anal abscess since December 2021. I have been on homeopathy since the first day. My doctor prescribed Myristica 0/3, then heper Sulphur 0/3, then Acid ...
Remedies: Calcarea Sulphurica, Silicea
Started by anupam1. Last post: 2022-02-22

Fistula from three months 1

hello doctor, I am suffering from fistula since october 2021. Doctor asked me o go for a surgery but I am not getting the date. It is really very painful. Pus formation with the pa...
Remedies: Paeonia Officinalis
Started by shalss. Last post: 2022-01-24

Anal fissure/ fistula 2

Hi, I am Male age of 39 years, Weight- 172 lbs. No , no BP or other diseases. On 22nd December 2021 I felt the first pain very close to the anus, within the next 2 days I noticed t...
Remedies: Nitricum Acidum, Calcarea Fluorata, Nux Vomica, Silicea
Started by Saq1241. Last post: 2022-01-03

Fistula tract healing 1

I was suffering from anal fistula for a while where after every week / ten days, a boil would appear and burst with little pus and more blood. I was prescribed Calc flor 12x and C...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by magicali. Last post: 2021-05-17

Need expert advice on very old Anal fistula from an experienced doctor. 2

I have been suffering from ano fistula for many years. I had one surgery few years back which couldnt fix my problem, js after few weeks doctor realised that there is one track lef...
Started by danger007714. Last post: 2021-03-20

Complex anal fistula 5

Hello. I have a complex anal fistula and I consulted 2 homeopaths on an Indian website..one prescribed me silicea 6dh twice a day and myristica sebifera 30ch only once ... the sec...
Remedies: Paeonia Officinalis, Myristica Sebifera, Silicea
Started by etsyelam. Last post: 2020-10-15

Silicea 200ch and anl fistula 3

Hello everyone. please for an anal fistula what is the dosage to take silicea 200ch and for how long?...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by abdelmerch. Last post: 2020-09-25

Recto urethral fistula 9

Hi. I have had a colostomy reversal surgery and after 10 days of surgery have some Gas passing while urinating and pain in urethra. Also while passing stool experiencing pain in ur...
Remedies: Calcarea Fluorata, Magnesia Phosphorica, Mercurius Solubilis, Nux Vomica, Sulphur, Myristica Sebifera, Sarsaparilla, Staphysagria, Silicea
Started by Naveen8. Last post: 2020-09-05

Small bowel fistula and adhesion 10

I am 30 years old female. I had 4 surgery in the Abdominal last year because my tumor spread into it. ( they still inside my body) Part of my stomach, bowel removed. The surgery an...
Remedies: Calcarea Fluorata, Silicea
Started by Erebaujou. Last post: 2020-08-28

Homeopath for anal fistula 13

is there a homeopath here who has already cured an anal fistula. ??? or a person already cured of this disease by hmeopathy?[Edited by elamabdellah on 2020-07-14 17:16:25]...
Remedies: Cydonia Vulgaris, Silicea, Myristica Sebifera, Prinos, Nitricum Acidum, Calcarea Fluorata, Natrum Muriaticum
Started by elamabdellah. Last post: 2020-08-19

Anal fistula what remedy.? 3

hello, i was operated on for anal fistula 3 months ago, but the operation failed, i just have a pimple in the anal area and no abscess or pain, the pimple fills with pus ... j ...
Remedies: Silicea, Myristica Sebifera, Prinos
Started by elamabdellah. Last post: 2020-08-03

B12 , D3 deficiency and Fistula in Ano 1

I am 51 yrs old and found B12 only 77 and VITAMIN D3 , Serum by CLIA 25.87. I usually have high headedness, tired, weakness. Feeling mire fatigue. In addition I am having Osteo Art...
Started by lbsjk. Last post: 2020-02-21

Fistula and Small worms 3

As the character is matched with Ratanhia and the patient, can I use Ratanhia 200 for Anul fistula and small worms? The patient is female, fatty. Graphaitis is also matched. I want...
Remedies: Nitricum Acidum, Ratanhia
Started by enmonju. Last post: 2019-08-14

Anal Fistula 10

I have had surgery 3 times in the last 25 years I am 52. The last surgery was about 5 yrs ago. It has reoccurred about every one year. It occurs in the Perineal area. I can feel pr...
Remedies: Calendula Officinalis
Started by rw2801. Last post: 2019-07-22

Fistula homeopathic treatment 1

Dear All, I am suffering from fistula since 2013. I have been operated my fistula dated 14-4-2017 but it reoccur again. Kindly advice homeopathic remedies for me...
Started by SALIK1. Last post: 2019-07-16

Anal Fissures or Fistula 13

I am 52 yrs old male and have had 3 surgeries over the last 25 yrs. Each one about 5 yrs apart. The last on only about 2 yrs. I do not want to have to have surgery again. The last ...
Remedies: Graphites, Hamamelis Virginica, Silicea, Lachesis, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Nitricum Acidum
Started by rw2801. Last post: 2019-07-09

Anal Fissures or Fistula 10

I am 45 yrs old male suffering with Anal fissures or Fistula, I dont know what it is as on day because earlier problem of fissures was there and whenever it got aggrrevated I used ...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Natrum Phosphoricum
Started by subodhtomer. Last post: 2019-07-06

Pilonidal Sinus Fistula 9

40 years old, male, software developer, creative, interests in history, science and art. This is my story: When I was 20 I fall down on my sacrum and few weeks later a abscess dev...
Remedies: Nux Vomica, Carduus Benedictus, Benzinum, Carduus Marianus, Urtica Urens, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Ceanothus Americanus
Started by Lamary. Last post: 2019-05-26

Anal Fistula after Radiation 1

Hi, I'm new here - I had radiation a few years ago and received 37 targeted treatments, but no surgery. I now have at least 1 fistula.....lots of fun. If I can get rid of ...
Remedies: Catalpa Bignonioides, Santalum Album
Started by CatB1. Last post: 2019-05-10

Anal Fistula 8

Dear All, I need your expert opinion and to suggest me some medicines for fistula. My history I have been fistula since 2013 but i was not aware and regularly ignore it. In 2017...
Started by SALIK1. Last post: 2018-12-04

Re: Anal fistula dr r basu plz help 8

I have anal fistula frm last 2-3 years on both sides of anal area Plz help me to get out of this I am female 23 year old unmarried...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Hypophosphorosa, Bioplasma
Started by Saima2. Last post: 2018-11-05

Anal fistula since last 1.5 years. No surgery yet. 4

Hi, I am suffering from Anal fistula for 1 and half years. Initially it developed as abscess and then converted to fistula. I have not undergone any surgery yet. Since last 1 year...
Remedies: Tabacum, Calcarea Carbonica
Started by Vivek87. Last post: 2018-08-14

External bleeding pile fistula 9

i have on external pile which is outside muscles of anus and fistula..hard stool ..stool is not passing easily and after pass i have sever burning sensation etching and very pain f...
Started by sanghamitra nayak. Last post: 2018-07-11

Fistula in ano 11

I have a fistula in ano some 16 yrs back.Surgeon suggested to do operation but I stick to homeo pathy.local doctor treated me with silicea,CALC FLUOR,aloe soc,hypericum etc and for...
Remedies: Berberis Vulgaris, Calendula Officinalis, Calcarea Fluorata, Echinacea Purpurea, Psorinum, Calcarea Carbonica
Started by Toal. Last post: 2018-04-29

IBS and anal fistula 21

Female Age:23 Weight:45kgs I am suffering from IBS from last five years...after every meal there is a serious urge to go toilet immediately..and never the feeling comes i am done ...
Remedies: Nitricum Acidum, Tuberculinum
Started by Saima2. Last post: 2018-03-24

Anal fistula 13

Hi i am 22 year female..i had anal abscess on both sidesdue to IBS..it drainedand now the problem is it swells and and drains ..the problem continues and its very painful and i am...
Remedies: Tabacum, Calcarea Carbonica, Caladium Seguinum, Myristica Sebifera, Silicea
Started by Saima2. Last post: 2018-02-24

For Dr.kadwa plz help - Fistula 3

Fistula in intersphincter Fistula in ano intersphincture I am sathis, 38,M,H 176cm, w 80 Kg - fistula surgery did 1 yr before now recurrence not in same place. Mri says T2 Stir i...
Started by Frib. Last post: 2018-02-14

Fistula in intersphincter 1

Fistula in ano intersphincture I am sathis, 38,M,H 176cm, w 80 Kg - fistula surgery did 1 yr before now recurrence not in same place. Mri says T2 Stir intersphinctric fistula 32mm...
Remedies: Tabacum
Started by Frib. Last post: 2018-02-08

Fistula in ano 1

Dear Dr, Expert, Mr.Anuj Fistula in ano intersphincture I am sathis, 38,M,fistula surgery did 1 yr before now recurrence not in same place. Mri says T2 Stir intersphinctric fistula...
Remedies: Tabacum
Started by Frib. Last post: 2018-02-08

Fistula (anal fistula) - the badguy 4743

Dear New Patient, Welcome to this thread! As you already know that Anal fistula, we call it a BadGuy that is an opening in the skin near the anus. Fistula leads into a blind pouc...
Remedies: Arsenicum Album, Capsicum Annuum, Mercurius Solubilis, Mercurius Vivus, Asimina Triloba, Sol, Thuja Occidentalis, Calendula Officinalis, Berberis Vulgaris, Calcarea Carbonica, Podophyllum Peltatum, Hypericum Perforatum, Silicea, Natrum Sulphuricum, Sulphur, Natrum Phosphoricum, Calcarea Sulphurica, Aloe Socotrina, Nux Vomica, Arnica Montana, Bryonia, Antimonium Crudum, Viola Odorata, Solanum Tuberosum, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Cinnamomum, Tuberculinum, Ruta Graveolens, Aesculus Glabra, Zingiber, Argentum Metallicum, Bellis Perennis, Calcarea Fluorata, Ferrum Metallicum, Zincum Metallicum, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Collinsonia Canadensis, Aesculus Hippocastanum, Alumina, Hamamelis Virginica, Alumen, Caladium Seguinum, Sepia, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Kali Phosphoricum, Hepar Sulphuris Kalinum, Magnesia Phosphorica, Phosphorus, Nitricum Acidum, Kreosotum, Hydrofluoricum Acidum, Calcarea Phosphorica, Verbascum Thapsus, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Apis Mellifica, Melissa, Lac Defloratum, Kali Sulphuricum, Secale Cornutum, Carbo Vegetabilis, Gaster galli, Rhus Tox, Cola, Pimpinella Saxifraga, Lilium Tigrinum, Belladonna, Staphysagria, Salvia Officinalis, Ananassa sativa, Aconitum Napellus, Piper Nigrum, Aesculinum, Gummi Ammoniacum, Lycopodium Clavatum, Saccharum Officinale, Echinacea Purpurea, Valeriana, Cortisone, Magnesia Sulphurica, Monotropa Uniflora, Tarentula Hispanica, Pyrogenium, Terminalia Chebula, Piperazinum, Lachesis, X-ray, Coffea Cruda, Avena Sativa, Kali Arsenicosum, Kali Iodatum, Myristica Sebifera, Bioplasma, Moschus, Granatum Punica, Arundo Mauritanica, Lycopersicum, Pancreatinum, Histaminum muriaticum, Staphylococcinum, Colocynthis, Syphilinum (Luesinum), Juglans Regia, Origanum vulgare, Asparagus Officinalis, Petroleum
Started by nawazkhan. Last post: 2018-02-06

Fistula in ano intersphincture 1

I am sathis, 38,M,fistula surgery did 1 yr before now recurrence not in same place. Mri says T2 Stir intersphinctric fistula 32mm tract traverse linear & terminates rectum , in...
Remedies: Tabacum
Started by Frib. Last post: 2018-02-06

Fistula Patient need some help 1

Hi everyone I have been a fistula patient from last 3 years. I have been on ayruvadic medicine for 1.5 years but it didnt work well for me. After a long search on internet i came ...
Started by Jibrab736. Last post: 2018-01-25

Anal Fistula 12

Dear Sir, I had a perennial abscess drainage surgery done 3 months ago and I felt very good after the surgery. My incision has not healed fully and I still have little puss coming...
Remedies: Myristica Sebifera
Started by msameer. Last post: 2018-01-02

Anal fistula 2

Hi i got anal abscess in may when i was 28 weeks pregnant.It was drained by colorecto surgeon.I got my second abscess after giving birth in September. My doctor told me that i had ...
Started by Star3. Last post: 2017-11-22

Anal abscess or fistula not sure?need urgent help 1

Hi, I had hemorrhoids symptoms, i visited doctor , he prescribed ointment . i started applying but after 2-3 days some small bluster came next to my anus. i thought it is simple bo...
Started by deepak98. Last post: 2017-09-21

Anal Fistula 0

Hi to everyone - thank you to all who are helping on the forum. Could someone please help with my anal fistula issue? Many thanks Boyd888...
Started by boyd888. Last post: 2017-08-28

Suffering from fistula 1

Namaste doctor. My name is prajosh age 39yr suffering from fistula since 1 year An abcess found in left side of my anal opening it opens after a week then there will be no pai...
Started by Prajosh. Last post: 2017-06-13

Anal fistula 10

i was diagnosed with an anal fistula. the only symptom i have is a pus-like liquid that constantly drains out throughout the day and night and has been for 2-3 weeks. i have no pai...
Remedies: Gaster galli, Tabacum, Bornite, Calcarea Carbonica, Myristica Sebifera
Started by Hepeehou. Last post: 2017-05-26

Anal fistula grade 2 1

I am 34 yrs old suffering from anal fistula, kindly suggest medicins, Dr are advising fistulotomy, is it will be beneficial....
Remedies: Tabacum
Started by Beek. Last post: 2017-05-22

Homeopathy treatment for fistula 3

Sir, I am 59 years old male suffering from anal fistula from the past 14 years. There is no bleeding but there is pus formation. Kindly prescribe homeopathic treatment for this....
Started by bluestar1. Last post: 2017-05-08

Fistula Ano 13

1. Age 40 2. Male or Female or other Male 3. Single/Married Married 4. Weight 225 Pounds 5. Height 6 Ft 6. country Pakistan 7. climate Temperate Zone 8. List of your complai...
Remedies: Histaminum muriaticum, Calcarea Carbonica
Started by hamsan. Last post: 2017-05-05

Pilonidal cyst and fistula tunnels for 16 years.. 2

At 30 i got Pilonidal cyst , doctor burst it like zip and it came back again, the skin healed but the cyst was still there active and start tunnel down to right side off anus were ...
Started by krille. Last post: 2017-03-16

Anal fistula 1

i am suffering from burning pain after boil movement from last 6 months.it is happening after my pilesoperation last year.i feel my anus has become little tight/narrow after operat...
Started by Sourav Biswas1. Last post: 2017-03-05

Anal fistula 1

I am suffering from anal fistula with burning pain after leaving stool which lasts for some times even some hours.After toilet i feel burning,pain and feel anus has become tight.i ...
Started by Sourav Biswas1. Last post: 2017-02-15

Fistula In anal Region 5

Dear Sir, I am suffering from anal fistula from past 1 year.Have taken Ayurvedic medicine from past 9 months but not getting complete relief. There is a small fistula at the openin...
Started by sanjm. Last post: 2017-01-26

Piles / Fistula 2

Sir, I am suffering from my Fistula for a long times. Previously it was pilesjust infront of the anus mouth (3 wats detected) It was operated operated by a Ayurveda doctor 3 year...
Remedies: Aesculus Glabra
Started by dmitra59. Last post: 2017-01-23

Blind Fistula 27

I am a 33 year old married lady and I have a daughter who is 2yrs and 9months old. I had a caesarian delivery. I am a working woman. I had an abscess on the left side of my anus ...
Remedies: Myristica Sebifera, Silicea, Capsicum Annuum
Started by kmpriya. Last post: 2016-12-16

Fistula / fissure notes for all 0

Fistula/ Fissure/ Abscess is one topic posts on which have been going for long periods. The problem is complex. Many a prescribers are doing their best to help people. I feel there...
Started by shyam11. Last post: 2016-12-03

Anal fistula with liquid white discharge 6

Hii, This problem is for my father, he is 55 years old and having a recurring problem of anal fistula since last 5 to 6 years. it occurs time to time with liquid discharge and last...
Started by sandipan1. Last post: 2016-09-29

Anal abscess/possible fistula 18

I had a bad anal fissure a month ago. There was lots of blood and very painful. There is no blood now and little pain now. Just the feeling of pressure when I sit and maybe an odd...
Remedies: Silicea, Nitricum Acidum, Mercurius Solubilis
Started by Owhey. Last post: 2016-09-04

Dr nawaz or someone who knows about anal fistula abscess please help 9

had a bad anal fissure a month ago. There was lots of blood and very painful. There is no blood now and little pain now. Just the feeling of pressure when I sit and maybe an odd s...
Started by Owhey. Last post: 2016-06-24

Anal Fistula 250

Hi I'm suffering from Fistula for more than a month. it used to be very painful. I followed some online remedies and the pain has reduced drastically, but want to check if I&#...
Remedies: Mercurius Solubilis, Hypericum Perforatum, X-ray, Gaster galli, Calcarea Carbonica, Mercurius Vivus, Thuja Occidentalis, Arsenicum Album, Natrum Phosphoricum, Solanum Tuberosum, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum
Started by sumanth3490. Last post: 2016-06-21

Need help for fistula 90

Hi dec2011 I got a rash besides anus(1 inch difference) n after that fistula there.after 4 months I started homeopathic but it not completely ok, every month I get some puse there...
Remedies: Collinsonia Canadensis, Arsenicum Album, Silicea, Nux Vomica, Kali Phosphoricum, Thuja Occidentalis, Natrum Sulphuricum, Secale Cornutum
Started by reza1976. Last post: 2016-05-23

Cure from Perianal Fistula 0

Dear Readers, Please allow me to share with you my experience with the dreaded peri-anal fistula / abscess. I have been diagnosed with this issue almost 10 years ago on the right s...
Started by Adrian.D. Last post: 2016-05-23

Anal abscess fistula help please 10

dear sir, i m suffering from abscess fistula.every morning got abcess beside of anus after potty.as the day passes situation becomes better.& pus leakage from abscess all these...
Started by Quuerk. Last post: 2016-05-08

Fistula in ano 88

Hi, my name is srinivas.age 31. I am suffering with fistula in ano.there is a constant drain of puss through the anus and other opening of fistula almost every day.. I am suffering...
Remedies: Aesculus Glabra, Histaminum muriaticum
Started by srinu11s2004. Last post: 2015-09-28

Fistula 7

Respected Drs. I had problem of internal fistula since last one year in marsh 2015 I get it operated for pus and surgeon put one thread on fistula track so that pus should drain ou...
Started by sharad.rt. Last post: 2015-09-04

Tooth trauma resulting in fistula 6

Hello! About a month ago, I had a bike accident resulting in a blow to one of my front teeth. The bottom half chipped off and was repaired. I had chronic pain and intense sens...
Remedies: Zincum Metallicum, Silicea
Started by mfxclaire. Last post: 2015-08-27

Anal fistula 9

Dear Dr I had anal abscess. But now it seems to be converted into anal fistula. It always oozes pus and some times blood as well. there is little swelling as well , I feel pain whe...
Started by tariq.khan. Last post: 2015-07-31

Fistula in ano 7

i m suffering from acidity please sugest[message edited by arpan18jun on Thu, 15 Oct 2015 10:51:44 UTC]...
Started by arpan18jun. Last post: 2015-07-03

Fistula 1

Thnk u for this site Sir I had anal fistula since sep 2013 the fistula lent it's 12.5cm by MRI X-ray .there is 2 head 1 inside &1outsid it's opening and clousing ever...
Started by Eshagh. Last post: 2015-02-27

Fistula 2

Hi, 6 months back my wife had internal abscess posterior to Vagina. She had taken 5 courses of antibiotics and sitting on hot tub. After 6 months abscess head formed near to perin...
Started by krvissu. Last post: 2014-10-17

Presence of Fistula in the ano and an abscess in front 3

Dear Sir(s), I had an abscess in the anus, found in the month of May, 2014. I visited my family physician and he told me it was infected piles. Then after undergoing his treatmen...
Started by saumya banerjee. Last post: 2014-09-02

Rectovaginal fistula 1

Hi I'm suffering from rectovaginal fistula after the birth of my child. I'm passing gas and sometimes bowel movement. Ihow many months will it take to cure?...
Started by Shrurut. Last post: 2014-07-03

Anal fistula help 2

Hi I am female age 34 and currently 32 weeks pregnant 3 months ago I was hospitalized for an anal abscess and had a drainage operation I have been left with an anal fistula, w...
Started by Rudeyjudey32. Last post: 2014-04-19

Fistula with perianal abscess 1

dear doctor kindly advice treatment for my problem.i had undergone fissurectomy two months ago and after that lot of pain started coming.checked with local homeopath and he said it...
Started by pashupathinath. Last post: 2014-03-17

Fistula in ano 1

I am suffering from fistuls. There is a continue pain with pus discharge. I started taking silicea 200 OD with nat phos 6x three days back but no relief. Also silicea is in liquid...
Remedies: Collinsonia Canadensis
Started by Parveen Singh. Last post: 2014-03-01

Fistula 20

1. Your age & sex: 47, Male 2. Describe your appearance 72K.G, 172cm,Normal body. 3. What are the symptoms of your main health problem: Anal Fistula. 4. What other health proble...
Remedies: Silicea, Staphysagria
Started by kvrao. Last post: 2013-12-05

Fistula in ano 3

I am suffering from fistula in ano since 2 years, I am using homeopathic pills given by a homeopathic doctor since 3 months, but there is no permanent cure. Please help me....
Remedies: Aesculus Glabra
Started by Gsrao. Last post: 2013-11-27

Is homeopathy is best for fistula in ano. 4

Hi everyone... I know this may be a duplicate question but I am really confused... Last year I met with an operation of fistula in ano...along with fistula there was something har...
Remedies: Ferrum Metallicum
Started by himanshudixit. Last post: 2013-11-11

Dosage of sillicea 200 for fistula 4

hi Joe, i bought sillicea 200 for my fistula. i missed out some of the talk in the forum.could u please tell me the appropriate amount of pellets that i should take in a day? thank...
Remedies: Ferrum Metallicum, Cola
Started by hendro2786. Last post: 2013-10-20

Ano fistula remedy 8

Hi, I am suffering from ano fistula since 1st week of june 2013. On examination, Surgeon told that the fistula is positioned at subcutaneous and superficial which is 3 to 4 cm len...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Causticum, Silicea, Sulphur, Myristica Sebifera
Started by Sivacoumarane. Last post: 2013-09-15

Perianal abscess & Anal Fistula 3

It all started with a small pain the anal area some 6 months ago. I visited a doc and he advised me that my food should be improved with fiber diet and i did the same. However i wa...
Remedies: Cadmium Bromatum
Started by ananthojrr. Last post: 2013-09-10

Anal fistula help please 8

1. ID:Your ABC Forum Name 2. Age = 30 3. Sex = male 4. Marital Status = single 5. weight = 170lbs 6. Height = 5'10 7. country = united states 8. climate = sunny 9. List of my...
Remedies: Berberis Vulgaris
Started by sli2305. Last post: 2013-09-04

Fistula 0

pls help me with the best homeopathic doctor anywhere in chennai who can cure fistula permanently. who would be better among dr v krishnamurthy, dr ks srinivasan, dr au ramakrishna...
Started by kavis. Last post: 2013-08-18

Drying up fistula 20

Hello, I have Crohn's disease. I've had it since I was 10. I'm a 37 year old male. Well a few weeks ago I developed a fistula. And I've had so many other surge...
Remedies: Caladium Seguinum, Sulphur, Kali Sulphuricum, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis
Started by Mitch76. Last post: 2013-08-02

Fistula in Anus 3

Hello, am having Fistula in Anus and am taking homepathy medicine from last 6 months. But still blood and pus is coming out of it, though there is no pain. Can you tell me what ...
Started by AAV1411. Last post: 2013-06-17

Fistula in Ano 1

Heelo Doc's i am having fistula in ano, its at 11 o clock, it started thru some constipation later it developed to fistula, i consulted a allopathi doc, he said i need to und...
Started by rathnam. Last post: 2013-06-03

Recurring fistula 1

I have this problem of frequent recurrences of fistula in ani. I normally go on Nux-vom in the night before followed by Sulfur the next morning. Eventhough that would ease a littl...
Started by hrchandras. Last post: 2013-04-26

Anal Fistula 3

I have an anal fistula and do NOT want to have surgery. It's very bothersome after I have a BM and as such avoid them at all cost. I've lost a ton of weight as a result...
Remedies: Ferrum Metallicum, Silicea
Started by MOORJG. Last post: 2013-04-10

Anal Fistula 1

Hi, I am suffring from anal fistula I went to doctor but doctor advised to surgery but I am afraid of it I am getting much pain and puss is getting des charged regularly more i...
Started by Romance4don. Last post: 2013-03-21

Vagina fistula 2

from last 2tears 35 yers old lady suffering with fistula side of vagina. it is a small pore like pus secretion is there. irritation due to pus secretion,warm water heat releif . gi...
Started by dr pg. Last post: 2013-03-17

Fistula in Ano 1

Hi Joe De Livera. I am from Philippines, last Dec. 2012 just found out that I have a fistula in Ano, just one, very tiny hole at 12 o'clock position maybe half or an inch abo...
Started by kakel. Last post: 2013-03-09

Anal Fistula (with white discharge) and Hydrocele 1

I am 58 years old. I got voluntary retirement at the age of 52(i.e. in 2006). I was a smoker for 30 years. In 2007 I had heart attack and angioplasty was done. I had mouth ulcer f...
Started by ssr_222. Last post: 2013-03-05

Anal Fistula since 1 year 8

Hi All, I am suffering from anal fistula from last 1 year. it has yellowish puss in it and also bleed time to time(not alot but it does). i can't sit anyplace more than 30 min...
Remedies: Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Hepar Sulphuris Kalinum, Calcarea Sulphurica, Penicillinum
Started by hussaim. Last post: 2013-02-09

Fistula in Ano from 4 years 1

There is fistula in ano, from 4 years. please help...
Started by shreekantk. Last post: 2013-02-01

Anal fistula 47

Dear Sir, Greetings..Sir i am surfing from boils problem on butts last 1 year,but b4 3 months i am suffering boil on my anus,some time's it very small & sm time large,with th...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Calendula Officinalis
Started by aditya.yuwi. Last post: 2012-12-01

Anal Fissure and Fistula 4

Hi iam a 32 year old man suffering with Anal Fissure and Fistula. Initially it started with a boil which used to irritate and gets bursted giving me a relief. Now i have a Fistul...
Remedies: Ratanhia
Started by crystals. Last post: 2012-11-25

Abscess and fistula 267

persistant fistula and abscess Can anyone throw more light on this case. we have tried a myriad of remedies and we feel we are ready to give up! Boy aged 6 diagnosed with periana...
Remedies: Ferrum Metallicum, Mercurius Vivus, Silicea, Arnica Montana, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Calcarea Sulphurica, Calendula Officinalis, Hypericum Perforatum, Arsenicum Album, Nitricum Acidum, Alumina, Belladonna, Colocynthis, Aesculus Glabra, Aesculus Hippocastanum, Thuja Occidentalis, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis, Alumen, Staphysagria
Started by bluehalo. Last post: 2012-10-12

Rectovaginal Fistula 9

I am suffering from RVF by birth.I had been operated 4-5 times.But all surgeries gone unsuccessful Stool is passing through both vagina and rectum. i am hope less and in high depre...
Started by monikasgra. Last post: 2012-10-10

Anal Fistula - Very Painful 6

Hi, Long story short, I had an abscess in perianal area back in 2010. I went to emergency and they used the scalpel to remove pus out of it and I was fine. After 2 yrs, in 2012 I g...
Started by nbhadra. Last post: 2012-09-12

Anal fistula 1

suffering from anal fistula..... first it was piles..then an abscess emerged near anus.took homeopathic treatment and it bursted to become fistula.then i switched to alopath and it...
Started by roast2509. Last post: 2012-06-16

About unhealing fistula 2

A request to any homeopathy Doctor, please suggest me with detail medicine and its application for my unhealed fistula. I have fistula, but no blood oozing, also not get healing to...
Started by rajudas09. Last post: 2012-05-30

Anal fistula from last 4-5 years 2

Hi Doctor , My father is suffering from Anal fistula from last 5 years , earlier he was having pus / bleeding , he used to go daily to doctor for dressing. doc used to remove th...
Started by sup123. Last post: 2012-05-20

Anal fistula 1

i'm 34yrs old,married female. having problem of anal fistula since last 8yrs. every year it is coming with severe,untolerable pain.and it get bursted after aweek with lots of ...
Started by sweta.homoeo. Last post: 2012-05-18

Anal fistula 124

I am new to this forum. I am suffering from anal fistula for more than one year. First i observed an abcess near annus and used more powerful antibiotics more than one month. ...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Sulphurica, Aloe vera, Capsicum Annuum, Arnica Montana, Eucalyptus Globulus, Berberis Vulgaris, Hypericum Perforatum, Thuja Occidentalis, Sulphur, Calendula Officinalis, Coffea Cruda
Started by murthy1976. Last post: 2012-05-10

Anal Fistula - Help Please 9

Hi Guys, I�m new in this blog. My condition is as below and I have tried my best to put in details of my condition. please help me, I�m so frustrated having this problem for a long...
Remedies: Aranea Diadema
Started by Tad_Sydney. Last post: 2012-03-15

Anal Fistula 2

About a year ago I got anal fissure. I went to a doctor and he prescribed me with some cream. I used that for some time but did not get better. Meanwhile, anal fissure also got wor...
Remedies: Ferrum Metallicum
Started by Razanaqvi. Last post: 2012-02-23

Fistula and anal fissure 12

Hi, im female age 28, a month ago i had a lot of pain in my butt and when i went to the doctor they said its an abcess and they did a surgery.its 1 month and 2 weeks pus is still d...
Remedies: Silicea, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Hepar Sulphuris Kalinum
Started by seema4321. Last post: 2012-01-30

Anal fistula after pregnancy 6

Hello, I had my son 6 weeks ago and just found out from my Dr. that I have an anal fistula. I have severe pain and bleeding while having a bowel movement. I am currently breast ...
Started by nadiapel. Last post: 2012-01-27

Fistula or fissar in ano 3

sir my age is 28yrs,male,unmarried. i did my surgery on 10jan2009 as the doctors said that it was fistula near ano and surgery is the only option for me to remove the disease.after...
Remedies: Ferrum Metallicum
Started by nirmalmahato. Last post: 2012-01-17

Fistula in Ano 1

Dear Sir, I have fistula in anus for last 4 years, i consult a doctor and got operated, i got in 3 places both the sides near to my anus and one at the spinal end exactly...
Remedies: Ferrum Metallicum
Started by Navanith. Last post: 2012-01-17

Draining Fistula 3

Thanks Joe, I received the info on Penicillin that you instructed her to take and I am not able to get Penicillin. However, she was prescribed Sulfameth/TMP DS Tablets. They instru...
Remedies: Ferrum Metallicum
Started by sandra mason. Last post: 2011-11-15

Suffering from Fistula (Sinus Track) 1

hi, i am 45 yrs. male suffering from fistula (outer near rectum lining)since 18 months now. i haven't yet gone for any surgical procedure. i searched for the symptoms as follo...
Started by karamjeit. Last post: 2011-11-15

Draining fistula 2

My daughter have a fistula thats been draining since july. I ordered silicea 6x about a week ago and then ordered arnica 30c liquid. She taking silicea 6x 2 tablets 2x daily and d...
Remedies: Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum
Started by sandra mason. Last post: 2011-11-15

Fistula in Ano 2

I am 51 years old and have been diagnosed with fistula in Ano and advised surgery. I don't want to undergo surgery.Please advise....
Started by Parveen Singh. Last post: 2011-11-01

Fistula help 3

Hi, I have Crohn's disease and have a anal fistula that expels brown and sometimes white pus or poop and is also very smelly throughout the day and is most current after a bm....
Remedies: Origanum vulgare, Aloe vera
Started by arizonachris. Last post: 2011-09-16

Piles treatment, treatment for hemorrhoids, hemorrhoid surgery, treatment of hemorrhoids, Fissure Treatment , laser hemorrhoid surgery, Fistula Treatment, hemorrhoid removal, natural hemorrhoid treatment, Causes, Symptoms, stop piles treatment in Hyderab 2

Stopiles is the quick pain relief piles treatment now in india Hyderabad, without pain no anesthesia within 10 days your pain relief treatment other treatments like Fissure Treat...
Started by stopiles. Last post: 2011-08-27

Recto-vaginal Fistula 5

Hello, I have a recto-vaginal fistula. I have had it for a long time now. It doesn't hurt at all but the vaginal gas coming from the colon is very uncomfortable. It doesn...
Remedies: Carbo Vegetabilis, Hydrastis Canadensis
Started by Boriquena. Last post: 2011-04-23

Anal Abscess Fistula 42

I had anal abscess. My family doctor made a small cut to drain the pus out. After that my swelling and pain decreased. It has been three months since this minor treatment occurred....
Remedies: Mercurius Vivus, Calcarea Carbonica, Calendula Officinalis, Hypericum Perforatum, Natrum Sulphuricum, Natrum Sulphurosum, Sulphur, Alumina, Calcarea Sulphurica, Thuja Occidentalis, Myristica Sebifera
Started by bpatel. Last post: 2011-04-18

Fistula in ano-please help me doctor 3

iam suffering with fistula.external track is closed.but internal track is opening.iam using homeopathy medicine from 6months,but till my problem has not solved.please help me.....
Remedies: Ferrum Metallicum
Started by kichukiran18. Last post: 2011-04-16

Perianal abscess,anal fistula please help me.. 7

hi sir,(please forgive me if any mistakes in my english language). I had perianal abscess(2010 march). My family doctor made a small cut to drain the pus out.he had given medicines...
Remedies: Silicea, Paeonia Officinalis
Started by naveenmothukuri. Last post: 2011-03-31

Nawaz Sir for your attention : Fistula and itching/Urticarea 160

Hi Nawaz Hope you are doing well. You have helped me tremendously on 'Anal- Fistula' thread and I want to request you to continue to guide me on treatment here on this ...
Remedies: Mercurius Vivus, Sol, Mercurius Solubilis, Capsicum Annuum, Graphites, Berberis Vulgaris, Arsenicum Album, Arnica Montana, Calendula Officinalis, Natrum Phosphoricum, Phosphorus, Crataegus Oxyacantha, Piper Nigrum, Calcarea Carbonica, Myristica Sebifera, Antimonium Arsenicicum, Rhus Tox, Gummi Ammoniacum, Camphora
Started by AbFisRidden. Last post: 2011-02-23

Anal fistula 13

i am male.i leave in nigeria.i have been suffering from anal fistula since oct|2009.the doctors say i could have a reoccurence if i undergo surgery.i also dont have any homeopatic ...
Remedies: Senna, Plantago Major
Started by munplugged. Last post: 2010-12-14

Ano fistula 6

i'm a 28yr lady. i hv just been diagnose of anal Fistula though Its been there 4 a yr and now. And i'm told it will b operated. I wouldnt want 2 b operated so i need ur a...
Started by babyface . Last post: 2010-12-14

Anal Fistula - Fissure 1

I have been suffering from fistula from last 12 months, initially i consulted homeo doctor, later, since 6 months. I am taking ayurvedic medicine. but it is not totally cured, som...
Started by kayvear. Last post: 2010-12-01

Anal fissure and anal fistula 3

Hi, i have had severe constipation for years, an anal fissure 5 yrs ago that healed in 6 weeks. i now have had another anal fissure for about 3 months now and a skin tag (sentinel...
Remedies: Ratanhia
Started by jamieson. Last post: 2010-10-25

Attn : Dr. Joe - Case of Anal Fistula 1

Dr. Joe, My case is of Anal Fistula. It started with pain in my upper anus ( Surgeon diagnosed this as Fissure initially) and after 25 days pus started coming out from the 6 O cloc...
Started by redstone1976. Last post: 2010-10-18

Fistula 3

I had abscess in the anal region last year.while allopathy docs said it to be fistula, my homeo doc diagonised ot as a fissure.he put me on several medicines like hammamelis,ratanh...
Started by anupam1977. Last post: 2010-10-18

Fistula 1

Sir,i think i have blind fistula.But i ve undergone proctoscopy the docs havnt found anything.But watery pus oozes from inside anus and that to in a very little amount,although i h...
Started by Sanjeeev. Last post: 2010-09-11

Therapeutic of anal fistula 8

ALOE.Hemorrhoidal congestions; the hemorrhoids bleed often and profusely; protrude like grapes, with much tenesmus. "Fistula in ano; it has never disappointed me."-Dr. Boyd.AURUM M...
Started by sajjadakram635. Last post: 2010-08-22

Anal Fistula 2

I have developed what I think to be a fistula. I think it was caused by an enema tip that I inserted too far into my anus around a month ago. I noticed blood on the tip and thought...
Started by SPbumps. Last post: 2010-08-15

Anal boil / fistula 6

About three weeks ago after much pain an abcess appeared near my anus, it ruptured on it's own and the pain subsided. I thought the worst was over but within a day the pain w...
Started by smokeymax. Last post: 2010-08-13

Fistula in ano 4

Dear Sir I am suffering from Anal fistula which was surgically operated twice 10 yrs back, but occasional bleeding from one eye (opening) still persists. Following yr suggestion to...
Started by apurba. Last post: 2010-08-01

Anul fistula and fissure 1

I am 32 yrs old.i had first baby at 28 yrs of my age, through normal delivery but with forecepps. now i have my second baby who is 1 and a half yrs old. since her birth , i had dev...
Started by parampreet. Last post: 2010-06-14

Anal Abscess and Fistula 1

40 Year old male, developed an anal abscess in late April, 2010. Incision and Drained after a week of the abscess. In late May the doc told me it has become a fistula and I need su...
Started by legomaster. Last post: 2010-05-31

Anal Fistula 12

Dear Mr.Joe, I am Raj from Chennai/India. I have been suffering from Anal Fistula near my ass hole since 2007 December. But from the day one I am taking only homeopathy treatment ...
Remedies: Causticum, Kali Carbonicum, Nitricum Acidum, Arnica Montana, Ferrum Metallicum, Caladium Seguinum, Calcarea Carbonica, Sulphur, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Silicea, Calcarea Hypophosphorosa, Aurum Metallicum
Started by kingraj. Last post: 2010-05-03

Pilonodal sinus and fistula 14

Dear Docs, I am affected with pilonodal sinus which led to fistula now. Is there a good treatment for this problem. I am suffering badly due to this problem. Thanks in advance...
Remedies: Camphora , Silicea, Calcarea Carbonica, Sulphur
Started by kamalnath.j. Last post: 2010-02-14

Anal fistula - any success stories??? 0

I'd like to hear any success stories for healing anal fistulas. What did you take? How long did it take to heal? Have you had a recurrence?...
Started by sanjean. Last post: 2009-12-02

To Joe Re: Anal Fistula remedy 0

I am very glad to have found this site and may finaly get some help! I have read quite a few of the posts and would like to order the remedies as soon as possible. Should I get My...
Started by sanjean. Last post: 2009-12-01

Anus Fistula & Knee bone increase 2

I have two problems: 1. From last Many years suffering 'Anus fistula'.... sometimes feeing good...but sometimes seen blood with stool... 2.From last 2 years suffering kn...
Started by masava84. Last post: 2009-11-03

Fistula 5

I had a fissure surgery in February 2009. I developed an abscess in the left buttock. I was hospitilized again in March to drain the pus out. The doctor made a slit in my lower but...
Remedies: Calendula Officinalis
Started by kavitaaa. Last post: 2009-08-25

Avoid Fistula Surgery 1

I had a fissure surgery in February 2009. I developed an abscess in the left buttock. I was hospitilized again in March to drain the pus out. The doctor made a slit in my lower but...
Started by kavitaaa. Last post: 2009-08-25

Fistula 4

Dear Dr. Mahfooz May Allah accept your Umrah. As you suggested earlier I was taking Silicia30. I stopped it. I am again suffering from pain, having small bag of puss and blood comi...
Started by mateen. Last post: 2009-08-04

Fistula in Anus and Spike in the Knee joint (Lower bone) 16

I have fistula in Anus from last many years. And I had an accident in the last year and after six months it has founded by X-ray that, there is a spike in the Knee Lower Bone joint...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Silicea, Calcarea Phosphorica, Calcarea Hypophosphorosa
Started by imtiazahmedjesu. Last post: 2009-06-28

Anal fistula 4

Was wondering if anyone has had any success with healing a anal fistula without surgery? I have what I thought was an abcess or sore that bleeds and drains with pus daily for the ...
Started by gcfoster. Last post: 2009-05-24

Anal fistula 1

young boy, 24, good health suffering from anal fistula from last 4 year, after few months it started ozzing(some pus). then its ok, no pain except at the time of pus. need help a...
Started by ekhan. Last post: 2009-05-24

Fistula in Anus and Spike in the Knee joint (Lower bone) 1

I have fistula in Anus from last many years. And I had an accident in the last year and after six months it has founded by X-ray that, there is a sike in the Knee Lower Bone joint...
Started by imtiazahmedjesu. Last post: 2009-05-19

Anal fistula 1

Is there any treatment for anal fistula for a young 23 year boy....
Started by ekhan. Last post: 2009-04-13

Gastrointestinal fistula (Two holes in large intestine) 14

Patient: Mr. Amit Gatecha Age: 55 Business Suffering from gastrointestinal fistula. Two holes in colon. History: sever stomach ache, and vomitting at night and tightning of stom...
Remedies: Silicea, Calcarea Carbonica, Bioplasma, Aurum Metallicum
Started by rakchok. Last post: 2009-03-26

Kind Att. Dr Sameer Vermani (gastrointestinal fistula (Two holes in large intestine), Critical stage. 0

Dear Mr. Sameer please go through the following case history and please guide us. Patient: Amit Gatech Age: 60 years Habits: Smoking 3-4 cigarate per day and occationaly drinking ...
Started by rakchok. Last post: 2009-03-17

Anal fistula help anyone plz 03/04 2

it started off as an abcess last march which was drained and the after one month a hole appeared. it closed up and then came back again and this has been goin on since then. since ...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by sar792. Last post: 2009-03-05

Fistula near Anus. 6

Dear Sajjad help me in solving my Problem. Iam Suffering from Anal Fistula since 12 years now iam 29 years old. I had a boil near anus, Pus + blood used to accumulate into that an...
Remedies: Silicea, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Calcarea Carbonica, Aesculus Glabra
Started by crystals. Last post: 2009-02-02

Anal fistula post-op 15

hi, this is my first post so be gentle... i had Fistulotomy surgery over 5 months ago, however the cut has not completely healed and it has over-granulated. the surgeon wants to ...
Remedies: Silicea, Staphysagria, Arnica Montana
Started by toby26. Last post: 2008-12-15

Anal Fistula 2

To, Dr. Faisal Qureshi, Thank you for suggesion, but you did not mention the potency of Silicia, could you please write the potency and doses? Thanks SAMI...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by ans31. Last post: 2008-12-14

Anal Fistula 0

Thanks very much dear 'worriedmum'for your amazing mail. I believe that Silicea is best for that purpose as u and dr. Faisal said. But I am asking about its potency and ...
Started by ans31. Last post: 2008-12-14

Anal Fistula 1

Is Nitric Acid 30 useful remedy for anal fistula having puss with itcing and sometimes little bleeding? If no, thrn please suggest proper remedy for above said situation. Thank you...
Started by ans31. Last post: 2008-12-13

Is there cure for fistula in homeopathy? 13

hi all drs i have multipal fistula i have it for long time its get fill with puss and then puss discharge .most of the time puss discharge inside but it discharge out side too i d...
Started by imran655. Last post: 2008-11-17

I am sufring from fistula 2

hello i have been sufring from fistula for long time but try some homeo medison so for nothing working its gets pus when pus is gone i feel little better i also have ibs my stomich...
Started by imran655. Last post: 2008-11-07

Help before surgery for Anal Fistula - Fissure 13

My 19 year old usually healthy son had surgery for a perianal abscess in February 2008. He has now been informed that the entrance to the surgery has formed a fistula, this is why ...
Remedies: Caladium Seguinum, Silicea
Started by worriedmum. Last post: 2008-10-23

Anorectal fistula 7

Hi,I am new to this board. I have developed an anal fistula after having a fissure for many years. A fistula was accompanied by abscess, which got burst with a discharge of watery ...
Remedies: Zincum Metallicum, Silicea, Calcarea Carbonica, Causticum, Coffea Cruda, Camphora , Cuprum Metallicum, Tabacum
Started by Tony5. Last post: 2008-10-16

Anal Fistula 0

I have an anal fistula caused by pressure by the doctor when using forceps when having my baby 11 months ago. The abscess has formed and burst several times and now I'm being...
Started by denise.moye. Last post: 2008-10-10

Rectovaginal fistula 4

Hi, I have a rectovaginal fistula and I was wondering if there is a remedy for this. There is a lot on anal fistula's but not on rectovaginal fistulas. Thank you for any help...
Started by tinyk. Last post: 2008-09-06

Fistula Surgery 1

I am a Crohn's patient that has had a fistula all my life. Until recently I got surgery to close it up with a plug and flap. I am 5 days post surgery, in no pain, but in need ...
Started by laurylu. Last post: 2008-08-24

Anal Fistula 14

We took my husband in to the ER about 2 months ago. He was having sever pain in his anal area, almost to the point where he almost passed out. They did a CT scan and found that he ...
Remedies: Silicea, Nitricum Acidum
Started by concernedwife. Last post: 2008-08-22

Has an anal Fistula ever gone away completely without surgery 2

Hi, I was wondering if fistulas do ever go away completely without surgery. My 19 year old son has been taking silicea 30 for the last three weeks and has noticed a great improveme...
Started by worriedmum. Last post: 2008-07-18

Anal fistula 0

a client has had 7 surgeries for this, and after the last one, it is happening again. He has used castor oil on the scar and it has softened it greatly. I found your site and see a...
Started by beherenow. Last post: 2008-05-23

Anal fistula 2

My husband has got anal fistula and he has been taking antibiotics for a month. Initially he had extreme pain whenever he had bowel movements and pus used come. Now there is no pai...
Remedies: Grindelia Robusta, Sulphur
Started by Rashmi8. Last post: 2008-05-22

Fistula 5

In January, I had an perianal abscess which was lanced by my doctor. He was able to drain it and i felt alot better. Unfortunately, it did not heal properly and it has formed into ...
Remedies: Nitricum Acidum, Calcarea Fluorata
Started by jay784. Last post: 2008-04-23

Anal Fistula 2

I am so confused can someone please help. There are many suggestions in regards to using silicea 6x and arnica and hypericum. My son has been taking silicea 6x two twice daily an...
Started by bellkeys. Last post: 2008-04-22

Anal fistula 5

The surgeons say that I need a surgery for a anal fistula. I have been taking silica for 5 weeks and the draining has stopped. The incision is still open and I still feel it. Do ...
Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica, Sulphur, Arnica Montana
Started by adriana. Last post: 2008-04-08

Horseshoe rectal fistula 5

I had a horseshoe abscess in august 2007 which was drained in the emergency room. They now say that I have a fistula and need another surgery. Is there anything natural to cure th...
Remedies: Myristica Sebifera, Silicea, Capsicum Annuum
Started by adriana. Last post: 2008-04-02

Anal mulipel fistula 5

hi i have mulipelanal fistula for long time and i also have ibs and rumotied arthrits i am wory about fitula a went to see a surgen and he told me chance to get better 50% and oth...
Started by imran655. Last post: 2007-10-04

Perianal fistula - Dog 1

Has anyone had success in treating canine perianal fisutas homeopathically? I have an 85 lb Irish Setter which I have been treating for almost a year with cystosporin (Atopica), ...
Started by dogzma. Last post: 2007-07-25

Anal Fistula 2

I have met with a surgeon who would like to perform a Fistulectomy. I have already had one surgery to remove scar tissue and now this has formed. It bleeds almost every day and w...
Started by Mezyjb. Last post: 2007-04-26

Anal Fistula help!!!!!!! 6

I had a fistula in 1987 and it came back again in 2005. They drain it. Then it came on and off with little puss. Then Last month I had blood when I had bowel movement My doctor r...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Sulphur, Phosphorus
Started by 411411. Last post: 2007-03-20

Fistula 0

I found your site at a homeopathic search engine. I would like to inquire about some alternative healing methods. Similar to many of your patients, I have had two surgeries for a...
Started by hapkido. Last post: 2007-03-16

Fistula healing with herbs/sitz baths 0

Hi Everyone, I just joined this group. I have had an anal fistual for 2.5 years. I have had 9 surguries for it, and it is still there. In the past several months I have been work...
Started by Sunnny. Last post: 2007-01-25

Anal fistula 3

Hi Joe, I had a hemorrhoidectomy a three months ago after giving birth to my son. Six weeks after the surgery, I developed an abcess which turned into a fistula. The dr offered...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by nycmom. Last post: 2006-10-22

Anal fistula 5

I am a woman 38 yrs. old with an anal fistula. It has been ongoing for 2 yrs. and I started having symptoms 1.5 yrs after giving birth. I am seeking a homeopathic remedy to help wi...
Remedies: Nux Vomica, Aesculus Glabra
Started by royroyroy. Last post: 2006-10-16

Anal fistula 2

I am a 38 yr. old woman who suffers with an anal fistula. I have been coping with it for 2 yrs. It appeared 1.5 yrs. after giving birth. I would like to try homeopathy before opt...
Remedies: Nux Vomica
Started by royroyroy. Last post: 2006-10-07

Anal fistula 3

I had an anal abcess which now has turned into a fistula. Doctor says surgery will cure it. I have not taken any medications and have no complications. I need to know if homeopathy...
Remedies: Causticum
Started by manian66. Last post: 2006-09-12

Fistula in Ano 6

Dear Sir,I am having fistula in ano for the last 3 months. It is knotty lump near the anus, exudates on and off and painful. Two months back local physician administered a dose of ...
Remedies: Silicea, Calcarea Carbonica, Echinacea Purpurea
Started by fistula_patient. Last post: 2006-09-07

Fistula 10

pus & pain near anus ,discharg of pus with huge painnear anu ,pain before stool& after stool...
Remedies: Sulphur, Mercurius Vivus, Silicea, Tuberculinum, Echinacea Angustifolia, Echinacea Purpurea, Calendula Officinalis
Started by deepank. Last post: 2006-06-29

Fistula 1

I first got a fistual 20 years ago and now have it again. I want to know if silicea 6x and arnica 30 can be taken in combination? and if so for how many days? Thank you Kothai...
Started by momtoo. Last post: 2006-05-22

Crohns and fistula 2

I was diagnosed with crohns in 1997 had surgery in 2/04 to remove most of my larger intestines. Later that year around Oct/04 developed a fistula, first I thought it was a dischar...
Started by Millionandone. Last post: 2006-05-03

Anal Fistula 2

Hello..first of all I would like to say, this is such a great forum! I am hoping that someone can help me with this situation. On Christmas 2005, I had an anal abscess drained, whi...
Remedies: Arnica Montana, Silicea
Started by ColoCub78. Last post: 2006-04-25

Fistula in ano 2

My friend a ship's captain developed a fistula in ano while working on-board. he is claiming that it is a work-related condition. Is he right in doing so? Could he be compensa...
Remedies: Silicea
Started by j cruz. Last post: 2006-03-15

Anal fistula 1

does any body know the cure for anal fistula in homeopathy.please inform me if any body knows the cure.thanks,mehrtex...
Started by mehrtex. Last post: 2006-02-28

Fistula in anno 1

Sir, I am sufering with this problem from last 3yrs.Initialy I was feeling wetness and lateron one massa errupted .when shown to a surgeon who pressed it hard resulting in pus f...
Started by omprakashnehra. Last post: 2006-02-08

Anal absess and Fistula 0

I have an anal absess and fistula, i have had it drained an the fistula removed. the opertions was complicated because the fistula travelled 2 my vajina so i had 2 have a 6 operat...
Started by Trixie5. Last post: 2006-01-10

Fistula 25

Hi Doctor,I had abscess near the anus 4 months ago and when I visited the doctor he told me will have to cut it open so that it could ooze and did so. After that I was asked to sit...
Remedies: Echinacea Purpurea, Echinacea Angustifolia, Nux Vomica, Zincum Metallicum, Silicea
Started by desichap. Last post: 2006-01-05

Anal fistula 6

Hi Doctor,I have had an anal fistula for over 5 years now. It is on the outside of the anus and oozes green pus most of the day and bleeds quite often also. I jam a tucks wipe in...
Remedies: Nitricum Acidum, Calcarea Fluorata, Calcarea Carbonica
Started by CHIPPER. Last post: 2005-12-06

Regarding kind of fistula 2

>I had a blister like swelling at the right side of the anus which i left it uncared and it bursted one day. I showed local practitioner and took some medicines and ointments.>I le...
Started by vvskum2k04. Last post: 2005-11-24

Fistula in ano 2

i am amanullah from lahore. my age is 39 year. i am married having 3 kids.i am suffering from fistula on both side and this fistula have some internal link with each other for last...
Remedies: Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Silicea
Started by Amanullah. Last post: 2005-08-24

Anal Fistula 5

Hi,My husband is suffering from an anal fistula. This began as an abscess in May of 2004 and was treated with antibiotics and misdiagnosed for many months. Finally he found a sur...
Remedies: Tabacum, Silicea, Echinacea Angustifolia, Echinacea Purpurea
Started by kristin. Last post: 2005-08-15

Reoccurring anal fistula 1

I had surgery on an anal fistula on November 30, 2004. I was told by my doctor after surgery that it was a very superficial fistula and the surgery went perfectly. I was relieved...
Started by ccsspp. Last post: 2005-01-08

Fistula in the Anus 5

Do you have a remedial medicine for FistulaRavi...
Remedies: Zincum Metallicum, Silicea, Calcarea Carbonica, Causticum
Started by trnair. Last post: 2004-12-31

2 1/2 neice with Tracheo-esophageal Fistulas 1

need to know the nutrition/food she is fed by tube? break down of exact contents---certain minerals/chemical concentrates will interfere with the healing--all based upon individual...
Started by John Stanton. Last post: 2004-06-30

As you know, information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis, and should not be used as a substitute for seeing a qualified homeopath or physician. In most cases, advice posted here is not given by a medical expert.

If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional.